Tramway of Tunis. Last time I had taxi from Sousse to Tunis airport was approx 50 pounds but that was daytime and about 18 months ago, so would say budget toward the 60 - 70 mark,.. It blends traditional architecture with contemporary tastes and amenities, with individually styled rooms to make you feel like you're in a jewel box, plus a lovely courtyard and roof terrace for relaxing. Government Organization. Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine Tunis CNTS. Rome2rio makes travelling from Tunis to Hammamet easy. Note: it is difficult to get buses to hammamet late in the vening. From Gabes: 5 hours Note: it is difficult to get buses to hammamet late in the vening. A tarmac road leaves Tunis to Tabarka, and then on to Annaba in Algeria. A comprehensive guide to the world’s best travel destinations, its print heritage stretches back more than 30 years, with the online portal reaching its 20-year anniversary in 2019. From Gafsa: 5 hours The national railway company in Tunis is the Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Tunisiens (SNCFT) (tel: +216 71 345 511; Dans le Sud, prendre le bus devient une expérience enrichissante, en particulier lorsqu’il s’arrête dans t… Timetables are available at the stations, tourist office and online. Duration 27 min Frequency Every 15 minutes Estimated price $1 Schedules at Bus en tunisie. Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter pour obtenir le dernier scoop droit à votre boîte de réception. La Société nationale de transport SNTRI dispose de bus qui vous conduiront dans les villages les plus isolés du pays. The service is excellent, and there are some good restaurants within a minute's walk from the front door. Reservations are essential, particularly in summer. Envoyé avec succès. located in tunis downtown. Les réponses à vos questions sur le forum Tunisie. Inter-city bus service in Tunisia is fairly easy to use and vehicles are comfortable. Bus from Tunis Carthage Airport to Tunis Marine Ave. The five-line Métro Léger tramway and efficient TGM train are the two other main public transportation options in Tunis. Disability Service. Otherwise, there are plenty of options with one stopover. Tunisie. Blogs, photos, forum Tunisie sur Speed limits are 50kph (31mph) in towns and 90kph (56mph) on the open road. A modest yet pleasantly welcoming hotel in Tunis, well located for both the medina and the train station. L'application de mobilité urbaine la plus populaire de Paris. Tunisia is a year-round destination, with flight prices peaking during mid-summer and winter-sun holidays around Christmas. Daily services depart from the centrally located railway station to major Tunisian towns including Hammamet, Nabeul, Sousse, Monastir, Sfax, Gabes, Gafsa, Béja, Tozeur and Bizerte. There are two bus stations in town with Gare Routière Tunis Sud (south of Place Barcelone) serving cities and towns in the south and Gare Routière Tunis Nord (by Bab Saadoun) serving those to the north and west. Event. Other operators. Copyright © 2020 - Tous droits réservés. Many Tunisian long distance buses are known as ‘car,’ and buses labeled ‘car … On le trouve à droite de l'aéroport, avec d'autres bus urbains. Ces lignes de Bus s'arrêtent près de Tunis Tunis: 20, 71, 96. La société de Transport de Tunis regroupe les lignes de Bus, de Métro et de TGM (entre Tunis et la Marsa). You can reach it by taxi or by Métro Léger (Bouchoucha station, line 4). From Sydney: 25 hours (including stopover). Taxi from Tunis Airport (TUN) to Tunis Ave. A good motorway connects Tunis with Bizerte in the north, and Hammamet, Monastir and Sousse in the south. taxis? There are two main bus stations in Tunis. Traffic drives on the right and the minimum driving age is 18 years old. bus fare costs about 5 dinars max. Overlooking the whole of Sidi Bou Said, Dar Fatma is a small and welcoming traditional house in Tunis, scrubbed clean and decorated with great style and care, with modern furniture against bare walls and Tunisian woodwork. Simple, uncluttered rooms with high-shuttered windows and a good location near Avenue Habib Bourguiba make this a decent budget option in Tunis. louages? Nous vous ferons parvenir un lien de vérification. SNTRI - Tunis - Siège social Avenue Mohamed V Bus - Autocar : Informations complètes sur les horaires et tarifs des lignes de bus interurbaines en Tunisie. Tramvia de Tunis. Allà l'anomenen Metro i consta de 5 línies. Tunis Marine Bus Station is the starting point for bus … Clean, and great value for the price. GeWinner. If you're driving, you can use either your national driving licence or an International Driving Permit. From Hammamet: 1 hour Tickets are sold at the end farthest from the metro stop. Veuillez vous connecter à votre boîte aux lettres pour le confirmer. If you arrive at the station on the Tunis Metro, the TGM platform will be perpendicular to the metro cars and is easily accessed across the tracks. Pour faire le trajet aéroport / centre Tunis au moindre coût, le bus 635 fonctionne très bien. Rooms at the back are quieter and overlook a pleasant courtyard. La Société des Transports de Tunis TRANSTU a annoncé, lundi, qu’un changement partiel et provisoire de l’itinéraire habituel des lignes bus 32C, 71 et de la ligne El Jayara-Slimane Kahia, aura lieu durant une semaine à partir de samedi 8 août courant. From New York:12 hours (including stopover) This small luxury boutique hotel, the first in the medina, is located in the grand Belouahane family mansion, and still run by the family. From Sousse: 2 hours Rooms are quaint, although some have nice wrought-iron balconies to add to the charm. From Toronto:13 hours (including stopover) From Nabeul: 1 hour If so their flights arrive around 9pm - if on time. The destination, point of origin and route number are displayed in Arabic by the back door, but routes of interest to tourists have the destination marked in Roman letters, too. Find all the transport options for your trip from Tunis to Hammamet right here. Following is a list of stations of the Métro léger de Tunis, the light rail serving the city of Tunis The total CO2 Emission for your Tunis - Djerba bus trip is 17.55 kg Your total cost to travel by bus from Tunis to Djerba is about 14.0 USD (~51.42 AED) Other routes Le triangle rouge correspond à la station de la ligne ferroviaire Tunis-Goulette-Marsa (TGM). Communal taxis run between Tunis and Annaba, Constantine and Algiers in Algeria. est le portail touristique tunisien fournissant un guide pratique et interactif pour renseigner à portée de click les touristes et les Tunisiens sur la Tunisie. I suspect you may be arriving on Tunis air. Toutes les options de mobilité locales dans une seule app. bus fare costs about 5 dinars max. RNTT : transports en Tunisie : bus, métro,train Plan Transport tunisien Transport en Tunisie DjerbaBus Station Horaire Grands lignes Changement d’itinéraire des lignes bus 32C, 71 et El Jayara-Slimane Kahia. From Sousse: 2 hours Ce plan est inspiré de celui qui est disponible sur le site de la Société des transports de Tunis . bus? Updated every day by a dedicated global editorial team, the portal logs 1 million+ unique users monthly. From Monastir: 3 hours Les prix demeurent un peu plus intéressants que ceux du train. So may be after 10pm before you exit airport. From Sfax: 4 hours located in tunis downtown. The RATP bus line 28 map is designed to make your journeys easier; it is interactive and downloadable in PDF format. From Gabès: 5 hours Tunis Gare Centrale is located on place de Barcelone. Attente raisonnable dans la journée. Transit System. Tramway en Tunis. Tunisair operates direct flights to Tunis from the UK. From Nabeul: 1 hour 30 minutes From Kairouan: 2 hours Hope it helps There is no emergency breakdown service available in Tunis, although major international car rental companies will provide a replacement car. This old-fashioned French colonial hotel in Tunis has immaculate and comfortable rooms oozing character and period detail. lignes Bus Djerba/Nabeul, forum Tunisie. Gare Routière Nord (SNTRI) Bab Saadoun, on the road to Bizerte, has departures to the north and northwest of the country, including Bizerte, Tabarka, Sousse, Hammamet and Nabeul. Available in English, German and Spanish versions, the WTG provides detailed and accurate travel content designed to inspire global travellers. Tunisian trains are punctual, clean, efficient and relatively inexpensive. trains? Rooms are spacious and comfortable, furnished in local style, and there is a small pool in the garden. Des adresses FIT pour une rentrée sportive Sans oublier la dizaine de sociétés de transport régional (SRT Bizerte, SRTG Nabeul, SRT Le Kef, Jendouba...) ou encore la compagnie semi-privée STCI, aux tarifs légèrement plus élevés que ceux des compagnies nationales. Sécurité Transtu. The Gare Routière Sud, Bab el-Fellah has departures for the south, and can be reached by taxi or Métro Léger from the centre (Bab Alioua, line 1). From Béja:From 1 hour The major international car hire companies all have offices in Tunis. BS Trains Tunisie 21,582 views. Bus Monastir - Sousse. The road network in the north is dense but good, while roads in the south are fast being updated, and all major cities and sites are easily reached. Plus de détails Obtenir les directions maintenant. L'aéroport international de Tunis est le plus grand aéroport de Tunisie. Electricite Tunisie. Only use the official yellow metered taxis waiting outside the port, since the private taxis waiting inside the port often overcharge. As of July 2014 the TGM line is under renovation and the line ends at Tunis Carthage. GARE ROUTIÈRE GRANDES LIGNES +216 73 237 973 Plusieurs bus quotidiens pour Kairouan (environ 40 minutes, 8 DT), Tunis, (12 DT), Hammamet et Nabeul (40 minutes, 8 DT), El Jem (45 minutes, 10 DT), Gabès (10 DT) et Monastir (5 DT). Ce sont les lignes et les trajets qui ont des arrêts à proximité - RER: A Métro: 1, 2, 6, 9 Bus: 56, 57, 71, 86. Transports en commun vers Tunis Tunis à Paris. The Grandi Navi Veloce (tel: +39 010 209 4591, in Italy; operates regular ferries from Civitavecchia, Palermo and Genoa in Italy. - forum Tunisie - Besoin d'infos sur Tunisie ? Voyage en Tunisie. 6:51. MAN SU 313 Bus Startup - Inside + Outside Sound - Duration: 1:31. It covers all aspects, from cities to airports, cruise ports to ski and beach resorts, attractions to events, and it also includes weekly travel news, features and quizzes. Tunisia has over 70 bus lines, with Tunis at the hub. The World Travel Guide (WTG) is the flagship digital consumer brand within the Columbus Travel Media portfolio. Vous pouvez également vous rendre à Rue de Tunis par Bus, Métro, RER, Tram ou Train. Hope it helps Discover the bus line 28 map. Consulting Agency. Built in the early 20th century to transport the Bey of Tunis on his tours around the country, the historic, six-carriage Lézard Rouge now operates as a sightseeing train for tourists. From Gafsa: 7 hours 30 minutes Although most drivers obey the rules of the road, watch out for aggressive overtaking, erratic scooters and pedestrians. Rome2rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Horaires Métro, Bus et TGM : TRANSTU La société de Transport de Tunis regroupe les lignes de Bus, de Métro et de TGM (entre Tunis et la Marsa) Des adresses FIT pour une rentrée sportive Préparez la rentrée musicale de vos enfants ! 10 dinars. Gare Routière Nord (SNTRI) Bab Saadoun, on the road to Bizerte, has departures to the north and northwest of the country, including Bizerte, Tabarka, Sousse, Hammamet and Nabeul. A bus service connects to the other stops. From Bizerte: 1 hour Ferries to Tunis arrive in the port of La Goulette, 12km (7 miles) from the city centre. In a quiet back street, in the heart of the picturesque village of Sidi Bou Said, is this charming hotel set around four patios filled with bougainvillea. There are two main bus stations in Tunis. Est appelé Métro et il a 5 lignes. Taxi Cost max. (Tunis) 29,4% 6 Métro lignes 200 000 voyageurs/jour* Bus 219 lignes 457 500 voyageurs/jour* * fréquentation 2015 Ferroviaire 2 lignes : TGM : 38 000 voyageurs/jour* SNCFT : 110 000 voyageurs/jour* Taxis 17 000 Taxis collectifs 800 part modale (2006) 50% marche à pied, Taxi Cost max. RascarDK Recommended for you. Tunisia's road network is excellent. There is no direct bus from Airport to Hammamet. TCV - Tunis - Bus - Autocar : Cette compagnie privée offre un service confort avec ses bus vert et blanc. Glorious yet intimate. si tu te rend a la gare des bus a h souk pour Djerba ou a Tunis Sfax Sousse tu obtiens gratuitement les horaires sur papier Les horaires Djerba/Tunis (et grandes lignes)SNTRI les louages c'est encore autre … Whitewashed walls and blue window frames give everything a clean air. Les trains grandes lignes de Tunisie - Duration: 6:51. From Tozeur: 8 hours 30 minutes. Tunisia Express contribue à dynamiser les ventes en ligne à travers des solutions adaptées et interactives suivant le besoin de nos partenaires. It is called Metro and has 5 lines. comment se deplacer à Djerba? Je vais une semaine ds un hôtel à sousse situé rue du 7 novembre. 10 dinars. You can reach it by taxi or by Métro Léger (Bouchoucha station, line 4). Découvrez les facilités de notre aéroport, les lignes et destinations proposées par les compagnies aériennes et la … Take a taxi from airport to the hammamet bus station. Horaires des bus interurbains : SNTRI La Société Nationale de Transport Interurbain assure les opérations de transport routier national et international de voyageurs en zones interurbaines. From Tozeur: 6 hours. From London: 3 hours There is no direct bus from Airport to Hammamet. Take a taxi from airport to the hammamet bus station. Le symbole du bus indique une correspondance avec une station de bus. Search bus schedules, compare prices and book tickets for BlaBlaBus, ALSA, FlixBus, Rede Expressos, Greyhound, Avanza and Socibus buses going to Tuni. métros? From Los Angeles: 15 hours (including stopover) Several ferries connect Tunis with Europe, a good option if you want to bring in your car. There are no direct flights from the USA. From Bizerte: 1 hour 15 minutes Tunis is well connected by road to other Tunisian cities. Posez vos questions et parcourez les 3 200 000 messages actuellement en ligne. Tunísia. © Columbus Travel Media Ltd. All rights reserved 2020, Due to the impact of COVID-19, you are recommended to check travel restrictions from your government sources and contact local venues to verify any new rules, the IDs1579Tunis Carthage International Airport. Téléchargez l'application Moovit pour voir les horaires et itinéraires de transports disponibles à Paris. 1:31. Tunisia. From Sfax: 2 hours Yellow city buses run all over Tunis but aren't used by many visitors.