Poppa de Bayeux est la « frilla » (épouse more danico)1 du jarl des Normands Rollon, et la mère du duc de Normandie Guillaume « Longue-Épée ». This empire, also known by the Latin name of Francia Occidentalis, came into being in 843 CE, with the Treaty of Verdun. [6] Alors que la ville de Bayeux est assiégée par des Vikings dirigés par Hrólf le Marcheur, ce dernier tue Bérenger lors de la prise de la ville (886/890). [3] Ela era a mãe de Guilherme Espada Longa, Gerloc (nome cristão Adela) [4] [5] e avó de Ricardo, o Destemido, que introduziu o sistema feudal na Normandia da França medieval. May 23, 2019 - Explore David Vesey's board "Rollo of normandy" on Pinterest. [7] This has led to speculation that she was the daughter of Berengar II of Neustria. Christian Settipani says her parents were Guy de Senlis and Cunegundis, the daughter of Pepin, Count of Vermandois, and sister of Herbert I, Count of Vermandois. She was the mother of William I Longsword , Gerloc [4] [5] and grandmother of Richard the Fearless , who forged the Duchy of Normandy into a great fief of medieval France . Duchess Poppa de Normandie, a.k.a. Elsewhere he calls him Berenger de Senlis. RC:Berenger de Bayeux, Count of Bayeux. . Segundo os Anais de Jumièges, Poppa sería a filla de Guido, conde de Senlis e a irmá de Bernardo de Senlis. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Parentage unknown. The parentage of Rollo/Rolf is uncertain and the chronology of his life confused. (1) Poppa, said by chronicler Dudo of Saint-Quentin to have been a daughter of Count Berenger, captured during a raid at Bayeux. Do not confuse with Berenger, comte de Bayeux, wife of the daughter of Pepin Carolingian. From Around the Web (100) This brief review is a big wink to the new weekly series starting next... December 12, 2020. 938 in France.She married ROLF (Rollo) Hrolf "Went A Foot" (the Viking) RA on 891, son of Rognvald (RANALD) RAGNVALD I "the Wise,Mighty". She was the mother of William I Longsword, Gerloc[4][5] and grandmother of Richard the Fearless, who forged the Duchy of Normandy into a great fief of medieval France. Roughly between the 789 and 1100 CE, the looters and robbers later known as Vikings were the terror of Europe and its surroundings. A weekly digest for all shiny new articles, sneak peeks and more! December 5, 2020. 872 in Evreux,Normandy,FR, and died Abt. She is the only daughter of Berengar, Count of Bayeux 2 3. Pedigree report of Poppa de Bayeux, daughter of Berenger de Bayeux and Miss de Rennes, born in 0872 in Evreux, Neustria. Rollon emmène de nombreux prisonniers parmi lesquels se trouve la jeune Poppa et la prend pour « frilla ». Vikings (TV Series 2013– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. She died about 925 in Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, FRANCE. She was his concubine or wife. Other sources claim that he married the king’s daughter, Gisela, after repudiating Poppa. She had a brother named Juhel Beranger Comte de. No independent information. .. Popa, sometimes spelt as Poppa, was born in Évreux, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France in 872 1. Poppa de Bayeux foi a esposa ou concubina cristã [2] (talvez união more danico, ou seja, concubinato à moda dos danos) de Rollo, fundador da Normandia e líder viquingue. ROLLO ["Ganger" Hrolf], son of [RAGNVALD "the Wise" Jarl of Möre in Norway & his wife Ragnhild ---] (-Rouen [928/33], bur ---, transferred [1064] to Rouen Cathedral[1]). Pfafman: Pepin de Senlis de Valois, Count Beregarius of Britanny. Poppa, la fille du comte Bérenger, est faite prisonnière et emmenée par son ravisseur Hrόlfr le Vagabond qui la choisit pour compagne. They had children: (a) William Longsword, born “overseas” (b) Gerloc, wife of William III, Duke of Aquitaine; Dudo fails to identify her mother, but the later chronicler William of Jumieges makes this explicit. Known as the father of Poppa in the annals of Rollo. The name Poppa comes from Dudo, who calls her daughter of Count Berenger. [6] Dudo of Saint-Quentin, in his panegyric of the Norman dukes, describes her as the daughter of a "Count Berengar", the dominant prince of that region, who was captured at Bayeux by Rollo in 885 or 889, shortly after the siege of Paris. Count of Bayeaux, which Rollo conquered, killing Berengar and marrying his daugher "in the Danish fashion". November 28, 2020 Her maternal grandparents were Gurwant de Rennes and Miss de Brittany. GANGER ROLF, "The Viking" (or ROLLO), banished from Norway to the Hebrides ca. 16b Child 2: a daughter X who married Gui, Count of Senlis, Count Gui de Senlis, mother of Poppa. ló i la mare del Duc de Normandia Guillem Llarga Espasa.Els seus orígens continuen sent foscos. Poppa de was born in 0872 in Evreux, Eure, Normandy, France. The daughter of Count Berenger de Bayeux, she was captured during a raid and kept (as his wife)as was the Viking tradition. Poppa of Bayeux (French: [pɔpa d(ə) bɛjø]; born c. 880 AD), was the Christian wife or mistress (perhaps more danico) of the Viking conqueror Rollo. Poppa had a spouse/partner named 1st Duke of Normandy Rollo (The Strong, The Ganger) Rognvaldsson and seven children named Longue Epaee, Gerletta, Blanche or Adelaide, Kathlin, Crispina, Robert, David. Christine de Pisan. 24 DecemberThe thirteenth and last Yule LadDecember 24, 2020, 23 DecemberAnd then the twelfth Yule Lad comes along.December 23, 2020, 22 DecemberTime for the eleventh Yule Lad.December 22, 2020, Matilda of FlandersThe powerful wife of William the Conqueror.November 1, 2020, Henry IV of GermanyThe Holy Roman Emperor who walked to Canossa.August 6, 2020, Edward the ElderSon of Alfred the Great, brother to Æthelflæd, Lady of Mercia and father...July 1, 2020, Terp(en)Medieval inhabited artificial mounds in the Low Countries.March 18, 2020, Badorf WareType of early medieval pottery.March 18, 2020, Ýlir (Nov – Dec)The month of Yuletide, the winter solstice, of new beginnings.December 20, 2020, From Around the Web (100)This brief review is a big wink to the new weekly series starting next...December 12, 2020, A Silver Hoard in SwedenThe discoveries at the Viking Age site in Viggbyholm.December 5, 2020. Poppa De Senlis Countess Bayeux (born De Senlis) was born in 991, at birth place, to Berengal de Bayeaux De Senlis and Adalind De Senlis (born de Gurvand). His second wife was Poppa, said to be the daughter of Count Berenger de Bayeux, captured during a raid and kept in Viking tradition. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Poppa of Bayeux (French: [pɔpa d(ə) bɛjø]; born c. 880 AD), was the Christian wife or mistress[2] (perhaps more danico)[3] of the Viking conqueror Rollo. Poppa de Bayeux. Berengal was born in 975, in Senlis, Oise, Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, France. Elle aurait épousé Bérenger de Bayeux de qui serait née Poppa, puis Gui de Senliset aurait eu Bernard de Senlis3. Poppa de Bayeux est la « frilla » (épouse more danico) [1] du jarl des Normands Rollon, et la mère du duc de Normandie Guillaume « Longue-Épée ».. Ses origines restent obscures. She was his concubine or wife. Parent (s) Roman Polanski. She was second wife to Rollo 'Duke of Normandy' Rognvaldsson who defeated the Franks and took the St Cler castle. Roots: Count Berenger of Bayeux, killed in the Viking attack on Bayeux and his daugther Poppa captured.1 NAME Pepin (Berenger), Comte De /Senlis/ 2 GIVN Pepin (Berenger), Comte De 2 SURN Senlis Poppa est un anthroponyme vraisemblablement d'origine germanique, variante féminine de Poppo.Les historiens retiennent deux hypothèses [2] : . [10] Katherine Keats-Rohan states she was the daughter of Berengar II of Neustria by Adelind, whose father was Henry, Margrave of the Franks, or Adela of Vermandois. Poppa de Valois was born CA 872 in Évreux, Eure, Haute-Normandie, FRANCE, daughter of Berenger de Bayeux and Cunegunds des Francs Quentin de Bayeux. Emmanuelle Seigner. See more ideas about Rollo of normandy, Normandy, My family history. Critiques, citations, extraits de Poppa de Bayeux de Joëlle Delacroix. Papia (Poppa) de Valois,, Poppa|Papie of Bayeux, Lady Poppa, Duchess of Norway, Religion: Poppa is that she was a Christian, Residence: Evreux, Nuestria. 867, 890 participated in Viking attack on Bayeux, where Count Berenger of Bayeux was killed, and his dau. Katharine Keats-Rohan: Poppa de Bayeux et sa famille, in: Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident médiéval, Oxford, Prosopographica et genealogica (2000) 310 S., ISBN 1-900934-01-9, S. 140–153; René Merlet, Origine de la famille des Bérenger comtes de Rennes et ducs de Bretagne (1925) S. 549–561 Initially Charles II - nicknamed the Charles the Bald - became king of the western part, which incl… This information is part of by on Genealogy Online. She died about 0938 in France. [11] Despite the uncertainty of her parentage, she undoubtedly was a member of the Frankish aristocracy. Invasions Vikings | Poppa de Bayeux | Rollon | Hiver 890 : La fureur des hommes du Nord s’abat sur la cité de Bayeux. POPPA De BAYEUX (daughter of BERENGER De BAYEUX and Miss De RENNES) was born Abt. "Katherine Keats-Rohan, in her article article on "Poppa of Bayeux and Her Family" in the 75th-anniversary issue of TAG (July-October 1997). Under Treaty of St. Claire, 911, rec'd the Duchy of Normandy . Their attacks formed a recurring problem for many coastal cities, also in West Francia. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Rollo or Rolf the Ganger (r. 911-925) The ancestors of William the Conqueror and England's line of Norman kings had Norwegian Viking roots. She was married about 886 in Évreux, Eure, Haute-Normandie, FRANCE to Rollo Ragnvaldsson, they had 2 children. . This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Parentage unknown. A Chamber Grave in Valsøyfjord The discovery of a chamber grave of a woman in Valsøyfjord, Norway. [8][9], There are different opinions among medieval genealogy experts about Poppa's family. Mentres a cidade de Bayeux estaba asediada por viquingos liderados por Hrolf Ganger "o Camiñante" [2], este último matou a Berengario II no momento da captura da cidade (885/889). Commenter J’apprécie 2 0 . Poppa de's father was Berenger Count de Bayeux and her mother was Miss de Rennes. TO DO - LOCATE HER NAME 17. Poppa captured and taken, 886, by Rollo (now called Count of Rouen) as his "Danish" wife. Une autre hypothèse, moins prestigieuse, mais pour le moins aussi crédible, abordée par l'historien et spécialiste Jean Renaud, fait de Poppa une concubine de Hrólf, bergère venue des Hébrides. She was the older of the two children. Morgane Polanski (born 20 January 1993) is a French-Polish actress and model, best known for portraying Princess Gisla in the History Channel series Vikings . [12] A statue of Poppa stands at the Place de Gaulle in Bayeux. Although most likely his marriage was Danish style, the Nordic polygamous system, since at the death of Gisela the sources said he returned with Poppa. Her father was a bear trainer and her mother was a dancer and actress (and as we all know, before the 20th century “dancer” and “actress” were usually code for “prostitute”). A Silver Hoard in Sweden The discoveries at the Viking Age site in Viggbyholm. Poppa de Bayeux ca 865-912 Avec Rollon Ier le Riche de Normandie, chef viking à l'origine du duché de Normandie ca 862-ca 928; Bernard 1er de Senlis, comte de Valois ca 875-927 Avec Cunégonde de Vermandois ca 880-949 Post was not sent - check your email addresses! He would marry Poppa of Bayeux, daughter of Count Berengar of Rennes, and had a son, William I Longsword. [13], Poppa of Bayeux's statue, Place de Gualle, Bayeux, "Poppa, tenth century, wife of Rollo of Normandy", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Poppa_of_Bayeux&oldid=964838748, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Adelind, Adela of Vermandois or Cunegundis, This page was last edited on 27 June 2020, at 21:51. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. "Poppa" de Bayeux. Daughter of Berenger, count of Bayeux ; Project MedLands DUKES of NORMANDY 911-1106. Rollon prendeu a Poppa e tomouna como "frilla". Poppa de Bayeux fue la amante o la esposa [5] (quizá por more danico) [6] del conquistador normando Rollón.Fue la madre de Guillermo, duque de Normandía, Gerloc, [7] [8] y abuela de Ricardo I de Normandía que convirtió el Ducado de Normandía en un gran feudo de la Francia medieval. The rich history of the Viking Age is a source of inspiration for my web site The Viking Age Archive, and for writing stories in general. Poppa’s mother is recorded as being the daughter of Pepin, but her name is not recorded 4. Poppa de Bayeux de Joëlle Delacroix Je ne commets ni bonnes ni mauvaises actions ; j'agis seulement pour honorer mes ancêtres et assumer avec dignité le destin que les Nornes ont choisi pour moi. Poppa 'Duchess of Normandy' De Valois. accepts, as I think do most scholars, the early identification of … Learn how your comment data is processed. Rollo had two wives, the first being Gisela, the daughter of the King of France, Charles the Simple and an unknown mother. Marriage: Hrolf "Ganger" Rognvaldsson Princeps Nortmannorum 167; Died: Abt 872 General Notes: ~Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700, 8th Edition, 121E:18, 1st Count of Normandy, banished from Normandy to the Hebrides.