Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Human Rights Watch accused Egypt Thursday of imposing punitive conditions on hundreds of inmates at one of its most... [The North Africa Journal] 17/12/2020. US politics. The final results will be announced by the National Elections Authority on 14 December 2020. Les facteurs fondamentaux de la croissance s’améliorent également avec une transition progressive de la consommation privée aux investissements et aux exportations. Le président de la république arabe d'Égypte est le chef d'État de l'Égypte et le commandant suprême des Forces armées égyptiennes depuis l’instauration de la fonction le 18 juin 1953. 22 July 2020. The first president of Egypt was Mohamed Naguib, one of the leaders of the Free Officers Movement who led the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, who took office on 18 June 1953, the day on which Egypt was declared a Republic. The office of President of Egypt was established in 1953. The degree of surveillance and overreach is … Oh.Wait. Zájezdy All Inclusive Ubytování v hotelech, apartmánech i bungalovech. UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF HIS EXCELLENCY, PRESIDENT ABDEL FATTAH EL SISI, THE PRESIDENT OF ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT, THE SUPREME COMMANDER OF THE EGYPTIAN ARMED FORCES . This 12 years old boy is just stunningly, incredibly smart. Baron Palace. President Sisi reviews efforts to expand Vodafone's activities in Egypt. Nasser died of a heart attack in September 1970. note: a referendum held in April 2019, approved a constitutional amendment - effective following the 2020 election - to restore the upper chamber of the legislative body, designated the Senate, with 180 seats - 60 members to be appointed by the president and 120 members to be directly elected; the amendment also calls for the reduction of the existing People's Assembly from 596 to 450 seats Travel Destinations. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who first took power in a 2013 coup, has governed Egypt in an increasingly authoritarian manner. Customize this calendar–large – advanced form with more choices; Customize this calendar – classic, basic form; Change your settings for – customize your country and time zone; Need some help? 2020-12-21 18:57:41; Egypt’s trade deficit records $2.7 billion in September, decrease 32.4 % . 09/11/2020 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) – On Wednesday, September 9, the US House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing on the trends of politics, economics, and human rights in Egypt. 09:00 Welcome Address – Turismo do Alentejo. [8] One source indicated that the reason for the arrests was the unwillingness of the alliance to cooperate with the NSA. May 14, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Tassawar Yasin. Other indicators visualized on maps: (In English only, for now) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19) Macron hosted Sisi, whom he referred to as his "friend" for talks on the second day of the Egyptian's three-day state visit to France. 09:10 Special Remarks. Get latest News Information, Articles on Egypt President Updated on April 15, 2020 06:18 with exclusive Pictures, photos & videos on Egypt President at - Page 2 your own Pins on Pinterest. December 14, 2016 3:28 pm. [5] Other lists include the Call of Egypt and the Sons of Egypt. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Clarion Events is proud to present the 2nd edition of EDEX, taking place 29 November – 2 December 2021. Explore. [6], Many different figures, including Zyad Elelaimy, Hisham Fouad, Omar El-Shenety and Hossam Moanis, were arrested on 25 June 2019 on charges of "bringing down the state"; however, the people involved were part of an alliance called the Coalition of Hope that was considering contesting the parliamentary election. your own Pins on Pinterest. Following Hosni Mubarak's resignation on 11 February 2011[1] in the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, the office was vacant, with the functions of head of state and head of government being discharged by the chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi. The year 2020 is a leap year, with 366 days in total. [6] He was re-elected by the presidential election held on 26–28 March 2018. [4] He was succeeded by Adly Mansour, the head of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, as Acting President. WELCOME TO EDEX EGYPT'S LEADING TRI-SERVICE DEFENCE EXHIBITION. Discover (and save!) Egyptians vote in 2nd stage of parliamentary election. Mohammed Naguib est le premier des présidents de la république d'Égypte de 1953 à 1954. Travel. 2020-12-21 18:54:08; New strain of COVID-19 causing uproar in UK is likely in Egypt: official. The hearing featured two panels of human rights advocates and academics that painted a grim picture for the state of religious freedom for Egyptians. Record number of journalists imprisoned in 2020: CPJ. Plenary 2 08:45 Welcome: A World for Travel. Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein was the second President of Egypt, serving from 1954 until his death in 1970. Great Conjunction 2020 In December 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will meet in the sky in a rare Great Conjunction. Economic policy will focus initially on mitigating the fallout of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, with fiscal consolidation delayed, but reforms will continue as part of an IMF programme. [3] He was deposed by the Egyptian Armed Forces in a coup d'état on 3 July 2013, following massive protests calling for his resignation. President Trump could have found these facts in the State Department's Egypt 2018 Human Rights Report. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has arrived in Paris on a three-day state visit, with NGOs calling on France not to turn a blind eye to Cairo's rights record with a red carpet welcome. The award-winning … All holidays and city breaks are subject to availability. Get latest News Information, Articles on Former President Of Egypt Updated on September 01, 2020 17:47 with exclusive Pictures, photos & videos on Former President Of Egypt at Travel Destinations . your own Pins on Pinterest . Cairo, Qalyubia, Dakahlia, Monufia, Gharbiya, Kafr El Sheikh, Giza, Faiyum, Beni Suef, Minya, Asyut, New Valley, Sohag, Qena, Luxor, Aswan, Red Sea, Sharqia, Damietta, Port Said, Ismailia, Suez, North Sinai, South Sinai, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Egypt to hold parliamentary elections on Oct. 24-25: official", "الطريق إلى مجلس الشيوخ يحتاج 3 قوانين.. تعرف عليها", "A presidential directive to freeze Parliament", "Egypt's Mostaqbal Watan Party leads coalition to run in parliamentary elections", "NEA: 4,006 Individual Candidates, 8 Lists to Run for Parliamentary Elections", "Arrests target political figures involved in new coalition to run in 2020 parliamentary elections", "Egypt arrests 8, including ex-lawmaker and secular activists", "اليوم.. إعلان نتيجة المرحلة الأولى من انتخابات مجلس النواب - بوابة الأهرام", "انتخابات مجلس النواب المصري.. 28% نسبة المشاركة في المرحلة الأولى", "الوطنية للانتخابات: نسبة المشاركة بالمرحلة الأولى لانتخابات النواب 28.06 % - اليوم السابع", "ننشر نسب التصويت بمحافظات المرحلة الأولى لانتخابات "النواب" | بوابة أخبار اليوم الإلكترونية", "عاجل .. ننشر أسماء الفائزين فى المرحلة الأولى لانتخابات مجلس النواب 2020 | مبتدا", "فوز القائمة الوطنية بقطاعي المرحلة الأولى من انتخابات مجلس النواب - بوابة الأهرام", "أبوالعينين في المقدمة.. أبرز الفائزين والخاسرين في المرحلة ا | مصراوى", "بالأسماء.. نتيجة المرحلة الأولى في انتخابات مجلس نواب 2020 رسميا | انتخابات 2020 | بوابة البرلمان", "الهيئة الوطنية للانتخابات تعلن نتائج المرحلة الأولى من انتخابات مجلس النواب | النيل - قناة مصر الإخبارية", "اليوم الثاني لانتخابات مجلس النواب| إقبال متوسط ومخالفات بالجملة (تقرير 1) - المنظمة المصرية لحقوق الإنسان - تأسست عام 1985", "اليوم الثاني لانتخابات مجلس النواب| ارتفاع نسبة المشاركة في الساعات الأخيرة قبل غلق اللجان (تقرير 3) - المنظمة المصرية لحقوق الإنسان - تأسست عام 1985", "المصري لحقوق المرأة: فوز سيدة واحدة على الفردي و 71 على القوائم – بوابة الأسبوع", "The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights: 627 Female Candidates in the Parliamentary Elections 347 Independent Candidates and 280 on Electoral Lists – the Egyptian Center for Women's Rights (ECWR)", "الوطنية للانتخابات: 29.5% نسبة التصويت في المرحلة الثانية للنواب", "ارتفاع نسبة مشاركة الناخبين بالمرحلة الثانية لانتخابات النواب مقارنة بالأولى.. تعرف على التفاصيل - بوابة فيتو", "ننشر النتيجة الكاملة للمرحلة الثانية لانتخابات مجلس النواب | المصري اليوم", "البوابة نيوز: مجلس النواب 2020| شاهد.. لحظة إعلان نتائج المرحلة الثانية", "(قراءة في الاتجاهات العامة لتصويت المرحلة الثانية) مجلس النواب 2020 - FDHRD", "ننشر أسماء الفائزين بالمقاعد الفردية بالمرحلة الثانية من انتخابات مجلس النواب - بوابة الأهرام", "الهيئة الوطنية تعلن نتيجة المرحلة الثانية لانتخابات النواب 2020.. أخبار مصر - اليوم السابع", "بالأسماء.. الفائزون والباقون للإعادة فى انتخابات البرلمان المرحلة الثانية من الجولة الأولى | مصر العربية", "تعرف على أسماء الفائزين من الجولة الأولى بالمرحلة الثانية لانتخابات النواب | المصري اليوم", "المرأة تغيب عن قائمة الفائزين بالمقاعد الفردية - دار المعارف", "200 مرشح يخوضون الإعادة بالمرحلة الثانية من انتخابات مجلس النواب.. إنفوجراف - اليوم السابع",, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from December 2020, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from December 2020, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles needing additional references from November 2020, All articles needing additional references, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Round 1 of the first phase for citizens abroad, Alexandria, Giza, Beheira, Matruh, Faiyum, Beni Suef, Minya, Asyut, New Valley, Sohag, Qena, Luxor, Aswan and Red Sea citizens who reside abroad, Round 1 of the first phase for citizens in Egypt, Alexandria, Giza, Beheira, Matruh, Faiyum, Beni Suef, Minya, Asyut, New Valley, Sohag, Qena, Luxor, Aswan and Red Sea citizens, Round 1 of the second phase for citizens abroad, Cairo, Qalyubia, Dakahlia, Monufia, Sharqia, Gharbiya, Kafr El Sheikh, Damietta, Port Said, Ismailia, Suez, North Sinai and South Sinai citizens who reside abroad, Round 1 of the second phase for citizens in Egypt, Cairo, Qalyubia, Dakahlia, Monufia, Sharqia, Gharbiya, Kafr El Sheikh, Damietta, Port Said, Ismailia, Suez, North Sinai and South Sinai citizens, Round 2 of the first phase for citizens abroad, Round 2 of the first phase for citizens in Egypt, Round 2 of the second phase for citizens abroad, Round 2 of the second phase for citizens in Egypt, Northern, Central and Southern Upper Egypt, This page was last edited on 19 December 2020, at 14:31. Following the announcement of the official results of the presidential ele Lokalita: Délka pobytu: Nejdříve od: Nejpozději do: Doprava: Strava: Typ zájezdu: Počet : Typ ubytování: Egypt 2020 - Dovolená Egypt. o — Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) December 3, 2020 2020-12-21 18:51:27; Health official: Egypt’s actual COVID-19 infection figures are 10 times higher than reported. H.E Abdel Fattah El Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt alongside Ministers & Global CEOs at the EGYPS 2020 Opening Ceremony VIEW 2020 POST SHOW VIDEO Get recognised at the largest energy awards platform in the Mediterranean and North Africa SUBMIT YOUR ENTRIES TODAY WELCOME TO EDEX EGYPT'S LEADING TRI-SERVICE DEFENCE EXHIBITION. Le président de la république arabe d'Égypte est le chef d'État de l'Égypte et le commandant suprême des Forces armées égyptiennes depuis l’instauration de la fonction le 18 juin 1953. Auparavant ministre de la Défense, il avait remporté les contrats d’armement avec l’Égypte. Egypt 2020 s garancí nejnižší ceny ️ Dovolená 2020 a Last Minute Egypt ️ Výhodná nabíka 6156 zájezdů do Egypta. Plenary 2 08:45 Welcome: A World for Travel. Clarion Events is proud to present the 2nd edition of EDEX, taking place 29 November – 2 December 2021. [3] The For the Love of Egypt list was closely associated with the GID.[4]. In a televised victory speech Sunday night (24 June), Egypt’s first non-military and democratically elected president, Mohamed Morsi, vowed to promote democracy and voiced conciliatory notes toward the armed forces. Prices are based on a 3 night stay (city breaks) on selected dates between Jan-Mar 2020, or a 7 night stay (beach holiday destination) on selected dates between Apr-Jun 2020. Growth in the first three quarters of the fiscal year, before the Covid-19 crisis, was 5.4 per cent year-on-year. The contract for your accommodation is directly with our hotel partner HRS and is separate to the flight booking with EGYPTAIR. 09/11/2020 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) – On Wednesday, September 9, the US House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing on the trends of politics, economics, and human rights in Egypt. À l'élection présidentielle de 2020, le peuple du président Trump avait rassemblé suffisamment d'informations pour dénoncer l'ensemble du syndicat du crime de la Cabale. Wikipedia® is een geregistreerd handelsmerk van de Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., een organisatie zonder winstoogmerk. Incumbent President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and parties supporting him have been labeled as running an authoritarian regime by international media outlets. Get latest News Information, Articles on Egypt President Updated on October 06, 2020 16:58 with exclusive Pictures, photos & videos on Egypt President at 09:30 «Sustainable Tourism Plan 2020-2023». 09:30 «Sustainable Tourism Plan 2020-2023». The current president is Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who is effectively controlling the country since the 2013 coup d'état, and officially elected president in 2014. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has arrived in Paris on a three-day state visit, with NGOs calling on France not to turn a blind eye to Cairo's rights record with a red carpet welcome. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi attended the ceremony along with 1,500 cadets, a select number of whom were chosen to put their bare chests on display as part of an elaborate, action-themed parade.. Juste après les élections de 2016, Trump avait chargé le procureur général américain de l'Utah John Huber et 174 enquêteurs de recueillir des informations et de tenir des tribunaux. Nouveau Diplômé (22) Etudiant/Stagiaire (2) Type d'emploi. In addition, Sufi Abu Taleb acted as president between Sadat's assassination and the election of his successor, and Adly Mansour acted as president after Morsi's overthrow in the 2013 coup d'état. He twice served as president (June 18, 1953–February 25, 1954 and February 27–November… Gamal Abdel Nasser. Ahram Online … Following constitutional changes, the president, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, could rule until 2030, although he will face some dissent to his authoritarian rule. Emmanuel Macron et le président égyptien al-Sissi ne sont pas tombés d'accord sur les droits de l'homme lundi 7 décembre. Select from premium President Van Egypte of the highest quality. The elections were initially expected to be held in April or May 2020. Zvi Bar'el 11.10.2020 This is a primium article 1 comments 1. Vyhledávání . Mohammed Naguib est le premier des présidents de la république d'Égypte de 1953 à 1954. Get calendar for 2017 new year. "Muslim Brotherhood candidate Morsi wins Egyptian presidential election", Coup topples Egypt's Morsy; supporters reportedly rounded up -, "Adly Mansour Sworn in As Egypt's Interim President", "El-Sisi wins Egypt's presidential race with 96.91%", "Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi wins a second term in Egypt",, Lists of political office-holders in Egypt, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 December 2020, at 13:09. Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 23 sep 2020 om 19:39. 09/08/2020 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – In Egypt, like so many countries, COVID-19 brought life to a screeching halt, particularly in one rural Christian village.Unemployment levels spiked, food became scarce, and schooling and education programs completely stopped. Former President Mohamed Morsy, whom the army forcibly removed in 2013, died on June 17 in a Cairo court room following six years of lack of medical care and near-absolute isolation in prison. World leaders rush to congratulate Joe Biden. Try to suspend belief here and imagine if a celebrity, with zero governing experience, could become president. In April-June 2020 GDP contracted by 2.0 per cent year-on-year, as a partial lockdown negatively affected private consumption and investment. All things are possible now it seems. 2020; Referendum: 2014; 2019; Political parties ; Foreign relations. [Africanews] 17/12/2020. Egypt’s collective punishment of inmates . At least 274 journalists were in jail as of December 1, up from at least 250 last year, media watchdog report says. Egypt Trades Torture Supervisor for 'Mubarak's Poodle'? President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi ordered parliament to freeze its activities on 1 October 2019 and placed the National Security Agency (NSA) in charge of creating lists of candidates as the General Intelligence Directorate (GID) had not satisfactorily selected candidates in the previous election. Emplois en Egypte 1818 offres trouvés: Affichage 1 ... (Président, PDG) (15) Cadre/Cadre Supérieur (18) Directeur (86) Expérimenté (366) Débutant (91) Voir Plus . Growth slowed in Egypt to 3.5 per cent in fiscal year ending June 2020, from 5.6 per cent in the previous fiscal year. [2] President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi ordered parliament to freeze its activities on 1 October 2019 and placed the National Security Agency (NSA) in charge of creating lists of candidates as the General Intelligence Directorate (GID) had not satisfactorily selected candidates in the previous election. The Art D’Égypte Foundation has announced that its fourth exhibition, entitled “Forever is Now”, will be launched on 23 October 2021 at the Great Pyramids of Giza. Travel. December 10, 2020, 18:21; Prosecutors in Italy have charged four members of Egypt’s national security agency over the kidnapping and murder … Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi wished his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron a speedy recovery after testing positive for coronavirus. Other countries; The Vice-President of the Arab Republic of Egypt is a senior official within the Egyptian government. Mansour was sworn into office in front of the Supreme Constitutional Court on 4 July 2013. Saved by Aimer. UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF HIS EXCELLENCY, PRESIDENT ABDEL FATTAH EL SISI, THE PRESIDENT OF ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT, THE SUPREME COMMANDER OF THE EGYPTIAN ARMED FORCES . Saved by Aimer. Also discussed were the results of talks with President of Syria Bashar al-Assad al-Assad Bashar President of Syria and issues related to the November 22 top-level meeting in Sochi between Russia, Iran and Turkey, the guarantor counties of the Astana peace process. [3], and political parties they belong to in the 1st phase of the House of Representatives elections in Egypt; detailed in diagram:[20][21][22]. Since then the office has been held by five further people: Gamal Abdel Nasser, Anwar Sadat, Hosni Mubarak, Mohamed Morsi and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. The president must contend with a protest that has spread for the first time to the countryside, just before elections where his parliament's legitimacy is at stake. History of the office Before 1971. 09:10 Special Remarks. your own Pins on Pinterest. 08:50 Welcome Address – Évora. May 14, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Abanob Michael. Explore. Dec 7, 2020 French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday rejected criticism of his close ties with visiting Egyptian strongman Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, saying that to take a tougher line on respect for human rights would be "counterproductive". May 14, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Tassawar Yasin. A total of 568 seats will be elected in a form of parallel voting; 284 of them will be elected using a two-round system in 142 constituencies and the other 284 will be elected using party lists in four constituencies. Wish Upon a Shooting Star! The Board of Directors of the National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA) chaired by. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen, er kunnen aanvullende voorwaarden van toepassing zijn.Zie de gebruiksvoorwaarden voor meer informatie. Alexandria Egypt.. Sadat d’Égypte. Booking conditions apply. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Minister: Sameh Shoukry; Diplomatic missions of / in Egypt; Nationality law ; Passport; Visa requirements; Visa policy Egypt portal. [5], Current President el-Sisi took office on 8 June 2014, after being elected by the presidential election held on 26–28 May 2014. List of holiday in your country and region by selecting region.Generate calendar with holiday for any year on oorth. Tous les Employé à Temps Plein (310) Contrat (6) Travailleur Indépendant (4) Employé à Temps Partiel (3) Commission (2) Voir Plus. Civil liberties, including press freedom and freedom of assembly, are tightly restricted. Discover (and save!) Under the various iterations of the Constitution of Egypt following the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, the president is also the supreme commander of the Armed Forces, and head of the executive branch of the Egyptian government. note: a referendum held in April 2019, approved a constitutional amendment - effective following the 2020 election - to restore the upper chamber of the legislative body, designated the Senate, with 180 seats - 60 members to be appointed by the president and 120 members to be directly elected; the amendment also calls for the reduction of the existing People's Assembly from 596 to 450 seats Beach holidays include transfers. 17 October 2020. Even Hope House, ICC’s program to lift Christian children in Egypt out of poverty … Find the perfect President Van Egypte stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Gamal Abdel Nasser est président de 1956 à 1970. May 14, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Abanob Michael. Other Calendars. CNN. One alliance that will contest the election, called the National Unified Coalition, includes the Nation's Future Party, New Wafd Party, the Homeland Defenders Party, Modern Egypt Party, the Egyptian Social Democratic Party, the Republican People's Party, the Reform and Development Misruna Party, Tagammu, the Generation's Will, the Egyptian Freedom, the Justice, and the Conference Party parties. Parliamentary elections were held in Egypt on 24–25 October and 7–8 November 2020 to elect the House of Representatives. That accounting of abuses, mandated by Congress since 1976, documents in detail how Egyptian authorities are committing extrajudicial killings, employing neglectful and coercive tactics against prisoners, and stifling expression. Gamal Abdel Nasser est président de 1956 à 1970. Earlier this month, French President Emmanuel Macron hosted Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Recently renovated and located in the fashionable Zamalek district, The President Hotel caters to the modern traveller who wants to be in the center of the finest dining and shopping in Cairo. US Election 2020. Background. Years with Same Calendar as 2020; Customization Forms. [2], Mohamed Morsi took office on 30 June 2012, after being elected by the presidential election held on 23–24 May and 16–17 June 2012. Recently renovated and located in the fashionable Zamalek district, The President Hotel caters to the modern traveller who wants to be in the center of the finest dining and shopping in Cairo. Calendar of 2020 for Egypt. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Six des dix économies les plus dynamiques du monde sont en tête : le Rwanda, l’Éthiopie, la Côte d’Ivoire, le Ghana, la Tanzanie et le Bénin. Alexandria Egypt.. Sadat d’Égypte. Discover (and save!) The president is the head of state of Egypt and the Supreme Commander of the Egyptian Armed Forces. Discover (and save!) All products/services are supplied by HRS with whom you form a contract. The president of Egypt is the executive head of state of Egypt. - Anwar al-Sadat (1970-1981) The NTRA Launches Campaigns to Sequester Banned Telecom Equipment In Greater Cairo and Alexandria . The president is the head of state of Egypt and the Supreme Commander of the Egyptian Armed Forces. The award-winning … IDF Chief of General Staff LTG Aviv Kohavi virtually met with United Kingdom Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Sir Nick Carter yesterday and signed a joint agreement to formalize and enhance our defense relationship, and support the growing Israel-UK partnership. 15 Dec 2020. Et le président égyptien ne manquera pas de dîner avec Jean-Yves Le Drian. The current president is Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, in office since 8 June 2014. 08:50 Welcome Address – Évora. atteindre 3,9 % en 2020 et 4,1 % en 2021. Egypt’s president warned in June that any attack on Sirte or the inland al-Jufra airbase would prompt Cairo to intervene militarily, purportedly to protect its western border with Libya. The hearing featured two panels of human rights advocates and academics that painted a grim picture for the state of religious freedom for Egyptians. The Ursid meteor shower is visible until December 26, with the peak around December 21-22. Celebs who could run for president in 2020. Population Pyramids: Egypt - 2020. Dec 7, 2020 French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday rejected criticism of his close ties with visiting Egyptian strongman Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, saying that to take a tougher line on respect for human rights would be "counterproductive". Meaningful political opposition is virtually nonexistent, as expressions of dissent can draw criminal prosecution and imprisonment. Egypt’s new cabinet, headed by former Petroleum Minister Sherif Ismail, was sworn in before president Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi on Saturday. Egypt's president in Greece on 1st visit since maritime deal. The current president is Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who is effectively controlling the country since the 2013 coup d'état, and officially elected president in 2014. [1], The elections were initially expected to be held in April or May 2020. 09:00 Welcome Address – Turismo do Alentejo. Nasser was the de facto president until his officially inauguration following a 1956 referendum. Calendar type: Gregorian calendar; Tools. [7], Current Presidential Standard of Egypt (left, 1984–present) and former Presidential Standard (right, 1972–1984), List of presidents of Egypt by time in office, Speaker of the House of Representatives (Egypt), List of speakers of the House of Representatives (Egypt), "Hosni Mubarak resigns – and Egypt celebrates a new dawn". Africa Destinations. Prices are from various UK departure airports with easyJet, including 23kgs luggage. [7] Other organizations involved in the alliance included the Civil Democratic Movement. Use our Interactive Meteor Shower Map to find the best time and place to spot the shooting stars! Africa Destinations.