Poppa of Bayeux (French: [pɔpa d (ə) bɛjø]; born c. 880 AD), was the Christian wife or mistress (perhaps more danico) of the Viking conqueror Rollo. Poppa, la fille du comte Bérenger, est faite prisonnière et emmenée par son ravisseur Hrόlfr le Vagabond qui la choisit pour compagne. Elle est décédée le 11 août 930 dans Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie. 327 likes. La mère de Poppa serait de la famille des Herbertiens. Katharine S. B. Keats-Rohan, « Poppa de Bayeux et sa famille », en Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident médiéval, Oxford, Prosopographica et genealogica, 2000 (ISBN 1-900934-01-9), pp. Her origins are obscure. The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Hyrmintrudim, Frederunam, Adelheidim, Gislam, Rotrudim et Hildegardim" as the children of "Karolus rex…ex Frederuna regina"[40]. Robert of Torigny combines the information, recording that "Rollo dux Northmannorum" married "Popam prius repudiatam uxorem…filiam…Berengarii comitis Baiocensis neptem vero Widonis comitis Silvanectensis"[36]. Poppa est un anthroponyme vraisemblablement d'origine germanique, variante féminine de Poppo. POPPA De BAYEUX (daughter of BERENGER De BAYEUX and Miss De RENNES) was born Abt. She died about 925 TO ABT 972 in Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France. The daughter of Count Berenger de Bayeux, she was captured during a raid and kept (as his wife)as was the Viking tradition. Our room was spacious with a large bathroom and views to the Cathedral. Poppa de Bayeux est la « frilla » (épouse à la manière danoise) du jarl des Normands Rollon et la mère du duc de Normandie Guillaume Longue-Épée. Poppa est un anthroponyme vraisemblablement d'origine germanique, variante féminine de Poppo. Enfants. Poppa de Bayeux est la « frilla » (épouse à la manière danoise) du jarl des Normands Rollon et la mère du duc de Normandie Guillaume Longue-Épée. Bathrooms include showers and complimentary toiletries. After appearing at the, they went to Auckland where Settipani considers that the marriage did not occur, and that the Norman sources confused it with the marriage of Gisela, daughter of Lothaire II King of Lotharingia, to the Viking leader Gotfrid[44]. married [secondly] ([886] or after, repudiated, remarried after 912) POPPA, daughter of BERENGAR Comte de Bayeux & his wife Guillaume de Jumièges records that Rollo captured “Baiocasensem urbem” [Bayeux] along with "nobilissimam puellam...Popam filiam...Berengarii illustris viri" whom he married “more Danico” and by whom he had “Willelmum...filiamque...Gerloc”[33]. Poppa de Bayeux was the Danish-styled wife of Jarl of the Normans Rollo, and the mother of Duke of Normandy William Longsword. Les historiens retiennent deux hypothèses : * Selon Dudon de Saint-Quentin, elle serait la fille du comte Béranger de Bayeux. The later Orkneyinga Saga is more specific, naming “Hrolf who conquered Normandy” as son of “Earl Rognwald” and his wife “Ragnhild the daughter of Hrolf Nose”, adding that he was so big that no horse could carry him, giving rise to his name “Göngu-Hrolf”[4]. Hotel Particulier Poppa, Bayeux Picture: room 4 - Check out Tripadvisor members' 12,242 candid photos and videos. Hotel Particulier Poppa, Bayeux Picture: Super Comfortable Bed - Check out Tripadvisor members' 12,243 candid photos and videos of Hotel Particulier Poppa According to Orderic Vitalis, Rollo "stormed and captured Bayeux, slew its count Berengar and took to wife his daughter Poppa"[770]. Parents possibles : Berenger II de BAYEUX, Marquis en Neustrie †886; Adéla de VERMANDOIS; Fils possible : Asperling de BAYEUX ca 904 Notes Notes individuelles. Her marriage is recorded in the Norman annals for 912, which state that she died without issue, presumably soon after the marriage when Gisela must still have been an infant. Nachnamensvarianten. Great place to stay in Bayeux, quiet but just a 5 minute walk to the centre. Wife of Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' Ragnvaldsson Ses origines restent obscures. de Rennes. /pop euh/, n. Informal. Guillaume de Jumièges records that “Rollo” attacked “Walgrenses...gens barbara”, devastated “in Walgras” allied with “Alstemus rex Anglorum”, and defeated “Rainerium Longi-colli Hasbacensme et Hainaucensem ducem et Radebodum Frisiæ regionis principem” whose help “Walgris” had sought[11]. This source makes no reference to any blood relationship between Rollo and "principi Rogwaldi". 2. CONTR. nave FRASEOLOGIA Count Berenger of Bayeux was killed, and his dau. The Historia Norwegie records that, after Orkney was conquered by "principi Rogwaldi" and his followers, "de quorum collegio…Rodulfus" captured Rouen in Normandy, commenting that he was known as "Gongurolfr" because he was obliged to walk as he was too large to travel on horseback[6]. Poppa de Bayeux est la « frilla » (épouse more danico)1 du jarl des Normands Rollon, et la mère du duc de Normandie Guillaume « Longue-Épée ». Ses origines restent obscures. ), zinna (pop.). Das Appartement Poppa 4 ist eine Unterkunft zur Selbstverpflegung im historischen Zentrum von Bayeux. Settipani : "Comme d'autres auteurs, nous croyons que Rollon aurait eu vers 905, d'une femme peut-être nommée Poppa, sans doute une prise … pɑːpə, pɒpə noun (AmE) pop I 4) [ pɒpǝ] N (US) papá * m * * * [ pɑːpə, pɒpə] noun (AmE) pop I 4) Alle Apartments bieten kostenfreies WLAN. Death of Poppa of Bayeux at Rouen, Seine-Maritime, H... "Papia", "Papie", "Popa", "Poppa", "Poppa of Bayeux", "Poppe de Rennes", "Poppa de Valois", "Duchess of Normandy/", "Poppa /Normandy/", "Duchesse de Normandie", "Papie de Valois", "Poppa de Senlis", "(Poppa de Senlis)", ""Papia"", "aka Duchess of Normandy", "Lady Popa de Bayeaux", "Pa...", Duchesse de Normandie, Dutchess of Normandy, Duchess, Lady, Duchess Consort of Normandy, Duchess of Normandy, daughter of Berengar, Count of Bayeux, Bodde i Evreux, Nuestria, Duchess of Bayeux, Katharine S. B. Keats-Rohan, « Poppa de Bayeux et sa famille », dans Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident médiéval, Prosopographica et genealogica, Oxford, 2000, 310 p. (ISBN 1-900934-01-9), p. 140-153. Unter all den kriegszerbombten Städten der Normandie ist Bayeux im Département Calvados in der Region Basse-Normandie ein kleines Wunder. Guillaume de Jumièges also records that "Rainaldus" was killed in battle during a later campaign, that Rollo besieged Paris, captured “Baiocasensem urbem” [Bayeux] along with "nobilissimam puellam...Popam filiam...Berengarii illustris viri" whom he married “more Danico” and by whom he had “Willelmum...filiamque...Gerloc”, before capturing “Ebroicam civitatem” where he killed “episcopum...Sibor”[17]. La seva família és poc coneguda. Véxase tamén Bibliografía. En hommage à Poppa Bérenger, Bayeusaine […] Rollon emmène de nombreux prisonniers parmi lesquelsse trouve la jeune Poppa et la … On pourrait en déduire que cette naissance est antérieure au traité de Saint-Clair-sur-Epte en 911, date de la conversion et de l’installation définitive de Rollon en Normandie. Appartement Poppa 4 is a self-catering accommodation located in the historic centre of Bayeux. du Vexin. Poppa had one brother: Judicael de Bayeux. Poppa de Bayeux, Joëlle Delacroix, Cahiers Du Temps Eds. Profession: 1er duc de Normandie. (2) ... And from the French Histoire de la Normandie (1862) we find, in the fourth chapter, how Rollo, son of the Norwegian Rognevald, was made an outlaw by the Norwegian king Harald Harfager. Katharine Keats-Rohan propose une version assemblant les deux propositions. Hotel Particulier Poppa, Bayeux Picture: room 4 - Check out Tripadvisor members' 12,246 candid photos and videos. The date 876 is stretched from a chronological point of view: Houts suggests that it should be corrected to [900][15]. However, Poppa may have been a daughter of Gui, Count of Senlis and a granddaughter of Seigneur Pépin (II), Count of Peronne. Popa la Captive de BAYEUX 880-912 Mariée avecBalso de BAYEUX Relations. Thirdly, Flodoard states that "Hugo filius Rotberti et Heribertus comes" campaigned against "Nortmannos" in 927, that "filius Rollonis" did homage to ex-king Charles at "castellum…Auga", and that "Rollo" held "filius Heriberti Odo" as a hostage in 928, which suggests some sort of alliance between Rollo and Comte Héribert[25]. Notes for POPPA De BAYEUX: Archived from the original on 2018-09-29. "Poppa, tenth century, wife of Rollo of Normandy". ló i la mare del Duc de Normandia Guillem Llarga Espasa.Els seus orígens continuen sent foscos. Freeman suggests that Guillaume de Jumièges must be referring to "Guthrum-Æthelstan of East-Anglia"[9], although this does not resolve the chronological problems assuming that the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is correct in recording Guthrum´s death in 890[10]. Bild von Hotel Particulier Poppa, Bayeux: photo1.jpg - Schauen Sie sich 12.106 authentische Fotos und Videos von Hotel Particulier Poppa an, die von Tripadvisor-Mitgliedern gemacht wurden. Notes for POPPA De BAYEUX: CONFLICT: Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists Who Came to New England between 1623 … puppis ]. Each of the apartments provide free WiFi access. Tout savoir sur le patronyme de BAYEUX Fréquence du patronyme ... Poppa La Captive (60) Philippa Poppa (58) Popée (56) Esperling (54) Communes les plus référencées. Firstly, Flodoard records that in 923 "Ragenoldus princeps Nortmannorum" who occupied "in fluvio Ligeri" devastated "Franciam trans Isaram", that "Nortmanni" made peace in 924 "cum Francis", that King Raoul granted them "Cinomannis et Baiocæ" [Maine and Bayeux], but that "Raginoldus cum suis Nortmannis" devasted the land between the Loire and the Seine[23]. According to Orderic Vitalis, Rollo "stormed and captured Bayeux, slew its count Berengar and took to wife his daughter Poppa". The Normans in Europe. Retrieved 2018-09-29. married [firstly] unknown The identity of Rollo´s first wife or concubine is not known. Poppa de Bayeux was born about 872 in Évreux, Eure, Haute-Normandie, daughter of Berenger de Bayeux. [9] Profession: Bataille de Chartres. Orderic Vitalis records that "xxx annis post cladem Hastingi [dated to 851 in other sources, see the document CENTRAL FRANCE NOBILITY], Rollo dux cum valida Danorum juventute" entered “Neustriam”, besieged Paris for four years and captured Bayeux (“Baiocas”)[13]. Flat-screen televisions come with satellite channels. In another passage, the same source records that Rollo besieged Paris, captured Bayeux, killed "Berengarium comitem" and married his daughter Popa, in 886[771], although this date appears early in light of the likely birth date range of the couple's son Guillaume. Musée mémorial de la Bataille de Normandie est à quelques minutes. Poppa captured and taken, 886, by Rollo (now called Count of Rouen) as his "Danish" wife. Bild von Hotel Particulier Poppa, Bayeux: view from room 4 - Schauen Sie sich 12.112 authentische Fotos und Videos von Hotel Particulier Poppa an, die von Tripadvisor-Mitgliedern gemacht wurden. It would be possible to reconcile the different versions if Comte Bernard's mother was married twice, her first husband being Bérenger Comte de Bayeux. Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rouen Rouen, Departement de la Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France MEMORIAL ID 30256985, Ancestors of Robert Harry Chapman - Carpenter's Son, Project MedLands DUKES of NORMANDY 911-1106, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poppa_of_Bayeux, http://genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00020056&tree=LEO, http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORMANDY.htm#Gerlocdiedafter969, http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FRANKISH%20NOBILITY.htm, http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p45.htm#i5203, http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm, http://www.jbdaedal.com/shannon/4/1483.htm. Hotel Particulier Poppa, Bayeux, Basse-Normandie, France. Rollo & his [first unknown wife] had two children: Robert & his second wife Poppa had two children: Guillaume & his first wife SPROTA had one child: BERENGER (-[886 or after]).