Livraison gratuite. Donatello est une minifigurine Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, le frère de Leonardo, Michelangelo et Raphael et l'une des quatre tortues ninja entraînées par Splinter. Mort d’une des Quatre Tortues Ninja : L’Internet en Deuil. Vite ! Luckily, Donatello survived the onslaught. gradegradegradegradegrade 99% d'avis positifs. "Non, on ne touche pas aux Tortues Ninjas ! On ne peut pas impunément tuer une tortue Ninja, qu'on soit Shredder ou un écrivain en mal de sensations fortes ! Son bandana est généralement violet, sa couleur favorite (bien que les quatre tortues aient eu un bandana rouge à l'origine), et son arme est un bō, qu'il utilise parfois également comme un outil. In all media, he is the smartest of the four turtles. La mort violente d’une Tortue Ninja 29 mars 2015 0 commentaire Tuer un personnage-phare pour relancer l’intérêt des lecteurs et, éventuellement, espérer que l’annonce soit reprise dans les médias dans l’idée que ça fasse une pub d’enfer à la série où ce personnage apparaît, est un classique dans le … Est-ce vraiment la fin ou vous attendez-vous à un rebondissement ? [citation needed] His primary signature weapon are his (2) effective bō staffs. He was one of the few who could telepathically communicate with them. Coloriage DONATELLO Coloriage LEONARDO Pour colorier le coloriage RAPHAEL directement sur ta tablette ou ton ordinateur, rien de plus simple, la machine à colorier est là pour faire de super coloriages Comme toi, beaucoup d'autres visiteurs de Hellokids ont sélectionné ce coloriage RAPHAEL dans la catégorie Coloriages TORTUES NINJA. Donatello appears in the sequel, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows. "un tortue ninja = 1 des 4 heros de la serie" faut pasa voir le bac pour comprendre ca Donc apprends à lire et surtout a reflechir, le titre lui meme est un spoil. Il est très intelligent, passionné par la science et son nom est tiré du peintre/sculpteur du même nom. Inscription :.DONATELLO. Donatello est l'intellectuel du groupe et est à l'aise avec les machines, généralement pacifiste, diplomate, bien que les autres traits de sa personnalité varient en fonction des circonstances. Ici tu es dans la rubrique Coloriages TORTUES NINJA et tu t'apprêtes à faire le coloriage DONATELLO. Donatello possède dix mains interchangeables, une fiole mutagène, une tête interchangeable et son fidèle bō (bâton). Donatello then went on to battle Lady Shredder and the foot clan with his brothers and Pimiko. Si je te dis en titre This incarnation of Donatello appeared in the Turtles Forever crossover special voiced by Christopher C. Adams. In the independent published series of the Image Comics, Issue #24, Don's armor began to malfunction and was so powerful Donatello was on his last legs until he made a deal with Baxter Stockman who Don was reluctant to work with but had no choice. Most notably he spent days and nights fixing the boiler to give his family hot running water and builds a windmill and a water wheel to provide electricity. However, the second film clearly established Donatello as the most scientifically-minded turtle as well as the most introspective, feeling dejected when he learns that the ooze that created the Turtles only exists because of an accident, although Splinter consoles his dejection by pointing out that the circumstances of their origins cannot define their present worth. 1. 4:49. Erwan Lafleuriel est rédacteur chez IGN France. 15 ans de Dreamland - Interview avec Reno Lemaire, Manga : récap' des nouveautés de février 2020, Manga : récap des nouveautés de janvier 2020, Manga : retour sur les sorties de Janvier 2019. Donatello will be featured as one of the playable characters from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as DLC in Injustice 2, voiced by Joe Brogie. Attention : Spoilers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #44 ! - Dimensions (en cm) : 18 - Produit en PVC de haute qualité In issue #50, Metalhead self-destructed and Donatello returned to his organic body which has now been outfitted with an artificial shell. Seeing their ally Karai subdued and about to be killed, Donatello grabs one of the Foot's machine guns and repeatedly shoots the Foot Elite. Alors quoi ? At the end of the story the turtles, April and Casey move back to New York save for Donatello who chooses to stay in Northampton with Master Splinter to heal from his injury as well as reflect on everything that had happened. Tags : tmnt, adolescentes tortues ninja muntant, tortues, tortues ninja, sortir de l 39 ombre, adolescentes tortues ninja muntant sortir de l 39 ombre, michelangelo, donatello, raphael, leonardo, tmnt cas d 39, étincelles, bebop, solide comme un roc Fugitoid says he needs to go to Burrow Island to get the equipment to save Donatello. Leonardo blamed the cpu of Don's armor for his death; however, Donatello wasn't dead but was separated from his body, and with the help of his brothers he returned to his body. He is usually depicted wearing a purple eye mask. This has been carried over into the games inspired by the 2003 animated series. donatello, un personnage de fiction, est l'une des tortues ninja. Raphael starts regretting leaving Donatello behind and seeing him in a robot body is too much for Raphael to handle, but as soon as Alopex and Leonardo give him some comfort he eventually accepts Donatello as Metalhead and he, Leo and Mikey go on patrol while Donatello and the Fugitoid transfer Donnie's turtle body to the lair of the turtles while Harold gets some equipment to help Donatello get back into his own body. While the comics portrayal of the team has no official command structure, in the early stories he is depicted as second-in-command, prior to Raphael taking that position. In a shocking twist, Donatello was nearly killed at the end of issue #44 when Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo were on a mission to stop Krang from transforming the Earth using an alien device called the "Technodrome". Nouveau sujet Liste des sujets. The process could not be reversed on Donatello, possibly due to his mutation, leaving him the size of an action figure. En effet, une des quatre tortues d'enfer n'a pas survécu à une attaque ennemie. It wasn't until seeing his brothers in danger from the Cyber Shredder did he realize he was ignoring his responsibilities to help them and promised not to let his obsession with saving Master Splinter take control again. 1:44. He is co-creator Peter Laird's favorite Turtle. Faites vous plaisir grâce à notre sélection Donatello tortues ninja pas cher ! In the official IDW-published conclusion, TMNT Urban Legends, after Dr. X activated an EMP, the living armor abandoned Donatello for a new host, where it was discovered the armor had been impeding Donatello's natural healing abilities. Le dernier numéro de la série de comics Tortues Ninja actuelle marque un tournant dans l'histoire de la série. Pack de 2 figurines Les Tortues ninja, modèle Donatello vs Krang in Bubble Walker 18 cm. The films also portray Donatello as being close with Michelangelo, bantering with him during fight sequences, going off to the side when Leo and Raph are arguing, and in general hanging out in their spare time. Raphael storms off with Alopex following behind him. Découvrez et achetez des milliers de miniatures appartenant aux plus grandes franchises cinéma, séries, mangas ou encore jeux vidéo des XXe et XXIe siècles. He takes his time deciding on the most appropriate victory cheers, though his choices are sometimes quite perplexing (for example, "Bossa Nova!"). He also finds an old typewriter and writes his own personal credo. Une fois ton coloriage DONATELLO terminé, n'hésite pas à en imprimer d'autres dans la rubrique Coloriages TORTUES NINJA Des coloriages il y en a beaucoup sur Hellokids. Donatello decides to accompany the Utroms on a mission to Tepui to search for two missing research teams. Achetez vos figurines Tortues Ninja (TMNT) dans notre boutique spécialisée pour bénéficier du meilleur prix et d'un service après-vente de qualité ! - Figurine Tmnt Tortues Ninja - Donatello Métals - Matière Métal - Vendu sous window box - Taille 10cm. He is listed as 4 feet (1.2 m) in height on the original action figure release. Ils ont osé O_O Heureusement, il ne s’agit pas de ma tortue ninja préférée (Raphael) <_< Il n’empêche que ça fait mal au coeur d’apprendre la mort de (SPOILER ALERT) l’informaticien de la bande…aka Donatello. Et ré des œufs jouer adolescent tortues Mutant compilation ninja doh leonardo raphael michelangelo. In issue #47, He mentioned to Fugitoid and Harold he is connected to his body's vital signs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, "Heroes in a Half Shell Turn the Big 2–5", "Show Business: Lean, Green and on the Screen",, Eighties Teenage Mutant Mutant Ninja Turtles To Make Appearance On Current Animated Series, "Sean Astin in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: He's Raphael | Inside TV |", "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cast Announced",, Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze, Turtle Power: The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2020, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Comics articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 22 December 2020, at 01:52. Donatello is calm, sensible, quiet, friendly, and gentle. Donatello was then by the end of the issue completely rid of all metal particles and had kept his and Baxter's ordeal a secret. Relying on gadgets over combat skills. Remué par la confession de son petit frère, il prit quelques minutes pour s'en remettre. While the Utroms work on returning him to normal, Donatello put his new size to use infiltrating a terrorist organizations warehouse. Donatello est une tortue ninja de type pacifique qui préfère toujours éviter le combat. By the time of Turtles Forever, the 2003 Donatello is in total disbelief over the scientific aptitude of his 1987 counterpart, in which the alternate Donatello replied, "Science isn't all about facts you know", although the two still manage to work together to track their enemies. Donatello is featured as TMNT season pass in Smite as a Wukong skin voice by Landon McDonald. 1 Description LEGO 1.1 2013 1.2 2014 2 Description 3 Variations 4 Apparitions 5 Galerie 6 Vidéo Ceci est une description de LEGO ou de l'un de ses partenaires. Donattelo a-t-il survecu ? In the Shades of Grey storyline, Casey Jones encounters the turtle by a ravine as he was pondering "the fractal structure of natural patterns". Mar 21, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Guillaume Falquier. Revers. The news of his supposed death spread all over the interview and IGN conducted an interview with script writer Tom Waltz, where he called the final scene a beautiful rendered scene, catching the emotion of the family. In the first half of the movie Donatello's skills are more focused on keeping the family together and on income than instead of inventing inventions and finding creative ways to solve problems. Esclave du jeu vidéo depuis 40 ans, il ne s'en échappe que ponctuellement pour pleurer ses défaites sur Twitter. Any science and math skill you can think of, he will do it all. Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael carried Donatello's body into the freezer to slow down the bleeding and increase his chance of survival. C'est en effet dans les pages du numéro 44 de Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles que l'on assiste à la mort de Donatello, rien de moins. During a battle with Shredder's Elite Guards in the ruins of the Second Time Around Shop, Donatello falls through the floor and breaks his leg. [9] However, Raphael felt he was better suited to be in charge and openly asks Splinter why he was not considered for the role.