2020-2021 WPKA GOLDSTAR SERIES; 2021 ROK CUP NZL; 2021 ProKart Series; 2021 MAINLAND SERIES; Event Roster; 2021 National Conference. As the sport of karting ages, more milestones come up on the calendar each year. 19/12/2019. 7 sizes available. Karting de Fagnes is a tricky challenge full of technical corners and twisty apexes, that make setup very difficult... Dear all IAME Euro Series competitors and stakeholders, throughout the 2020 season we have been faced with many new challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Compete against the best in Britain! Page Officielle de la Fédération Française du Sport Automobile dédiée au Karting. 31 August 2020. new standard magnesium wheels & hubs lighter & stronger. Read more. 2020 THIRD PLACE IN OK EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP. #FFSAKarting Qualifying practice of Round 1 and Round 2 of the WSK Open Cup have been run in Adria, as well as the opening heats of Round 1 of MINI, OKJ, OK and KZ2. After one of the shortest DKM seasons in years, the highest German Kart Championship presents the race calendar for 2021. A good number of drivers will contest MINI, OKJ, OK and KZ2, including a lot of champions. See more of FFSA Karting on Facebook. SC 002 Moteur Kawasaki ZX6. High power spark. Sunday Livestream: Round 2 of the IAME Euro Series at Castelletto, Saturday Livestream: Round 2 of the IAME Euro Series at Castelletto. 11/12/2019 . 05 Réglementation générale Auto-Cross et Sprint-Car. 72. 25 May 2020 | F4 single-seater, French Champion 2019, News, ... Go Karting, News, Women in Motorsport FIA. Covid-19: the FFSA Academy on standby. 25 Sep 2019 | French Champion 2019, Go Karting, News, Women in Motorsport FIA. Log In. The upcoming weekend, the German Electric Kart Championship (DEKM) starts into the second half of the season, additionally to a new edition at Prokart Raceland, Wackersdorf. The FFSA is made of a structural associative layer formed by 21 Regional Committees of Automobile Sports and 18 Regional Committees of Karting. About See All. 1 check-in. Up... Dutch Dilano Van T 'Hoff will make a step up from karting to F4. The French Cups are cancelled to focus on the smooth running of the French Championships while freeing updates for regional races. IAME Euro Series is heading for an already-decisive second round of its 2020 season, from September 17th to 20th at Castelletto di Branduzzo. Sprintcar. Over 550 competitors have registered to compete in this year’s revolutionary new British Kart Championships. Emerging talents, mixed weather, close racing, last lap moves and worthy winners: the first International IAME Games provided all the ingredients of a great karting event for the conclusion of the... What better way to end the 2020 karting season than under Portugal’s sunshine, near the Atlantic ocean’s seaside? La FFSA a dû valider les d... Publié le 27/11/20. International Games: Portimao's rainy thriller crowns Jupp, Walker and Robinson! La FFSA lance deux appels à concurrence pour son Championnat de France OK. Long Circuit, rendez-vous à Lédenon, si tout va bien . A great environment is just the first of many appeals behind the upcoming... Over the past few days we have received many enquiries so here are a few bullet points to assist. FFSA Karting, Paris (Paris, France). Doriane Pin, from karting to single-seater F4 (France Racing) 18 Jun 2019 | F4 single-seater, French Champion 2019, Interview, News, Winfield Racing School. Prenez soin de vous et bonne préparation ! À cause du second confinement intervenu fin octobre, certains Championnats de France Karting n'ont pas pu se dérouler comme prévu. The WSK Open Cup has begun, the event that opens the 2020 season finale by WSK Promotion and, due to the Covid-19 emergency, will run a double round from November 24-29 at the Adria Karting Raceway.... All prefinals of the WSK Open Cup Round 1 and Round 2 have been run ahead of the finals that will award the titles on Sunday, November 29th in Adria. A new title in 60 Mini and performances at the World Championship, Top ten for CRG in Portugal at the FIA Karting World Championship. To find out which is the one for you, get in touch with your local club. Photos. Dilano joins the championship-winning team Xcel Motorsport for 2021 in what will be his maiden season in F4. What a Week! 729 were here. 8,335 people like this. Pneus Minime 2020 : réaction rapide de la FFSA by kartcom 11/12/2019. 4D Alignment System. FFSA. Victorian teenager Hugh Barter was won the Richard Mille Young Talent Academy for 2020 and as a result, will compete with the FFSA Academy in the 2021 FIA French F4 Championship. In qualifying at the 7 Laghi circuit these drivers took pole position: Filippo Sala (Mini), Senna... Also on the occasion of the last international event, Kosmic is getting another title, with Freddie Slater winning the WSK Open Cup in the Junior category. ROTAX Mini-MAX 125cc & IAME Gazelle 60cc. Community See All. # Communiqué FFSA karting du 27 novembre 2020. FFSA KARTING. Finnish/French Marcus Amand – born in Oulu, Finland – is a great karting prospect. IAME Euro Series Roud 2: Filippo Sala (Mini), Senna van Soelen (Junior) and Edoardo Ludovico Villa... Livetiming: Round 2 of the IAME Euro Series at Castelletto, Gladysz the WSK Open Cup Champion in Mini, The WSK 2020 season reached its conclusion in Adria awarding the Open Cup titles, Sunday Livestream: WSK Open Cup Round 1 & 2 at the Adria Karting Raceway, Final sprint in Adria for the WSK Open Cup, Saturday Livestream: WSK Open Cup Round 1 & 2 at the Adria Karting Raceway, All drivers back on track in Adria for Round 2 of WSK Open Cup, The WSK Final Cup 2020 scheduled for December 13th in Adria has been canceled, The first finalists of the WSK Open Cup have been defined in Adria, Results: WSK Open Cup Round 1 & 2 at the Adria Karting Raceway, The first protagonists to the fore in Adria at the WSK Open Cup, Live timing: WSK Open Cup Round 1 & 2 at the Adria Karting Raceway, The new, provisional, WSK Promotion’s racing calendar for the 2021 Karting season has been announced, Subscriptions accepted for the WSK Open Cup in Adria. Doriane Pin selected for FIA Motor Sport Games International by the FFSA French team. Check out the calendars and get your nearest rounds in the diary! Straight-50 wheels. This weekend the Iame Euro Series Round 3 will take place in Mariembourg, Belgium. Rotax Series: Round 1: PF International – March 21/22 . This upcoming weekend, the German Kart Championship ends in the motorsport arena Oschersleben. New generation of chassis for the youngest drivers. Get Directions +33 1 44 30 28 71. Saison 2020. SC 003B … The 16 year old from... PREMA Racing is proud to announce that Arthur Leclerc will be part of the team’s 2021 FIA Formula 3 Championship line-up. The calendar is ready now and we are glad to announce where and when the Rok Cup will be run in 2021. The online procedure to enter the double event is available... Have a look to the WSK Euro Series at the South Garda Karting. SC 004 Moteur Suzuki GSX. Suivre FFSA Karting . FFSA Karting, une saison 2020 qui s’annonce bien remplie by kartcom 19/12/2019. 17 March 2020. Following government decisions to limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus in […] Do you like it? Vérifs 2020. Calendrier FFSA Karting 2020. Délégataire d'une mission de service public de la part du Ministère des Sports, la Fédération França... See More. 17 March 2020. Contact FFSA Karting on Messenger. Create New Account. Le résumé … New date and venue confirmed for BKC finale. SODI Furia 950 2020 New chassis for the youngest drivers. The British Kart Championship returns this weekend for the final instalment of the IAME, TKM and Bambino championships at the world-renowned PFi Karting track. After three editions held on the Adria... From January 2021, Sodi Racing Team will take on a new dimension, in order to pursue its development objectives in the international KZ / KZ2 / OK-J / Mini CIK categories. One prominent achievement is the Golden Anniversary of the World Karting Association. For the first time this year, the weather was a deciding factor. The 2020 British Kart Championships feature a total of 18 events across the UK. SC 005 Moteur YAMAHA MT09 . Heats on Thursday defined the names of the protagonists of Round 1 of the WSK Open Cup that will contest Prefinals on Saturday. Doriane Pin drives her Formula Renault 2.0 on iRacing, THE closest simulation game to real driving. It was the German Kart Championship season’s finale last weekend at the Motorsport Arena Oschersleben and there were exciting races again. FFSA Karting - Nouveaux appels à concurrence. ROTAX MAX Euro Trophy: the provisional 2021 race calendar! Le karting est sans doute la discipline du sport automobile la plus populaire et la plus passionnante. Community See All. The last races of the 2020 season for the German Kart Championship will take place in Oschersleben this weekend. 31 August 2020. or. The calendar includes 7 Rok Cup Italia races, in which all categories will be present, and three... CRG is pleased to announce the agreement with the French driver Arthur Rogeon, who will join the CRG Racing Team in the main races of the OK category in the 2021 season. At full throttle into 2021: DKM presents racing calendar, DKM-Champions 2020 selected in Oschersleben, Sunday Livestream: DKM Finals at Motorsport Arena Oschersleben, Saturday Livestream: DKM Finals at Motorsport Arena Oschersleben, Livetiming and Results: DKM Finals at Motorsport Arena Oschersleben, Due to deregistrations of participants no DSKM in Oschersleben, Sunday Livestream: DKM at Prokart Raceland, Wackersdorf, Saturday Livestream: DKM at Prokart Raceland, Wackersdorf, Livetiming and Results: DKM at Prokart Raceland, Wackersdorf, Wackersdorf kicks off second half of the DKM season, DKM/DEKM Finale moves to Oschersleben – date of the season finale remains the same, New winners at the second DKM event in Kerpen. La FFSA Academy est le centre de formation fédéral. View the 2020 calendars. Established in 1971,... After the DKM race calendar 2021 was published at the beginning of December, now improvements for the upcoming season followed. The deliberation of the Richard Mille Young Talent Academy jury was not easy, as the performances of the three finalists, Barter, Swedish driver … The fight for the 2020 IAME Euro Series titles was turned upside down in another exciting race meeting from September 18th to 20th on the 7 Laghi Circuit of Castelletto di Branduzzo. Le 5e meeting FFSA Karting 2018 était consacré aux jeunes pilotes à l'occasion de la Coupe de France Minime et du Championnat de France Cadet. Doriane Pin selected for FIA Motor Sport Games International by the FFSA french team , november 1st in Rome , Italy. Reinfoced wheels. SC 001 Moteur Yamaha R6. Junior - Nicouleau vainqueur à Aunay, Peugeot en posture favorable. En raison des dernières évolutions de la situation sanitaire en France et de la prise en... Jules Benichou 4 jours ago. Digital Ignition 747. FFSA Karting . Fought at 100% intensity on a dry track and in mixed... Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy 2020 kicks off in Portimão. ABOUT FFSA KARTING. On five weekends racers will drive on the best racetracks in Germany and... Watch the highlights of the German Electric Kart Championship (DEKM) Final at Motorsport Arena Oschersleben. OK Category. Attestation location. The double round of the WSK Open Cup will get underway from November 24th to 29th. všečkov. 17 March 2020. With an intermediate wheelbase of 950mm, the Sodi Furia allows drivers of the Minime (7-11 years) and Cadet (10-13 years) categories to compete with a very efficient chassis. The premier karting series in the UK will be returning for the final round of the Rotax and Honda Championships this weekend (18 – 20… Read more. It features 11 events plus the Winter Tests that will take place on January 23-24 in Adria. The last day of the 2020 Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy was rich in spectacle and twists on the Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve. In the history of the FFSA Academy, the 31st August 2019 will […] Do you like it? Forgot account? 31 August 2020. Here is an overview of the Motorsport UK Karting Pathway. Travisanutto and Al Dhaheri let the colours of Parolin shine worldwide. After the cancellation of the final in Ampfing, the race now moves to Oschersleben. Read more. Have you? Rain caused shifts... After the double serve in Kerpen, the German Kart Championship is now entering the second half of the season in the Prokart Raceland Wackersdorf. This year, the drivers travelled to the Motorsport Arena Oschersleben for the final of the German Electric Kart Championship (DEKM). Omologation FFSA 2005-2009 FICHE_D'EXTENSION_HOMOLOGATION_FFSA-MiniKart_2013_COMPLETO.pdf (271.7 K) FICHE_D'HOMOLOGATION_FFSA-MiniKart_2015_COMPLETO.pdf (2114.6 K) Videos Découvrez la grille de départ à quelques minutes de la 34e édition des 24h du Mans Karting ! La licence 2021 offerte aux licenciés n’ayant participé à aucune compétition en 2020. National Major Dates in 2020 (Please note we cannot be held liable if any of these dates prove to be incorrect) (Always check on the club’s own website for latest information) Motorsport UK British Kart Championships see here but note all will be adjusted due to the coronavirus lockdowns. #Member of “FFSA Equipe de France Karting Espoirs” #French Sports Minister top level athlete in karting #Youngest Le Mans FFSA Academy Student ever . # Communiqué FFSA karting du 18 Décembre 2020. 29 JUILLET 2020 COVID-19 PROTOCOLE SANITAIRE POUR LES ÉPREUVES FFSA Dans le cadre de la fin de l’Etat d’Urgence Sanitaire (EUS) et de la reprise progressive de ses activités, la Fédération Française du Sport Automobile (FFSA) accompagne les organisateurs des manifestations de sport automobile et de karting tout en poursuivant l’objectif de protéger la santé de tous. Autocross. IAME Euro Series Race 3: Entries are now open! The Italian driver has many top results in KZ and KZ2... Matteo demonstrated his talent at an early age, winning multiple Italian karting championships. SC 003A Moteur Sprint Kawasaki ER6. Not Now. Register here. The decision has been taken after a careful analysis of the current situation to safeguard the good health of all the participants in the championships devised and organized by WSK Promotion. NEWS JUNIOR KARTING. With an intermediate wheelbase of 950mm, the Sodi Furia allows drivers of the Minime (7-11 years) and Cadet (10-13 years) categories to compete with a very efficient chassis. Following government decisions to limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus in […] Do you like it? After 2016, the track is again represented in the racing calendar of the highest German car separation... After 2018, the German Electric Kart Championship (DEKM) returns to Oschersleben and will host the final races on the track in the Magdeburg Börde. many variations on size. Le retour des Grands Prix FFSA annoncé en septembre dernier accompagne un plan d’action global destiné à redynamiser la compétition karting à partir de 2021. Découvrez le nouveau calendrier du Karting pour la saison FFSA Karting 2020. Provisional Entry List now online. The IAME Euro Series is for the second round of its 2020 season at Castelletto di Branduzzo in Italy. Motorsport Arena Oschersleben is back on the DKM calendar after four years. 1 check-in. CRG and Adria Raceway have extended their partnership for the organization of one of the most successful Kart Endurance events: the 24 Hours Karting of Italy. Délégataire d'une mission de service public de la part du Ministère des Sports, la Fédération França... See More. About See All. A provisional calendar for the French Championships has been drawn up subject to the future arrangements of the administrative authorities. Karting Driver for VDK Racing. He soon caught the eye in Formula racing too, where his achievements included victory in his first race... CRG has made official the first piece of its drivers’ line-up for 2021 by announcing Alex Irlando for the KZ category. Champions de France Karting 2020. Covid-19: the FFSA Academy on standby. Already since the beginning of the season, the German Shifter Kart Championship has been weakly occupied. Read more. If you need more grip, these wheels are for you. Within the framework of the Rotax Max Challenge Euro Trophy, the participants... Three weeks after the season kick-off to the German Kart Championship in Kerpen, the highest German kart racing series took place in the Erftland again for its second event. Fin anticipée de la saison FFSA Karting 2020. by Kartcom 29/10/2020 10:54. >> https://bit.ly/3meJmeJ FFSA Karting. Le calendrier FFSA Karting de la saison prochaine en est la première étape. Enter the 2020 British Kart Championships. British Kart Championships Returns for One Final Time in 2020. Page Officielle de la Fédération Française du Sport Automobile dédiée au Karting. Prochain meeting à Aunay-les-Bois les 24 & 25 octobre 2020 See More French Junior Karting Championship 3th meeting - Laval Final results Enzo Peugeot Elliott Vayron Arthur Foal Summary: https://bit.ly/33MLXpy Next meeting in Aunay-les-Bois on October 24 & 25, 2020 The German Kart Championship travelled to the Prokart Raceland in Wackersdorf for its third event of the season. Anthoine Hubert – 31 August, a very sad anniversary. The last international competition of the season, the WSK Open Cup took place as a double meeting from 24th to 29th November on the Adria Karting Raceway. ROTAX Karting Winter Cup 2021: Entries are now open! With changed weather... WKA Celebrates its 50th Anniversary in 2021, CRG confirms the 24 Hours Karting of Italy in Adria, Evolution of the Sodikart Racing Team in 2021, Robert de Haan and Maurice Henry win 2021 Ginetta Junior Scholarship, Zak O'Sullivan signs with Carlin for 2021 BRDC British F3, Matteo Nannini joins HWA Racelab In FIA Formula 3, Rotax strengthens its distribution network: new partner appointed for the Republic of Ireland. BhaiTech Racing takes first win of 2020 at Hockenheim, James Wharton: A convincing comeback at the end of the World Championship, Birel ART Racing team: Huge frustration in Portimão despite high performance, Britain's Slater and Bradshaw crowned in Portugal, Sunday Livestream of the FIA Karting World Championship - OK & Junior, Dramatic twist in title race: Crawford takes over from Edgar at top of table, Saturday Livestream of the FIA Karting World Championship - OK & Junior. 2020 National Conference; Club Of The Year ; Photographer Of The Year (2019-20) KartSport Volunteer Of The Year; GET STARTED. JUNIOR KARTING FRENCH CHAMPIONSHIP. It is now possible to file entries for the two rounds of WSK Open Cup that will take place at the Adria Karting Raceway on November 24-29th. FFSA Karting, Paris (Paris, France). 7.9K likes. The provisional 2021 Champions of the future calendar! 02 Règlement technique Auto Cross 2020. The agreement with the Apulian driver is part of a large project to... BRP-Rotax is excited to announce that the company Murray Motorsport has been appointed as the authorized distributor for the Republic of Ireland for Rotax karting products as of January 01, 2021. In the history of the FFSA Academy, the 31st August 2019 will […] Do you like it? In the 2020 season, the racing calendar of the German Kart Championship will not come to rest. This is a professional choice of the Belgian technician who, after 9 years in CRG,... Robert de Haan and Maurice Henry have been crowned joint-winners of the 2021 Ginetta Junior Scholarship, the first time in the event’s history that two drivers have emerged with the prize of a... WSK would like to thank all of our teams, drivers, race officials, members of the press and all of our fans who have allowed us to complete one of the most difficult racing seasons ever. As in 2019, @[8384653093:274:RMC Info Talk Sport] is a partner of @[228643980508296:274:Rallye Jeunes FFSA] and will be the official radio of the operation to detect young riders of the federation French Racing. Calendrier FFSA Karting 2020 by kartcom 19/12/2019. Each one of these structures is made of Automobile Sports Associations [3] (ASA) and Karting Sports Associations (ASK), which give out the licenses and assure the technical and administrative organization written in the federal calendar. Provisional calendar - French FFSA Karting Championships 2020. The 20-year-old Monegasque racer, part of the Ferrari Driver Academy,... PREMA Powerteam is extremely happy to announce that David Vidales will join the team's Formula Regional European by Alpine operation for 2021. Fantastic final round of the IAME Euro Series in Mariembourg Belgium: new racewinners and the... Sunday Livestream: IAME X30 Euro Series Round 3 at Mariembourg Belgium, Saturday Livestream: IAME X30 Euro Series Round 3 at Mariembourg Belgium, Results: IAME X30 Euro Series Round 3 at Mariembourg Belgium, Livetiming: IAME X30 Euro Series Round 3 at Mariembourg Belgium, IAME Euro Series: Information letter regarding Mariembourg. French Sprint Championship. At the end of the year, the team manager of the CRG Racing Team, Glenn Keyaert, will leave the Italian company. In Senior,... After a difficult season in the international karting community they are heading for Mariembourg, 08 – 11 October, for the final round of the 2020 official European Iame series. Our hope is... Zak O’Sullivan will join the BRDC British F3 Championship for 2021, graduating to the series with Carlin, the same team with which he drove to second place in the 2020 F4 British... For its return to the gearbox categories, Parolin Racing Kart has chosen to put it's faith in the talent and experience of Francesco Celenta. See All. Karting is split into four main categories: Cadet, Junior, Senior and Gearbox. 13 sizes available. Thus, after four... Only a week after the season kick-off, the German Electric Kart Championship (DEKM) travelled on to Wackersdorf. Xcel Motorsport driver announcement of the F4UAE 2021: Dilano Van T 'Hoff in driver line-up of... Arthur Leclerc joins PREMA Racing for 2021 FIA Formula 3, PREMA Powerteam signs David Vidales for 2021 Regional by Alpine Championship, Incredible Finals to close the second RMCIT, Sunday Livestream: Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy 2020 at Portimão, Livetiming: 25th "Ayrton Senna" Trophy at Sarno, Naples International Circuit, Superb sporting clashes in the Heats and Prefinals, Livestream: Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy 2020 at Portimão, Results: Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy 2020 at Portimão, Livetiming: Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy 2020 at Portimão. SODI Furia 950 2020 New chassis for the youngest FFSA drivers. Une nouvelle ère … A provisional calendar for the French Championships has been drawn up subject to the future arrangements of the administrative authorities. Sprint 09-10 Mai : Moissy-Cramayel (77) * Championnat de France OK Coupe de France KZ2 - KZ2 Master - KZ2 Gentleman. Standard wheels. Highlights of the German Electric Kart Championship (DEKM) Final at Oschersleben, Great Racing in Adria, cancelation Genk, and we have the new 2020 RMC Euro Champions, Last round of the 2020 Rotax Max Euro Trophy in Genk has been cancelled, Results: Round 3 of the Rotax Max Euro Trophy Round 3 at Adria, Livetiming: Round 3 of the Rotax Max Euro Trophy Round 3 at Adria, Rotax supported by long-term chassis partners and a newcomer at the RMC Grand Finals in Portugal, British Kart Championships: Post-race report: Warden Law, Rotax Max Challenge Euro Trophy: Mid-season race celebrates new winners, Thrilling race action and new winners in the DEKM, Results: 25th "Ayrton Senna" Trophy at Sarno, Naples International Circuit, New date and venue confirmed for British Kart Championships finale. Villa dominates, Walker wins on the line and Clark inherits victory at Castelletto! 17 March 2020. 23-24 Mai : Escource (40) Championnat de France Féminin Coupe de France Sénior - Master - Gentleman 28 Mai : Ostricourt (59) Championnat de France Universitaire . 03 Règlement technique Sprint Car 2020. New generation of chassis for the youngest drivers. The 2021 racing calendar has been confirmed with the definition of all the entitled categories in each event of the next season. More. 8,2 tis. #FFSAKarting The 2020 IAME Euro Series reached its conclusion from October 9th to 11th on the Karting des Fagnes of Mariembourg, in Belgium. Sunday Livestream of the International IAME Games, Saturday Livestream of the International IAME Games, The results of the International IAME Games, Livetiming of the International IAME Games, Information regarding the International IAME Games – Portimão, Portugal, Sunday Livestream: British Kart Championship Finals at PFi Karting track, Livestream: British Kart Championship Finals at PFi Karting track. In the history of the FFSA Academy, the 31st August 2019 will, Following government decisions to limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus in, La FFSA Academy est déjà en train de préparer la 4e saison, The French Motor Sport Federation is in shock following the death of, A Aunay-les-Bois, la dernière épreuve du Championnat de France Junior a tenu, Esteban Masson s’imposait lors de la première manche qualificative du Championnat de, Anthoine Hubert – 31 August, a very sad anniversary, Venez vous tester au Mans en vue du Championnat de France Junior 2020, Masson célèbre son titre par une nouvelle victoire en Normandie, Aunay : Masson en tête des manches devant Capietto.