Klaus is the only Original Vampire to kill another Original Vampire and twice, having killed. As they flee, Klaus feeds Rebekah his blood to heal her as they hear Mikael approach. Klaus is far less calm, composed, and strategic in battle than Elijah but has a better mind for coming up with long term plans and back ups, being nearly always one step ahead of his enemies. Mikael then hunted down and killed Niklaus' father and his entire family, not realizing that doing so would ignite a war between vampires and werewolves that has been perpetuated across the ages. The CW TV Show #2. Marcel opposes him and doesn't want to hand Davina over for the sacrifice and takes her away from Klaus. In Night Has A Thousand Eyes, Klaus tries to stop Dahlia while she threatens them. Elijah was quick to remind his siblings of their vow to remain together always and forever. After that, Klaus, along with Freya, Elijah and Kol, stand in the living room, debating their next move. This is evident by the fact that he gave two of the Hollows' followers a choice; they could renounce their allegiance to their master, and leave New Orleans; or they can be killed where they stand, instead of killing them out right as he normally does when there is a threat to his family. Kol is Klaus' maternal younger half-brother. So, he grabbed her and drowned her in the fountain, killing her. Her best-friend Caroline helped her get through it She became a strong & cocky vampire but she was also sweet. Klaus and Lucien go to the Strix gala's distracting everyone pretending to be drunk while Freya finds Alexis. When Klaus refuses to tell him, Finn traps the wolfs and the vamps at Klaus' house. Prior to being rescued by his family from Marcel, Klaus has developed slight PTS (post traumatic stress) as he dislikes being locked up, even if it is for his own protection. [36]Klaus and Elena watching as Dana holds her leg up Niklaus asks Marcel about his father and quotes that family can be more than just those with whom they share blood and that they can choose. Klaus says she is well informed on the matter and realize that she knew him, Cami reveals that it was her twin brother Sean. He warns him not to screw it up if he wants to live. Aurora taunts him by asking how he would like to see her die, however Cami soon arrives, and then Aurora is ambushed by Hayley. Cami the says that he doesn't care about her he only wants her to be a good little spy. In When the Levee Breaks, Klaus has breakfast with his siblings while talking about killing Mikael when Dahlia appears in Josephine's body and threatens them. He meets her immediately and asks her what's wrong. Niklaus was very angry with Elijah over this, but he chose to forgive him. Klaus and Mikael then have a showdown. Hayley tells Klaus that they need to do something about Cami's body, as she knows that Cami wanted an Irish wake, telling him she can make the arrangements. He demands a tribute as he thinks he is also the king in this city and brings them the head of the mayor who he has killed. Klaus then received a text saying that Rebekah and Marcel have been seen in town. Off-screen, Bonnie saves Klaus from Alaric by performing a spell that transferred his spirit intoTyler Lockwood's body and possibly preserve his physical form. That was a punch to the gut, but silver lining, Klaus' pain was gone. It has been stated many times that Klaus loves Marcel like a son. It flaps around his legs in the wind. She convinced him that they were all on the same team to a point -- Team Cure Should Be Found. She then disappears as hundreds of starlings come through the windows. He later tells Cami that Genevieve won't take off the hex and that he will kill Marcel if he sees him. In 1933, despite the fact that his werewolf side was dormant at the time, Klaus still held werewolves in high regard. When Jeremy staked Kol, Klaus had shown up, just in time to see Kol ablaze. WhenStefan entered, Klaus started telling him about the past. [121]Marcel, Klaus and Diego It is showed that Lucien was tortured by Tristan because of Klaus and Klaus tries to save Lucien but Tristan threatens to Klaus and Elijah. They reformed their friendship when Marcel saved his daughter and they worked together to bring down their enemies. As Marcel and his vampires are escorting Katie shows up as planed to save Thierry, giving Sophie time to cast a locator spell. In No Quarter, Klaus hallucinates Cami as a way of taking the pain away from the blade. Klaus also tells that he wants it back and if he has to push Marcel to get it, that is exactly what he will do. He was seen entering a room covered in blood, after torturing one of Esther's wolfs for her location. After Klaus learns that the link has been broken and his child is safe he tells Agnes that he is going to leave pieces of her at her family crypt, believing that it will send a fitting message; no one hurts his family. His vernacular suggests that he's spent a lot of time in modern America, though - certainly enough to pick up slang like "sport" and use it comfortably and casually, and know (and use with effective irony) the song "Goodnight, Sweetheart." The three of them start to shout at each other, with Klaus and Elijah siding against Marcel, with the latter swears vengeance against Klaus, until Elijah rips his heart out, and throws his body into the river, much to Klaus' dismay. But before Davina and Kol can make a getaway, Klaus arrives at the cabin and threatens her to send out his father. Klaus resurrects his sister, but she does not have her necklace, which they need in order to contact the Original Witch. He later brings Rebekah's body home. After Klaus broke the curse, at Elijah's mercy, he revealed that he didn't kill their family and that their bodies were safe. They'd all gathered because Marcel was going to confront Jane-Anne about practicing witchcraft beyond the bounds of the rules set forth and enforced by him. Rebekah later shows up to stall Marcel giving Klaus time to find Thomas and snapped his neck. Later, flashbacks show Mikael and Elijah tying Klaus to a wooden pole as their mother, Esther, cast a spell to suppress Klaus' werewolf side. Elijah saved his half-brother's life, however was neutralized in return. i think it shoud be 13 and up because its a fun and interesting tv show, but there is a lot of blood and violence. Hope's memory of Klaus was kept alive because of her mother telling Hope about her father such as his loyalty to his family, his love for her and his interests that she now shares with him. At home, Caroline finds a drawing of her with a horse, as well as a note from Klaus thanking her for her honesty. But Lucien didn't run on time, and Tristan caught him and tortured him because he was with his sister. Klaus follows Hayley and she asks him where Hope is, Klaus replies that he trust her with Hollis, since he trusts her. His goal was to liberate his werewolf side so he could sire his own super species of werewolf-vampire hybrids. Sophie the says that Davina will have much to say about the faction and Klaus tells her to tell them what she knows and she reveals that she did not like the strict way she was raised so she left to travel and play, but she returned eventually and she learned from her sister Jane-Anne that hey are going through with the Harvest a ritual preformed every 300 years in order for the witches to keep their power granted to them by their ancestors. It’s so awesome when creative authors are able to create utopian/dystopian universes that audiences are able to … She later found out that his daughter Hope Mikaelson, had survived and she watched over her for him for a short period of time. When Klaus and Elijah insisted, Kol attempted to resist them but was subdued by Elijah as Klaus pulled out one of the white oak ash daggers and successfully neutralized Kol. It's revealed she has possessed Lenore and Elijah wonders if they weren't the only ones she was trying to get to that night and then they go to where Hayley is. They find Bonnie to complete the spell and while she originally refuses to use the dark magic needed, Klaus begins ripping Tyler's heart out, forcing Bonnie to do the spell. Hayley tells she didn't take the poison. Klaus is greatly affected by this and screams to Genevieve that he has had enough of her lies. Nevertheless, Rebekah has tried to protect the daughter of Klaus at all costs. Despite this, he shows no remorse for his actions in regards to others in the same aspect, such as with Marcel, knowing the feeling of being secluded for an extended period of time. Once in New Orleans he finds a real witch amongst a group of fakes, he asks this witch where he can findJane-Anne Deveraux, the witch tells Klaus she cannot tell Klaus where she is or it would be breaking one of Marcel's rules. Their bitter relationship continued after Elijah was un-daggered by Damon Salvatore. It flaps around his legs in the wind. After Hayley briefly dies, he wants the baby to get out of her, but Genevieve tells him it will kill Hayley. Klaus then tells her to talk with Elijah before it's too late, as the prophecy is still upon them. Cami is surprised that he got every detail right. Then Klaus compels her to leave and forget what happened. Hope picks up instead. He then agrees, but makes it clear that after this he is taking Elena and leaving. For 1000 years, Klaus was searching for a way to break the curse without the doppelgänger and had forced generations of witches and warlocks to help him for centuries. Klaus talks to Tristan who reveals that he has only half of Rebekah's location. As he leaves, he snarls for them to kill Hayley and the baby. After leaving Hope with Camille, he goes to his half-brother, who has a lot to say about burning Gia alive and turning Hayley into a wolf 24/7. Klaus was revealed to be a half-vampire, half-werewolf hybrid. He also realizes he has to become the ruthless hybrid he once was (prior to him fathering Hope), he joins forces with Elijah and Freya to try to stop the prophecy. Klaus tells him he wants to be alone and Caroline shows up to spend some time with him. This would reveal that Klaus was not Mikael's son, and she feared Mikael would kill them for her unfaithfulness and betrayal. Hollis tells Hayley about a werewolf named Kayla McInnis triggered herWerewolf curse by killing someone and tells her where to find her. In The Bloody Crown, Klaus stands in the courtyard of the compound holding Hope, talking to her quietly. They also ask her to play a part in their plan and have Katie use magic so Davina won't sense the locator spell. Katherine Pierce and Mason Lockwood's return to Mystic Falls. [128]Klaus feeding on Camille. Initially Tyler was very grateful as Klaus had taken the pain of turning on a full moon away. Later, Klaus is burning the pictures he had drawn of Caroline when Rebekah joins him. [151]Klaus, still at Mississippi, In Gonna Set Your Flag On Fire, Klaus returns to the safe house in Arkansas with Cami, and inform her that Hope is still alive. In the books, Klaus was the one who transformed Katherine into a vampire, in the TV series, it ended up being Rose who played the part, and Klaus and Katherine's back stories have been completely changed from the books. He is shown to kill humans if it suits to his advantage or for feeding. Though he shows little to no regard for human life in general, Klaus feels guilt and remorse for most of his actions, he just does not show it, and he also has morals. She is devastated at Marcel's apparent death and reveals it was her fault. But not me. Klaus then explains that he has sent rumor that the bodies are a result of the witches seeking blood sacrifice for their rituals. Klaus quietly begged Elijah to help him, however Elijah followed his father's wishes. He accuses Klaus of making them into vampires, then abandoning them. Aurora snaps her neck and asks Klaus who should she kill first. Many humans and vampires over the many centuries, Physically, Klaus bears a strong resemblance to another character of. [24]Mikael threatens Klaus He tells Cami that he has seen a lot in his time and has learned that that the world is a awful place. Marcel tells Klaus that if he hadn't been one step ahead of him he'd be dead at the bottom of the river. As a result of slaying The Five, Klaus was forced to endure 52 years, 4 months and 9 days of the Hunter's Curse - torturous hallucinations that haunted his dreams and every waking moment in an attempt to make him kill himself, but unable to, given his near-indestructible state. Later he catches Kieran leaving the church and he offers Kieran a deal; Kieran will bring Agnes to the church and Klaus won't harm Camille. [33]Klaus bites Katherine. A dying Marcel forces Klaus to turn him into a vampire or let him die as a human. He lets Freya do the spell in order to save their sister and defeat Eva. Klaus speaks to Rebekah wondering why she is giving him a "devil stare", assuming it is because he bit Elijah. The next day, Elijah is helping Hayley unpack things in their new house, which was co-incidentally their old house when they lived there and tells her he would always protect her. During the holidays, after catching his brother Kol in the act of stealing a rare paragon diamond (which he confiscated from Kol, together with Marcel), Klaus learned from Rebekah during a Christmas dinner party, that Kol was conspiring with some of the New Orleans witches against him. Elijah asks about Rebekah. When he discovered August Müller, a vampire, had been massacring innocent werewolves as well as spreading his beliefs about the purity of species, i.e. Klaus remains pinned to the wall as Hayley gives birth to his daughter. Klaus reminds Marcel that he took him in; made him all that he is. Klaus and Elijah finally arrive at Lenore's store and Esther says she didn't come there to wage war against them. He told her about the white oak stake, and since he was hurt, she was the person to call. Klaus is the maternal younger half-brother of Freya, Finn, Elijah, and the maternal older half-brother of Kol, Rebekah and Henrik Mikaelson. Klaus tells Cami this is not her and she pretends to agree with him and then breaks his neck. He breaks free of his chains and begins to attack and slaughter the vampires around him. In Bring It On, Klaus saves Hayley from a vampire sent by Katherine to take her out for her part in the cure hunt. She refused to reveal where Agnes, believing they would kill her if they found her but when Klaus made it clear that he does not care about the harvest or Agnes she gave them her location. Once as kids, Elijah takes Niklaus into the woods to teach him how to hunt. Then Klaus and Camille are going to father Kieran and are bleeding him out so Klaus could compel him to overcome his dark curse. Klaus is also the first undead creature in the world known to have impregnated a woman, a werewolf named Haley. After Damon leaves, Bonnie tells him that he should burn in hell. In order to keep up the ruse, Katherine complies and screams in agony until Klaus, satisfied that she has been successfully compelled, permits her to save herself. He asks Cami to move in with him to protect her from any further danger. As Stefan stops him from killing Jenna, Klaus tells him that it would be easy for him to take his revenge if Elena tries to stop him from breaking the curse. As humans, they were close, engaging in friendly sword fights, however their relationship became strained due to both falling for the same woman, Tatia. Rose granted freedom while Trevor was decapitated. He told Marcel he'd broken one of his rules and guess what, he cannot be killed because he's truly immortal. Klaus is self-preserving whenever he is in a situation where he could be killed permanently, he reveals information that keeps him from being killed, like when he told Elijah that he didn't bury their family at sea, or when he told Stefan and Damon he is the one who sired their bloodline. In Fire with Fire, Klaus is first seen in an ally way after he had drained about 1/3 of the festival attendees. Klaus, suddenly appearing at the top of the stairs with a dead body in his arms and blood on his mouth, laughs with Rebekah about "leaving the best til last". Like all of his maternal half-siblings, it is possible Klaus had inherited the witch gene from his mother, though he never tapped into his power. "He wears. [67]Klaus trapped. Gloria tells them that she needs Rebekah, as she has something Gloria needs. He grabs her and tells her that they are no longer family, he snaps her neck and leaves her on the floor unconscious. [31]Klaus kills Elena and breaks his curse, In The Sun Also Rises, Klaus appears at the quarry and begins the sacrifice by handing the moonstone over to Greta. [107]Klaus threatens to Agnes She agrees and they end up having sex. [199]Hayley and Klaus During his search for a way to break the curse, Klaus hunted down his family and neutralized them. Hayley shows up at the cemetery in transition. They reconcile by the end of the third season after allying together to stop the Trinity. When Camille asks him how he can hate his sister and he reveals that she has done something no one has done in over in a 1000 years; ripped his heart out. Then he asks Kieran to help him find Davina. Elijah suddenly appeared on the balcony and told Klaus he'd found out who was conspiring against him. In 1702, Kol's violence in Spain drew too much attention and brought Mikael, straight to the family, burning the country in his wake. This wish came true when Kol died because of the curse. However, Elijah and Damon return soon afterwards, not with the coffin but with the daggers that Elijah had removed from the other Original siblings. Klaus then boasts that he isn't scared of Silas, despite his age. Tyler and Damon restrain Klaus, while Stefan plunges his hand into Klaus' chest, and Bonnie begins her spell again. Marcel tells him that he was his mentor, his savior, and his sire. After Klaus was "supposedly" killed by Alaric in The Departed, Rebekah was heartbroken over losing her older half-brother whom she loved and never left her. He also holds grudges against the people who try to kill him, or members of his family, and rarely lets it go. Klaus was introduced to Katherine Pierce on his birthday. In retaliation for the curse and rejection, Klaus murdered his mother and framed Mikael for the act. She says that she doesn't want him to kill Bonnie (who is working with Silas) when they find her. He tells the bartender from the flashforward that Stefan is an old friend from Mystic Falls, and they start catching up - with Klaus aware of the situation in Mystic Falls, telling Stefan it was very noble of him to help the human faction as he did, and asking how Caroline is. Meredith kills him before he can do anything. In the beginning Klaus wasn't happy with the arrival of his baby, then with time he started to change his mind and began to worry about her safety. When he return to New Orleans, he is trying to make peace between the vampires and the werewolves. Stefan and Damon restrain Alaric, and Klaus plunges his fingers into his heart, but Alaric manages to get free, break Stefan and Damon's necks and nearly drove his white oak stake through Klaus' heart. But then some of Klaus' blood spilled on Lucien's wounds, healing them. Klaus puts a hundred dollar bill in Elijah's tipping cup, they briefly look at each other, and then Klaus leaves. He later meets Hayley, a werewolf who helped Tyler overcome his sire-bond, and discovers that Tyler has been keeping things from Caroline, thinking Tyler had an affair with Hayley while she helped him break the sire-bond. In New Orleans, he had a father/son bond relationship with Marcel whom he works with in ruling New Orleans until Klaus discovered his treachery for bringing Mikael to New Orleans. Klaus offered Caroline a drink and asked her about the break up, but she brushed him off saying that wasn't his business. Centuries later, Katherine thought that she killed him, but Klaus arrives in Fell's Church, where he helps Tyler Smallwood become a werewolf. Later in the woods, Hayley is trying to comfort Klaus, but the latter says he don't need advice on healthy mourning from a girl who kept her husband's heart in a box. [79]Klaus returns. He spotted Cami, admiring the same artist. Rebekah informs Klaus that he never actually understood why Elijah cared for him and Klaus admits that he's in the wrong. Nothing more is known about Klaus' whereabouts when, one day, in 1491, Katherine return in the German village to find him, after faking her death in an attempts to get the Salvatore brothers to reconcile by fooling them into believing she had committed suicide. In the series, he corrupted Stefan almost like he corrupted Katherine in the books. Although Klaus no longer cares, he isn't willing to let one of the few hybrids he has left die. In Bloodletting, Klaus is at Marcel's Fight Night. He helpsHayley, Elijah, Cami, Vincent and Freya locking Tristan up. That's when Sophie said she has a special gift, which is telling when women are pregnant. His mood changes from cheerful and amused to enraged in seconds. [137] He manages to succeed and stabs Marcel with the blade. Hayley was brought out, and told Klaus he needed to listen to Sophie. Niklaus Mikaelson was born to Esther and Ansel in a small village that would eventually become known as Mystic Falls, but was raised by his step-father Mikael, both believing he was his true father. Klaus promises to kill Elena and all her friends for revenge. She sees that it is a page from Esther's grimoire about how to make daylight rings. Klaus later buries the witches and is shown to be angry at a distraught Caroline for performing the final massacre. "It's one of his trademarks, like his brooding and his hair," Damon said. Hayley goes to Klaus and Elijah and updates them that Lenore is being held captive in the Quarter and Oliver's with her. After Freya awakes and finds Klaus and Dahlia's bodies lying on the floor, she calls Elijah, he rushes there in literally a minute, where he asks Freya about Hope. Rebekah went up stairs with the Governor's son, who she wanted to turn. Elijah then talks to him and daggers him in front of Freya and Rebekah. Klaus seems to be a very talented artist. Klaus and Hayley are friends and they work together in order to keep their child safe. Even five years after his imprisonment, Klaus' personality has not changed much as Marcel had failed to break him emotionally. Klaus was conceived through Esther's infidelity with a werewolf chief over at a time where her marriage with Mikael was struggling. Marcel demands that Rebekah be allowed to continue speaking. He tells Jackson that his mother made a moonlight ring for his biological father that prevented him from turning. Finns magic was being weakened and though Klaus was very angry he forgave Elijah. When Elijah caught up to him, Klaus insisted it was a trick. Klaus adds that Lucien is kicking hornets' nests, until they will have no choice but to confront him. They were abruptly torn apart physically by Klaus who decided to punish them by daggering Rebekah. He tried to calm Lucien, and asked him to show restraint and asked if was still mad at him, but Lucien said that he wants Klaus to show him what it means to be like him, and said that he is no longer angry with Klaus, as he has given him a rare gift, and so, the two of them started wreaking havoc together. He says goodbye to everyone in his family. Meanwhile, Elena was hallucinating again and fled from the house, and Klaus took that opportunity to carry her away. A little time later, Klaus and Rebekah are seen celebrating with a drink. He also tells them that Sophie is the greatest threat against them because she is willing to give her life to kill Davina and bring Monique back to life. [96]Klaus talking with Rebekah, At home he sees that Rebekah is still trying to use the internet to find Elijah. After being told that Jackson is dead and Hayley was kidnapped Klaus uses a spell, which Freya did, in order to lock Cami up and he says to her that he will be back before she starves and he also left her some human blood. Klaus takes Aurora to his house and reveals that he still loves her too.