In earlier films like The Host, Snowpiercer, and Okja, Bong slyly explored the impact that humans have had on our environment. The Parasite, an American silent film; Parasite, an American science fiction horror film; Parasite, a South Korean black comedy thriller film "Parasite" (), an episode of Heroes"Parasite", an episode of Teen Titans Go! Characters die. The ending is very emotional, and more than likely will stick with you for a while. Plot Keywords. Why are we like this? A fascinating and thought-provoking watch. Parasite is not a horror film, but it is not one bit less chilling. My older son and I enjoyed the thrilling suspense, the satire, a... Parasite may be a different language film but it’s just so good. 7 min read. What values are imparted? How is drinking depicted? Extreme peril, swearing in violent eco-fable. Joe Morgenstern Oct 10, 2019. The blood and wound are visible. Characters fight and hit each other with blunt objects. Add your ratingSee all 29 parent reviews. A young man kisses a teen girl. The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points. At last year's Cannes Film Festival, the director Alejandro González Iñárritu explained how the jury, of which he was chair, came to a unanimous decision on Parasite, which won the Palme d'Or. He is seen on the ground and a large pool of blood forms under him. One character creepily walks around with excessive amounts of blood on his face. Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. An entire family drinks heavily in one scene, whiskey and other kinds of liquor. What age rating is it? At the end, there's a gruesome massacre at a birthday party. Lessons on envy, greed, ignorance and awareness. One character gets trapped in a noose, and another is knocked down concrete stairs. Parasite has been showered with acclaim and awards (Picture: CJ Entertainment) Awards season is underway, and one film which already has a few trophies under its belt – … A character gets a concussion; another is briefly trapped in a noose. They are lying on a couch, and her upper breast including nipple is exposed for a fraction of a second. Parasite is the first foreign language film to win Best Picture, and has won the first ever Oscars for South Korea, a country with a vibrant cinema culture that is having an incredible year. Parasite is a fiercely original, multi-genre experience. Parents: Set preferences and get age-appropriate recommendations with Common Sense Media Plus. While role playing, a woman asks her husband to buy her drugs. | Very disturbing to children. A man pinches his wife's nipples and rubs her crotch, and the woman reciprocates by putting her hand down his pants. The "ghost" scene contains briefly frightening imagery. A young man and woman intentionally gave a woman anaphylaxis using peaches. A character suddenly swipes all the food and drink from a table, smashing it on the floor. What does the movie have to say about class differences? Set in South Korea, it invites the audience to the stunningly modernist mansion of the wealthy Park family, into which the poor Kim family are plotting to infiltrate. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. The film is generally based on the differences of poor to wealthy groups of people. The poor must scheme, ask for help to get by, but as soon as anyone gets the upper hand, they attempt to crush the poor and stop them from advancing. Brilliant Korean social satire has dark comedy, violence. The movie is incredibly and uncomfortably violent in different scenes. I’d also … Horror-thriller is surprising, shocking, timely, and funny. Kim Renfro for Business Insider says Parasite is “best seen with absolutely zero context”. If you chose to provide an email address, it will only be used to contact you about your comment. Parents need to know that Parasite is a brilliant social satire from acclaimed South Korean filmmaker Bong Joon-ho (Snowpiercer, The Host). © Common Sense Media. A man is seen in a bathtub But no nudity is shown. Some of them become slurring drunk. South Korean filmmaker Bong Joon-ho already has an impeccable track record, but he's stepped up his game with this brilliant, powerfully revealing social satire. A woman secretly removes her panties in a car to falsely accuse. You know him from: Bong's 2017 film, Okja, as well as Yeon Sang-ho's 2016 thriller, Train to Busan, or Kim Tae-yong's 2014 coming-of-age film, Set Me Free. Is it glamorized? More plotting results in the firing of the family's driver and maid, providing jobs for Chung-sook and Ki-taek. Parasite (Korean) Book now. What's the impact of media violence on kids? Messages have complex layers, but movie asks pointed questions about the rich and their tendency to insulate themselves from others' problems and the yearning of the poor to become just like the rich. Very mature satire is unique, impossible to dismiss. No blood is visible. "Parasite" is a marvelously entertaining film in terms of narrative, but there’s also so much going on underneath about how the rich use the poor to survive in ways that I can’t completely spoil here (the best writing about this movie will likely come after it’s released). Are there consequences? Gore wise there are a few scenes with a lot of blood. A man stabs a woman in her chest. Film and television. | This is probably going to be one of the most informal introductions to a review I have writte n, but fuck it, that is the game we are playing today. How is sex depicted? We were unable to submit your evaluation. A man is implied to be accused of having sex while working. All four live in a tiny basement flat and all four are unemployed. Your privacy is important to us. Bong Joon Ho brings his work home to Korea in this pitch-black modern fairytale. The Kim family are close. Watch Parasite (Korean) movie trailer and book Parasite (Korean) tickets online. Completely seamless in its narrative and plot structure and boasting some genuinely shocking and jaw-dropping moments. Multiple uses of "f--k," "s--t," "a--hole," "bitch," "piss," "screwed," "scumbag," and "oh God," all translated in the English subtitles. Watch Parasite (Korean): Unlimited Screening movie trailer and book Parasite (Korean): Unlimited Screening tickets online . With Song Kang-Ho, Lee Sun-kyun, Cho Yeo-jeong, Choi Woo-sik. A young man is slammed in the head with a large rock off screen. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. Matt Petit / A.M.P.A.S. A unarmed man is stabbed with a knife and killed instantly. Expect a few scenes of extremely strong violence, blood, and gore, with stabbing, fighting, hitting with blunt objects, and death. Parasite (Korean): Unlimited Screening Book now. He wonders why humans tend to look away from, or insulate themselves from, others' troubles and suffering. Families can talk about Parasite's violence. More information about . 100. It's extremely shocking and unexpected. Release date: 7 February 2020. Parasite is possibly even more explicit and angry a socio-political ... which saw its prole insurgents upsetting the rigid class ecosystem on a train in a futuristic ice age. There really isn't anything that violent until the climax of the movie, 22 uses of "fuck", 5 uses of "shit", 4 uses of "bitch", 2 uses of "ass", 4 uses of "damn", 3 uses of "hell", and 1 use of the word "Jesus.". I got SO lucky last night. A man is caught around the neck with a circular wire frame by another man, which violently pulls him back several times as he tries to run away. When I saw Parasite with my child (17) I was afraid of what I’d expose her to. The Kim family are close. Is it possible to change, become more aware of suffering and needs of fellow humans? A staggeringly drunk character urinates in an alleyway. But its scale is far smaller. All realised by excellent performances of well written characters and some truly impressive technical aspects. What's the impact of media violence on kids? See something that needs to be addressed? Edit . Expect a few scenes of extremely strong violence, blood, and gore, with stabbing, fighting, hitting with blunt objects, and death. It’s true – knowing little about South Korea makes the film easier to digest. Then, he and Ki-jung scheme to score a position for her, too, as an art therapist for the family's precocious youngest son. The final confrontation is extremely tense and scary. How long is it? The film is generally based on the differences of poor to wealthy groups of people. Brief scenes of intense gore. It's alternately funny, shocking, and thoughtful, but it's also quite mature. Read more. Are any of the characters admirable? How did the filmmakers achieve this effect? Taglines A young man and a teenage girl kiss twice. The strongest scenes reminds you of something you'd see in a horror film. Join Plus now. How did it make you feel? Although it has humor in it, Parasite has a dark tone and some frightening moments. When I saw Parasite with my child (17) I was afraid of what I’d expose her to. Parasite the new film from director Joon-ho Bong who also directed the 2013 film Snowpiercer starring Chris Evans, is given a 15 age rating in the UK. We're updating our reviews to better highlight authentic stories and accurate, diverse representations. Bong Joon Ho and the cast of "Parasite" at the 92nd Academy Awards in Los Angeles on Feb. 9, 2020. Parents: Set preferences and get age-appropriate recommendations. Plot Summary Ever the sui generis genre-switcher, Bong this time has his class struggle play out in a con-family comedy. The scene is shot in a scary manner, but due to the audience's recent discovery of who the man is, some may find the scene even more frightening. Oscars 2020: Parasite sweeps the board to shock and delight Hollywood First foreign-language film to win best picture follows big wins for Brad Pitt, Renee Zellweger and the Obamas A woman brushes debris underneath a table and cuts her hand on glass. The star rating reflects overall quality. Young character smokes cigarettes. Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization, earns a small affiliate fee from Amazon or iTunes when you use our links to make a purchase. Why does that matter? How do the rich and poor view each other? Join now. A woman is kicked down a staircase and hits her head which ultimately leads to her death. We won't share this comment without your permission. More information about . Parasite has a 15 rating, listing strong, bloody violence, language, sex and sex references as features of the film. Woman falls down the stairs and gets a severe concussion. Thank you for your support. via Reuters Turning on the charm, Ki-woo gets the job. When the second half comes, it's not only a narrative shock, but it also forces viewers to ask hard questions about why the first half was so enjoyable. How many awards did Parasite … In Parasite, he looks at an even bigger picture. A man grabs his wife's buttock. See our. Parasite is a movie that taps into a rich cinematic tradition of unreliable servants with an intimate knowledge of their employers, an intimacy that easily, and inevitably, congeals into hostility. PARASITE was one of the big winners during the Oscars 2020 ceremony. A film, which recently won 4 Oscars. Director Bong Joon-ho. Right. Meet the Park Family: the picture of aspirational wealth. (Original title: "Gisaenchung") There is graphic violence towards the end of the film. We display the minimum age for which content is developmentally appropriate. A young boy sees an old man with glowing eyes in the middle of the night, and believes he saw a ghost. The scene is comedic. One scene shows an entire family drinking heavily and getting drunk; a young woman smokes cigarettes, and a staggeringly drunk man urinates in an alleyway. English subtitles include multiple uses of "f--k," "s--t," "a--hole," "bitch," and more. Is it shocking, or thrilling? Read more. The Kim family lives in a semi-basement and struggles to keep food on the table. Read full review. A woman and a man struggle on the floor until the woman impales the man and kills him. Directed by Bong Joon Ho. Although it has humor in it, Parasite has a dark tone and some frightening moments. Rated R for language, some violence and sexual content. Cleanly and slickly constructed, Parasite takes perverse pleasure in scamming the rich during its leisurely, funny first half, and that pleasure is contagious. And the Kim Family, rich in street smarts but not much else. The film has already been a big hit in many parts of the world and it has grossed nearly $100 Million globally already. And it’s a riot. A woman is in a bathtub but no nudity is shown. A man greets his wife by giving her buttocks a squeeze. This film is the best movie I've ever watched in 2019!!! Synopsis A man grabs his wife by her shirt in pretend anger. But, when I viewed the film as a work meant to expose the societal differences between the rich and poor, I realized it was exactly the wake-up call she needed. Common Sense and other associated names and logos are trademarks of Common Sense Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (FEIN: 41-2024986). Running time: 132 minutes. 5 Tips to Make Family Movie Night a Success. Parents need to know that Parasite is a brilliant social satire from acclaimed South Korean filmmaker Bong Joon-ho (Snowpiercer, The Host). Greed and class discrimination threaten the newly formed symbiotic relationship between the wealthy Park family and the destitute Kim clan. Very disturbing to children. ; Literature. Parasite, maybe the best film Bong has yet made, begins as a social-realist drama about a poor family struggling to find work in modern-day Seoul. Suggest an update to this review. Title PARASITE Year 2004 Distributor(s) Film 2000 Classified date(s) 29/04/2004 Main language English Submitted run time 1m 9s BBFC reference ATAVV196349 A young woman removes her underwear in the back of a car. Edit . Whatever the horror-movie connotations of that double-edged title, the morally flawed monsters in Parasite are entirely human. Elegant power struggle in the fashion world; salty language. A fall down concrete stairs. All rights reserved. Things seem to be looking up at last for the Kims -- until a bizarre secret turns everything totally sideways. Film Review: ‘Parasite’ Reviewed at Cannes Film Festival (competing), May 21, 2019. and this film deserves winning best picture. No nudity is shown. 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Daniele Venturelli Getty Images 3 of 8 A near masterpiece that really lives up to all the acclaim it is receiving. Then, the rock is thrown at the top of his head onscreen while he lies on the floor. Seems like a lot in 2 hours, but not only is the message of class division clear, Bong presents it in the most accessible and humorous way while being able to shock his viewer; and everything To sum this movie it up, it is a black comedy, a thriller, a horror and a social satire in 2 hours. Wondering if Parasite is OK for your kids? Through a friend, Ki-woo gets the chance to tutor Park Da-hye (Jung Ziso), the daughter of a wealthy family, even though he's not a student. There's also kissing, plus other sexual situations and sex-related talk. Edit . | Our ratings are based on child development best practices. The cinematography and the writing is astonishing. A married couple gets frisky on a couch; he rubs her breast, and she grabs his crotch.