Mai offers him a can of meat yet declines, as they saw a kitten walk by and they feed him. Trunks reignites the hope of going back to the past as he shows Mai the energy that Bulma sacrificed her life to get, further stating they can go back to the past. What you androids did to my world was all too real. Trunks is at age 14 at the time. Suddenly, Chronoa is attacked from behind by Towa who having managed to steal Tokitoki's egg, reveals it has enough power to break the seal on Demon Realm and cretaes a wormhole to free Mira from the Time Rift. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan) and Cooler (Fourth Transformation) vs. Future Trunks and Cooler (Fourth Transformation/Golden Cooler) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan: Berserk). Cell has found you!". Lives with his timeline's Future Mai. Trunks hands Mai her shotgun and says that they need to leave, quickly. Due to Janemba messing with the dimensions in the main timeline, Future Trunks finds a strange dimensional portal in his timeline when he is tracking down an energy signature similar to Gohan's Kamehameha. Cash's Intergalactic World Tournament along with Gohan, Krillin, Tien and Piccolo. During the final battle against Hatchiyak, he proved far too powerful for them, until they combined their strongest attacks in a beam struggle against the Tuffle (with Future Trunks performing the Burning Attack). While Gohan prepares to fight Cell again, Trunks uses up the last of his life energy to vomit up blood. Also, Goku tells Gohan to stay with Dende, and that he doesn't have to train anymore until the Cell Games. Vegeta watches Cell's transformation in anticipation, while the other three look on in fear and consternation. Struggling in the fight, Future Trunks turns Super Saiyan, managing to slice Android 14 horizontally in half, although it has a delayed effect. When Trunks and Krillin reach Gingertown, they find Piccolo engaged in combat with the creature. Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13! In the manga, the story begins with Future Trunks attempting to escape from Black's clutches throughout a ruined city. Future Trunks finds the Androids blueprints. He faced Future Dabura and destroyed him along with Future Babidi, preventing the resurrection of Future Majin Buu. Frustrated, Frieza fires a Supernova at Trunks. Birth Date Out of stock. He is even (though very rarely) shown to be cocky, such as when he became a Super Saiyan Third Grade, but when he loses his seeming "advantage" this cockiness dissolves instantly. Lagss counters with an attack from below ground but Goku pushes him out of the way and takes the attack instead. His hair looks like Vegeta's, but also resembles Trunks' purple hair. Trunks immediately rushes to save his comrade's life with a Senzu Bean. Trunks is quite close to Mai and has saved her life on a number of occasions (and vice-versa). Despite achieving his goal of returning to the past, and seeing all of his friends alive and well, Trunks still could not let go of the traumatic events he had been through, and always had a saddened and uncomfortable look on his face. Luckily, Future Mai saved Future Trunks by throwing a flash grenade at Black. Chronoa and Elder Kai decide to give Trunks time to recover from his emotional and heartbreaking reunion with Future Gohan and handle things on their own for a little while. Eventually, Future Trunks lands on the ground and asks Vegeta and the others to escape using the time machine then find a way to defeat Black and Zamasu, while he provides cover fire. Also, he became a lot more resilient, taking powerful blows from Black and Zamasu and able to put the duo on the defensive on many occasions. Bulma agrees to meet him there, as it is close to Capsule Corporation. List of characters killed by Future Trunks, "`드래곤볼 온라인`의 최종 목표는 악의 존재인 `창백한 남자`를 물리치는 것이다. At this point (in the anime only), Future Trunks is able to defeat Semi-Perfect Cell just by using his regular Super Saiyan form, though in the manga he requires his Super Saiyan Second Grade state like Vegeta does. Upon seeing Goku, Future Trunks begins suffering from PTSD and mistakes Goku for Black. In the anime only, on the next day, Vegeta takes Future Trunks to the forest to train and Trunks powers up to Super Saiyan 2 and wants Vegeta to go Super Saiyan 3 like Goku did. Mai asks him if he wants to rest, yet he declines. The Future Warrior convinces Buu to figure battle and defeats him but Buu decides it is more fun than the Ball and turns Trunks back to normal much to his relief. Future Trunks participated in X.S. Bulma revealed that before Future Trunks went back to the future after Cell's defeat he gave that capsule to Bulma, and Bulma placed it away and forgot about it over the years. Trunks is the second Saiyan to take on Perfect Cell with the intention of destroying him. Future Trunks realizes the energy came from the rift in time Black had created which disappears and wonders how he can ever repay everyone who helped him. After the Future Warrior defeats Frieza and his brother Cooler, he goes to aid Trunks in fighting Mira. Krillin says that Vegeta will most likely refuse. Vegeta announces that he's going to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber again and Trunks decides to go with him. In the manga, Future Trunks involuntarily transforms into his Super Saiyan form out of grief in a nearly identical scene to the TV special, though with the only difference being he already had achieved the transformation in the manga as previously stated. The Future Warrior arrives in Age 780 to find Future Gohan being confronted by Future Android 16 whom Trunks notes should not even exist in the first place, he instructs them that they must protect his mentor Future Gohan, despite painfully knowing that Future Gohan is fated to die during his battle with Future 17 and 18 which is the event Future 16 has been sent to alter by killing Future Gohan before it happens. Trunks tries to attack Demigra but he is revealed to be a mirage created by Demigra which reveals to Chronoa that Demigra is still imprisoned within the Crack of Time, though the seal is breaking due to Towa and Mira's alterations to history. Bulma confirms with Trunks that the man inside is someone who looks exactly like him, as she orders Goku to go get a Senzu Bean, which he does. Due to the main timeline's history being distorted, Trunks wished for a strong warrior to help him in fixing the timeline, resulting in the Future Warrior being summoned to Toki Toki City. (Download) Brolt Tenkaichi. Goku asks Future Trunks if it was Majin Buu who fought him, but Future Trunks explains that with Future Shin's assistance, he killed Dabura and Babidi, and prevented Majin Buu from resurrecting. Trunks, anticipating that Frieza does not believe him, proves it by transforming, to Frieza's horror. Appears in Trunks managed to flee to his time machine, and escaped from the future just in time, narrowly avoiding Black's Kamehameha. After Vegeta took a direct hit from the fused god's Lightning of Judgement, Future Trunks watched as Goku fired a strong Kamehameha wave at the enemy. Future Trunks during his fight against Black. However inadvertently, Trunks' revelation of the future alters it slightly. Angry over his father being controlled, Future Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan and charges Oren but is quickly blasted into the sea when he uses Smash Break on him. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. — Future Trunks to Kogu, Head-shot of Future Trunks in Bojack Unbound. During the Legendary Super Saiyan Saga, Trunks aids the Warrior by searching through the Time Scrolls to find out where the Wormholes have been appearing and manages to track down the time displaced Bardock and Broly on Dying Namek in Age 762. Future Trunks and Future Mai bid farewell to their friends. You were the only friend I ever had. M.Zamasu was relative to SSB Vegetto. Future Trunks continues to battle both of them at exactly the same time. In the anime, even while wearing ki-sealing handcuffs, Super Saiyan Future Trunks is able to hold an advantage over Super Saiyan: Berserk Goku in battle. Soon Demigra comes up with a new plan and uses the Dragon Balls to revive Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu whom he places under his control and sends them to attack West City in Age 778. I'm not going to do that Rage because I don't like this transformation very much (I think it's pretty useless to be honest) and it's original from DBS so I have nothing to change in the design. When Future Trunks foretells of the Androids in the manga, he mentions them as Nos. The androids of this timeline prove to be considerably stronger than the ones Trunks had fought, to the point where Android 18 is able to even easily take down Super Saiyan Vegeta and Super Saiyan Trunks together. Vegeta carries Goku and gives Mai the Senzu beans, while Bulma starts the time machine. Future Trunks cannot harm Janemba, but he holds him off long enough for the Spirit Bomb to be prepared. Future Trunks is then greeted by Krillin and Piccolo, who ask if something happened in the future. Future Trunks manages to escape from Black and time travels from Age 796 to Age 779, where his arrival interrupts a sparring match between Goku and Vegeta. Inspired and with his will to fight returned, Future Trunks channels his ki through his broken blade, generating a long golden blade of energy. Krillin says yes, and notes that Piccolo was already powerful beforehand. During the player's tutorial of the game, Future Trunks appears in a cinematic cutscene in which he lands at Kame House. Trunks looks over at what Cell is looking at, then he spots Android 18 as well, and Krillin is with them. Other things, such as his surprise that Piccolo's fusion would make a difference, also show this. I can't do it without you! [12] Due to living in such harsh times and trying to find any means necessary to destroy the androids, Trunks lacks the arrogance and pride of Saiyans like Goku and Vegeta and uses methods unbecoming of a traditional Saiyan warrior. Future Trunks can fuse through the Fusion Dance with his master Future Gohan, resulting in Future Gohanks. 40. Vegeta fights Android 18 and eventually loses. After the celebrations for Cell's long-waited defeat, Trunks give Bulma the Time Machine which Cell use to came to that era[16] and Vegeta acknowledges Trunks while he says his goodbyes. Cell states that he is now more interested in Trunks' power and desires a true challenge. Gohan says that he hopes Trunks can find the Androids weakness, and Trunks begins to think out loud about what it might be. Vegeta says all they can do now is hope Goku has a secret plan, like Trunks suggested. Trunks says that they cannot leave the second Time Machine where it is, so he puts it into capsule form, then does the same with his. You've made life a living hell for everyone because no one could stand up to you. Vegeta doubts Trunks can bring himself to attack his own father and says that he is bluffing. However his rage eventually subsides and in his new state, Future Trunks is able to combat both Black and Future Zamasu at the same time. Several years after killing Future Dabura and Future Babidi, and nine years after the fall of the Future Cell, Now Age 796 an enigmatic man named Black goes berserk and causes humanity to be on the brink of extinction. He soon explains the reason why he attacked Goku as the enemy he is facing looks exactly like him and explains what happened to the Future because of him even revealing that Future Bulma was killed by the man they have named Goku Black. Beerus and Whis realize that Future Trunks traveled in time after confirming with Trunks. This file is all about PNG and it includes mirai trunks - mirai trunks ssj tale which could help you design much easier than ever before. Future Trunks then meets his Present counterpart who is surprised to meet him before he goes to retrieve his sword, catching sight of present-day Mai in the process. After hearing this, Goku asks Future Trunks to spar with him and the two go outside. Characteristics Future Trunks and Teen Gohan head off, eventually finding Majin Vegeta who has just been defeated by Ultimate Gohan. In Dragon Ball Fusions, Future Trunks can fuse with Jaco utilizing the Metamo-Rings. Color 11 : Trunks Xeno. Later, for his battle against Cell, he wears clothing identical to his father's: a blue skin-tight jumpsuit with Saiyan Battle Armor, white boots with yellow tips, and white gloves. Fully powered up, Future Trunks, as a Super Saiyan 2 attacks with his sword. Trunks arrives to aid the Future Warrior in confronting the remaining Metal Coolers. He is then with Bulma, Vegeta, Goku, and Trunks, where they see him in his current state, much to their corresponding concern. Future Trunks turns super saiyan for first time 1995 VS 2016 Bulma suggests that they should receive help from Goku and Vegeta in the past. The fusion takes most of his look from Vegeta, but he also has Future Trunks' coat and jeans. After Goku and Vegeta fuse into Vegito, he fights and almost destroys Zamasu, however like in the original timeline he defuses prematurely, and Grotesque almost kills Goku and Vegeta. He resembles Future Trunks from Dragon Ball Z in appearance as he wears Future Trunks' original Capsule Corporation Jacket, though with Tapion's mohawk hairstyle and Trunks' purple hair color. Weight When Goku Black disperses the smoke with a Kiai, he notices Trunks inside his Time Machine crashing outside. Future Trunks, Goku, and Vegeta rushed to stop him, but to no avail, and the mad Kaioshin unleashes an onslaught of energy beams from the sky to kill all the remaining Earthlings, with only Future Trunks, Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, Future Mai, Shin, and Gowasu left. Before Earth was destroyed, Trunks manages to arrive in the nick of time to save the Future Warrior by bringing them back to Age 852. In the anime only, a sudden thunderstorm appears, and Black appears through a portal, which shocks Future Trunks. When his attempts to tell Vegeta of his suspicions fell on deaf ears, he went over with Paragus to New Planet Vegeta, namely to further attempt to convince his father to not do it. He is then rushed onto a gurney, where Trunks gets to see him, and is shocked by Future Trunks' arrival. Future Trunks (Base/Super Saiyan), Goku (Base/Super Saiyan), Gohan (Base/Super Saiyan), Vegeta (Base/Super Saiyan), and Piccolo vs. Ghost Frieza - After the Destron Gas Generator is destroyed, Future Trunks kills Frieza with an energy wave. Trunks watches as Bulma is knocked back by the fight causing his father to become stronger through his Quake of Fury and even cheers on his father. Cell says that he had hoped to save the best for last, but there is nothing he can do. Afterwards, Trunks is lectured on how Goku and Gohan mastered Super Saiyan to decrease strain of transforming, as Trunks is amazed that he didn't think to master it. Frieza was then given three opportunities to kill Future Trunks, but the young Super Saiyan is able to block and dodge the attacks with ease. He dons informal martial arts clothes, primarily a trench coat with a green torso beneath, and a new sword. Future Trunks fixes the jar and proceeded to learned the sealing technique, while Bulma leaves to distract Zamasu in order to buy time. The Spirit of Goku is Forever! Future Trunks, Kid Trunks, and Goten meet with the others and summon Shenron. "Why Gohan? Bardock tells Mira never to underestimate a Saiyan's Power before pulling himself and Mira into the wormhole Towa created. While Xeno Trunks has no control over his body in this form as he is being controlled by Demigra, he is capable of resisting it mentally as he encourages the Future Warrior to keep on attacking him to dispel Demigra's hold over him. While Goku Black is blinded, Trunks retrieves his sword and flies back into the building. After Goku and Vegeta give all their remaining power to Future Trunks, he absorbs this power into himself, transforming his blade into a Sword of Hope.