As the name suggests, this is a stack of multiple widgets that iOS 14 smartly rotates throughout the day. Frage: F: News Widget gelöscht - iOS 14 Das news widget war nach dem Softwareupdate nur noch eine schwarze Fläche, deswegen habe ich es gelöscht und wollte es neu hinzufügen. To create a stack of widgets on iOS 14, simply drag and drop a same-sized widget on top of an existing one. The reveal of iOS 14 has been a big deal for fans of iPhone widgets. Since the new iOS 14 lets users customize the iPhone home screen, people are also looking for more iOS 14 widgets apps to add more charm to the home screen. But there is no need to lose sleep over it as third-party widgets have more than filled the void. Don’t go searching for the word “countdown” in the App Store though, you’ll just get frustrated. Courtesy the introduction of iOS 14, widgets have become elegant and offer plenty of customization for a more personalized experience. Lanceur iOS 14 établit un nouveau standard pour le système d'exploitation mobile Android. ClimaCell stood out in the crowd with its accurate forecasts, rain and snow alerts, air quality maps, and wind speeds. アップルは17日、iOSの大規模アップデート「iOS 14」を提供開始した。新しいウィジェットの追加やデザインの一新、Appの自動整理、メッセージやマップの強化。新しい「Apple Clip」の採用など多くの機能強化が図られている。 Subscribe | Finish the Rubik's Cube in 10 sec otherwise 1000 €! In iOS 14 , however, widgets got a design and functionality overhaul. Custome Widget is the next one we have in the list of best iOS 14 widgets. Adding them elsewhere is a little different. September für alle kompatiblen iPhones … You can choose from 3 different widget types: Step Count, Daily Goal and Daily Step Graph . Apple finally added home screen widgets in iOS 14 and they bring a fresh approach to a long-forgotten feature on Android. Keep in mind, you can only add widgets to … With iOS 14, iPhone widgets can now appear on the home screen and can be customized and personalized. Okay, so not everyone on the planet is a soccer (i.e. Si … Avec iOS 14, Apple a donné encore plus de possibilités de personnalisation à ses utilisateurs. Avec Launcher iOS 14, votre téléphone est le périphérique le plus puissant, personnel et intelligent qu’il ait jamais été. One new widget function is the ability to create widget stacks. Si le widget Photos d’Apple permet d’afficher de jolis clichés sur votre écran d’accueil, il lui manque cependant une fonctionnalité cruciale, et pas des moindres : il est pour l’instant impossible de sélectionner soi même les photos qui y apparaissent, il faut obligatoirement s’en remettre à l’intelligence (ou la bêtise) du widget. Here's our roundup of the best and most useful iOS 14 widgets, from the fun to the productive. iOS 14 では、ホーム画面でウィジェットを使えるようになったので、気になる情報をいつでもチェックできます。また、ホーム画面やロック画面を右にスワイプして、「今日の表示」でもウィジェットを使えます。 iOS 14でホーム画面に固定表示が可能になった「ウィジェット」ですが、表示をカスタマイズできるウィジェットや、標準アプリよりおしゃれな表示ができるウィジェットなどが続々と登場しています。ホーム画面カ… There are already a great number of apps that weren’t mentioned here. Things you will need An iOS device running iOS 14 Color Widgets | Download Link Related: How to Get Spotify Widget on iOS 14 Rearranging your home screen is a little different in iOS 14. A … iOS 14: How to add widget to homescreen First, let's learn how to add a widget on your iOS 14 home screen. Considering the craze of people about the home screen widgets customization, here we have collected the top 20 best widgets apps for iOS 14 home screen. Weather apps have been aggressive in following the iOS 14 widget trend. My favorites are the large Multiple Posts widget and the medium Post Feed Grid widget, both of which look very sleek and change backgrounds based on your device being in light or dark mode. Even better, Apple made Widget … How to customize your widgets on iOS 14? iOS 14's new widgets experience will shake up how you use your iPhone. Let’s take a look at the procedure. If they have also caught your eyes, now is the perfect time to master the best tips to There are plenty of apps you can use to make countdown widgets on iOS 14. With a Custom Widget, you will create your own custom widget and placed it on the home screen of your iOS 14 devices. There is a special kind of widget available on iOS 14 which is called Smart Stack. However, thanks to third-party apps, there is already a wide range of third-party widget apps available for your iOS 14 installed iPhone. Apple's iOS 14 has brought home screen widgets to the iPhone. The app lets you set Work and Home location and you can see Home location temperature, future prediction for snow/rain, AQI levels, as well as hourly data of weather details from the home screen widgets. Pedometer++ is one of the most popular Health & Fitness apps from the App Store and among the first that has been updated with support for the new iOS 14 Home Screen widget feature. But that have some of the best iOS 14 widgets to take advantage of. iOS 14 ha introdotto i widget nella schermata home di iPhone. iOS 14: Etwas mehr Android-Feeling für iPhones Mit dem flächendeckenden Release von iOS 14 am 16. Best Third-Party iOS 14 Home Screen Widgets for iPhone and iPad As of now, Apple’s widget library looks quite lightweight due to the presence of only a handful of stock widgets. As developers spend more time with iOS 14, we’ll likely see more apps added to the list. iOS 14 also uses on-device AI to switch the widgets in the stack according to the time of day, location, and user activity. Noted does it all, and now in widget form as well, as you can quickly access your recorded and written notes direct from your iPhone's home screen on iOS 14. Et maintenant, il ouvre des possibilités incroyables pour le lanceur sur votre téléphone. Here are the ins and outs of how these new widgets work, and why they're so popular. The information can be … Custom Widget Stacks - Apple added widgets for the Home Screen in iOS 14, so you can pull them right out of Today Center and onto the main iPhone display. To save you from the struggle of trying to pick the best ones, we have put together a list of the top 10 best home screen widget apps for iOS 14 that you can download right now to your iPhone. We have a look at some of the new apps … One of the most popular apps of the iOS 14 widget-craze, Widgetsmith lets you create custom widgets to display things like the date, weather, photos, custom text, or … iOS 14 iPhone Widgets To give you an abstract, widgets are your portal to a variety of information and quick functionality on your iPhone. For too long, widgets on the iPhone have been a gimmick. iOS 14では、家族や仲のいい友達などとのチャットを上部に固定して、いつでもチャットの準備をしておけるのです。 4. Color widgets can be added to your iOS 14 home screen using an app of the same name. Oggi vediamo alcune app che permettono la creazione di widget personalizzati. Cela rend votre téléphone meilleur qu'avant. Initially, the widget functionality arrived on iPhone with iOS 8 in 2014.But it was limited in several ways and accessible only through the iOS Today View menu.