To begin with, Gohan was not interested in girls due to his lack of experience with romance and dating as a result of his sheltered upbringing and Videl was initially hostile towards him for being unusually shy and quiet. 1 Match Dialogues 1.1 Sparking 1.2 Team Dialogues 1.3 Match Reset 1.4 Shenron 2 Miscellaneous Dialogues 2.1 Character Selection 2.2 Intro 2.3 Victory 2.4 Defeat 2.5 Results Screen 3 Navigation Apr 25, 2013 - Explore Daiva Channing's board "Videl (dbz)", followed by 617 people on Pinterest. This list includes the Dragon Team and their support, most villains, and other characters. She is much stronger than her Universe 18 and Universe 16 counterparts, as she is able to wield the Z-Sword. It is during this year that the Trunks Saga takes place. This is also the year where the timeline begins to split due to Future Trunks' arrival. 999kirby Oct 3, 2013. Videl Rush (ビーデルラッシュ) ; Performs a jumping hook kick. 12-oct-2018 - Explora el tablero "Videl y Pan" de Videl ビーデル, que 231 personas siguen en Pinterest. This article is a disambiguation page for Videl (disambiguation) The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. Cold iba a liberar todo su poder y el Kaioshin iba a hacer lo mismo con Videl… Please select one of the cards below or search to find the card you were looking for if it is not listed. The following is the list of character birth dates and ages throughout Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball GT. But throw in an insane Kami, Vegeta, and hormones, and some Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,902 - Reviews: 58 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 22 - Published: 4/10/2004 - Gohan, Videl If the kick connects, Videl can follow up with an additional attack with , Moonsault Kick with , or Frankensteiner with .The latter two functions the same as their respective original inputs, with Frankensteiner consuming half a Ki gauge. Girls, Female, EXTREME, Melee Type, RED, Majin Buu Saga (Z), Videl. Ver los perfiles de las personas que se llaman Videl Dbz. Age 764 is a major year in the Dragon Ball universe. Reply. Videl aparece por primera vez en el Episodio 200 del Anime de Dragon Ball Z y en el episodio 421 del Tomo 36 del Manga. Videl sabía que no podría hacer mucho contra Cold que aún no había liberado todo su poder. Justo entonces, Cold rompió la Espada Z y el Supremo Kaioshin de hace 15 generaciones fue liberado. La banda fue creada por "Malik" (antes conocido como Malik666), que es también el artista y escritor. Nov 3, 2020 - Explore Usagi Littlerocker's board "Videl Dbz" on Pinterest. Ver más ideas sobre dragones, dragon ball, personajes de dragon ball. See more ideas about videl dbz, dbz, dragon ball z. lucha, chi-chi, comedia. Gohan and Videl met in high school when they were 16-years-old. Videl,Goten Y Trunks Se Encuentran Con Broly Y Este Los Ataca-DBZ [Español Latino]. Su primera aparición es cuando Gohan se transforma en Super Saiyajin para detener a unos delincuentes en Ciudad Satán y luego lo encuentra destransformado cerca del lugar de los hechos, empezando a sospechar que Gohan es el Guerrero Dorado. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Videl con coletas, lo mejor de DBZ. When Videl is fighting Spopovich, Videl manages to land some punches, but Spopovich only retaliates in brutal punishment. 13-may-2020 - Explora el tablero de JoséCarlos Cg "Videl" en Pinterest. Dragon Ball Legends (Unofficial) Game Database. Read story Chi-Chi vs Videl: wedgie war by mig0304 (Miguel Guedez Fuentes) with 752 reads. 1 Events 2 Xenoverse series 2.1 Xenoverse 2.2 Xenoverse 2 3 Site Navigation According to the Ages in Daizenshuu, the Xenoverse games and the Dragon Ball SSSS timeline. The list is based on age information stated in the manga/anime, given in Dragon Ball guides, and most taken from the actual timeline. The 26th World Martial Arts Tournament takes place on May 7. Mr. Satan wins after Good Buu deliberately throws the match. Around August 18 The events of the movie … Videl was either born in Age 756 (according to the manga) or Age 757 (according to the Super Perfect Guide for the anime). a menudo abreviado como dbna, es una línea doujinshi (fan-manga) actualmente alojado en Deviant Art , así como ComicFury , como una continuación de la popular franquicia de Dragon Ball , en virtud de una renuncia. Age 778 is a major year in the Dragon Ball universe. Videl flies all over the place from his massive hits and kicks, yet she still refuses to give up and gets up to punch him. Ver más ideas sobre Dragon ball, Dragones, Dbz. Videl (DBL26-07E) Character Card Details. Videl is one year older than Gohan in the manga, meaning that she was at least 18 years old in her debut (and already a legal adult at that time) and 28 at the end of the original story, but is the same age as him in the anime. Gohan's saiyan side is making is surfacing and Videl's not complaining one bit about the new Gohan. Únete a Facebook para conectar con Videl Dbz y otras personas que quizá conozcas. Videl (ビーデル, Bīderu) is a Human warrior from Universe 9 is one of Earth's fighters. Videl (ビーデル'Bīderu' ) is the daughter of Mr. Satan and Miguel, the wife of Gohan and the mother of Pan. See more ideas about videl dbz, dbz, dragon ball. Age 761 • Age 762 • Age 763 • Age 764 • Age 766 • Age 767 • Age 770 • Age 771 • Age 773 • Age 774 • Age 775 • Age 776: Dragon Ball Super: Age 778 • Age 779 • Age 780 • Age 781 • Age 783 • Age 784 • Age 785 • Age 786 • Age 787 • Age 788: Dragon Ball GT: Age 789 • Age 790: Dragon Ball Xeno She is the wife of Trunks and the mother of their young son.