Καλλιτέχνης: Guillaume Apollinaire (Guillaume Albert Vladimir Alexandre Apollinaire de Kostrowitzky) Τραγούδι: Les fenêtres Άλμπουμ: Calligrammes - Poèmes de la paix et de la guerre (1913-1916) From the description of Les fenêtres (poem), 1913. From the description of Letters to René Delhumeau, ca. (Getty Research Institute). No doubt it is meant to stand in for Baudelaire's French for those who cannot read the original. From the description of Letter : Paris, to Marc Bresil, 1914 March 12. ★ Quincaillerie 2000 ★ 399 273 Rte, Saint-Apollinaire, Quebec, 4188812000 ★ Building Materials, Construction, Construction Materials, Garden Supplies, Garden Tools One Poem in Search of a Translator: Rewriting 'les Fenêtres' by Apollinaire: Loffredo, Eugenia, Perteghella, Manuela: Amazon.com.mx: Libros IN-FOLIO. Search. Pp. Its scope takes in the reception of ancient Greek and Latin works, the historical and contemporary translation of literary works from modern languages, and the far-reaching effects which the practice of translation has, over time, exerted on literature written in English. Share this: Click to print (Opens in new window) Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in … WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Lindberg, Ylva . (3) “Les fenêtres” by Marie Krysinska in Rythmes pittoresques, 1890. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. Find useful information, the address and the phone number of the local business you are looking for. Crypto-Back-Translation in Van Rooten's Homophonic Nursery Rhymes. I focus on what distinguishes these fours poems by following the evolution of poetical forms between symbolism and futurism/surrealism. For these two sections, in the absence of a commentary from the author, the editors step in to engage in dialogue with the translator (‘real or imagined’). WorldCat record id: 84215141 From the description of Notes on art, 1899-1914. The celebrated Canadian translator Barbara Godard, taking her cue like Sorrell from Apollinaire's keenness on new technology, submits ‘Les Fenêtres’ to manipulation by various computerized translating programmes, Babelfish, Systran, etc. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press. For a translator, this journey … can become a truly creative engagement with the otherness of the source text, an experience of self-discovery and understanding, ultimately a journey towards a new text. Even if Mr. Steegmuller is right, there is still much to be said about Apollinaire’s plastic and visual sensitivity, as displayed in his poetry, perhaps especially in those poems inspired by paintings, such as “Les Fenêtres” and “La Vièrge à la fleur de haricot à Cologne.” Guillaume Apollinaire - Les fenêtres. On thinglink.com, edit images, videos and 360 photos in one place. French painter who introduced vibrant color into Cubist painting, originating the movement known as Orphism. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. It seems very much a connoisseur's volume, and the journey described here could only ever work with short texts, poems above all (one is reminded of Nicholas Moore's multiple rewritings of one of Baudelaire's ‘Spleen’ poems). English translation French. Buy One Poem in Search of a Translator: Rewriting 'Les Fenetres' by Apollinaire by Loffredo, Eugenia, Perteghella, Manuela online on Amazon.ae at best prices. From the description of Les fenêtres (poem), 1913. Any translator of poetry will sympathize with Waldrop when he admits ‘to me every attempt at beauty seems infinitely difficult and all great art is “miracle” ’. Bern: Peter Lang. Not only are we offered a collection of very different rewritings of ‘Les Fenêtres’, going further and further away from a close reading of the poem, but the authors themselves provide their own travel journals, sometimes in the form of multiple translations, sometimes by way of diaries, notes, and commentaries. Guillaume Apollinaire: Selected Poems, translated by Martin Sorrell, Georg Trakl: Poems and Prose, translated by Alexander Stillmark. Maggie Sullivan's ‘Windows Opening’, spaciously laid out in red, black, blue, and green, does in fact work well in terms of sound too, bringing together Paris, Apollinaire's favourite ‘pihis’, and the French word ‘puits’. £11.95.Marina Tsvetaeva: Moscow in the Plague Year. Published in Translation and Literature 17.1. Il y a un poème à faire sur l'oiseau qui n'a qu'une aile. Waldrop plays, as Baudelaire does, with different registers, occasionally venturing, appropriately enough, into modern colloquialism (‘crap’, ‘send me’, ‘I guess’), but mainly tending towards the formal and archaic. Its phrasing suggests that it is addressed primarily to the American reader of the twenty-first century. One can imagine, then, that Apollinaire himself would have liked this new embodiment of his ‘aesthetics of renewal’ – the phrase is from an introductory essay by Tim Matthews, who prefaces his own laudatory account of the reworkings that follow with the remark: ‘I cannot imagine a more faithful way of bringing to life Apollinaire's own living art.’. The final piece, and one of the best, is a mixture of strong collages by Anne Jacobs – where the colours of the poem's opening line are superimposed on torn-up fragments of text – and a double text by Patricia Dunker, a moving juxtaposition of a lengthy rewriting of the text in voyages from Dunker's own life, and an imaginary dialogue with Apollinaire about what translating him might mean. BROCHÉ. Gennady Aygi: Selected Poems. Hb. - . Mail -"@fr ; skos:exactMatch , ; skos:note "Poème écrit pour l'album publié à l'occasion de l'exposition des oeuvres de Robert Delaunay, Galerie Der Sturm, Berlin, 1913"@fr ; skos:prefLabel "Les fenêtres"@fr ; foaf:focus ; foaf:page . I focus on what distinguishes these fours poems by following the evolution of poetical forms between symbolism and futurism/surrealism. It is rather the process itself that is given value. Institute of Museum and Library Services There have been many translations, complete or partial, of this collection since Stuart Merrill published his From the French: Pastels in Prose in 1890; almost all have their strengths, and Waldrop's takes its place among them, sometimes more effective, sometimes less. Pb. WorldCat record id: 82539082 Pp. From the description of Letter : Paris, to Marc Bresil, 1914 March 12. The second is more modernist, putting a great stress (too great, I think) on death. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press. Sometimes the result is odd or misleading, as when in ‘Portraits de Maitresses’ the line ‘L'amour m'apparaissait comme une tutelle’ becomes ‘Love came down on me like an overseer.’ Elsewhere there are some very nice trouvailles. Translated by Walter Martin. Frete GRÁTIS em milhares de produtos com o Amazon Prime. Publisher: Classiques Garnier Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1880-1918. Translated and edited by Emery George. (4) “Les fenêtres” by Guillaume Apollinaire in Calligrammes (1913-1916), 1918. Share - One Poem in Search of a Translator : Re-Writing "Les Fenêtres" by Apollinaire (2008, Trade Paperback, New Edition) One Poem in Search of a Translator : Re-Writing "Les Fenêtres" by Apollinaire (2008, Trade Paperback, New Edition) Be the first to write a review. Les fenêtres (poem), 1913. The translation is as an offering to the poet's mother, whose mother tongue is Punjabi, so that Apollinaire's poem is repositioned in a bilingual English-Punjabi world, though those without Punjabi can do no more than imagine the effect. The theoretical and critical opening is rather heavy going, until we actually get into Apollinaire's text and its avatars. This is entertaining (even if once is enough), but there is a more substantial and satisfying contribution from the poet and musician Tony Baker, who offers ‘a form of open rehearsal for an absent performance’. Les Fenêtres by APOLLINAIRE (Guillaume), DELAUNAY (Robert) and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeBooks.co.uk. Charles Baudelaire: Paris Spleen: Little Poems in Prose. The editors lay out their plan clearly enough, but rather polysyllabically, with a good deal of reference to recent contributions in Translation Studies. Hb. But with a poet as playful – and as well-known – as Apollinaire, he feels liberated. One Poem in Search of a Translator: Rewriting ‘Les Fenêtres' by Apollinaire: Amazon.ca: Eugenia Loffredo, Manuela Perteghella: Books Corrected proof of the poem, prepared as a catalogue statement for Robert Delaunay's exhibition of the same name. are more rough and ready, with the suspicion that his word ‘wrinkles’ (where the French has ‘bigorneaux’) is no more than a misreading of ‘winkles’ in the editors’ gloss – but what is one to make of the penultimate line of his third version: ‘the window peels like and orange’? £75.95 In this it prefigures many of the reworkings that follow, where the visual is markedly more important than the aural – arguably appropriate for this poem, if not for Apollinaire's verse in general. From the description of Les fenêtres (poem), 1913. The translations begin with some quite straightforward versions by Pierre Joris and Tom Paulin. WorldCat record id: 84215141 The Explicator: Vol. In-folio, relié par une cordelette d'origine. Hb. WorldCat record id: 79028649 EDITION ORIGINALE. par Guillaume Apollinaire. Ron Padgett's ‘Note’ on the poem tells briefly of his successive encounters with the poem and attempts to translate it. Noté /5. Services . 116. Invaluable is the world's largest marketplace for art, antiques, and collectibles. Bern: Peter Lang, 2007. Guillaume Apollinaire Follow . Guillaume APOLLINAIRE [Robert DELAUNAY] Les Fenêtres Paris, André Marty, 1913. It is of course blurb-speak to write on the cover of such a volume that this is a ‘powerful re-imagining that is closer to Baudelaire's own poetry than any previous English translation’. Quand chantent les aras dans les forêts natales. WorldCat record id: 80958765 24-25. Translated by Keith Waldrop. What comes over particularly strongly here is Baudelaire's abrasively negative power, notably in the poems that take the form of brief stories. On devinait à travers eux la personnalité ardente et fantasque de la comtesse Louise de Coligny-Châtillon. De ramen = Les fenêtres. Les Fenêtres. One Poem in Search of a Translator: Rewriting 'Les Fenêtres' by Apollinaire: Amazon.es: Eugenia Loffredo, Manuela Perteghella: Libros en idiomas extranjeros We use cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience. les fenêtres. Rewriting ‘Les Fenêtres’ by Apollinaire Eugenia Loffredo and Manuela Perteghella Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2009. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for One Poem in Search of a Translator : Re-Writing "Les Fenêtres" by Apollinaire (2008, Trade Paperback, New Edition) at the best online prices at eBay! 1, pp. (Getty Research Institute). Find useful information, the address and the phone number of the local business you are looking for. Les Fenêtres, un poème de Guillaume Apollinaire. ★ Produits De Fenestration Artik Inc, Les ★ 376 rue Laurier, Saint-Apollinaire, Quebec, 4188814420 ★ Building Materials, Doors, Metal Doors, Metal Storm Doors and Windows, Metal Windows Translators, Interpreters, Mediators: Women Writers 1700–1900. French writer and critic. Pb. A work from the collections of the de Young and Legion of Honor museums of San Francisco, CA. PARIS, ANDRÉ MARTY, [1912]. PAPERBACK by Loffredo, Eugenia; Perteghella, Manuela. Edinburgh University Press. Buy online, view images and see past prices for DELAUNAY - APOLLINAIRE. His translations are ‘offshoots of delight’. Explore content created by others. Edited by Gillian E. Dow. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion 1998 (English) Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other scientific) Place, publisher, year, edition, pages (3) “Les fenêtres” by Marie Krysinska in Rythmes pittoresques, 1890. After these excitements, the new translation by Keith Waldrop of Baudelaire's Petits Poèmes en prose seems like a return to familiar ways. About this product. £14.95. (Getty Research Institute). 1924. Compre online One Poem in Search of a Translator: Rewriting ‘Les Fenêtres' by Apollinaire: Rewriting 'les Fenêtres' by Apollinaire, de Loffredo, Eugenia, Perteghella, Manuela na Amazon. This is (mostly) a joyful book, and Apollinaire would probably have welcomed it. Navigate; Linked Data; Dashboard; Tools / Extras; Stats; Share . Du rouge au vert tout le jaune se meurt. New York: Archipelago Books, 2014. Read "One Poem in Search of a Translator: Rewriting ‘Les Fenêtres’ by Apollinaire . £34. Chez Robert Delaunay, le thème de la tour resta capital à l’époque des Fenêtres. Mais dans Les Fenêtres, Charles Baudelaire va au-delà : il propose une réflexion qui dépasse l'anecdote du tableau inséré au cœur du poème en prose, et qui encadre la fenêtre, presque un art poétique, qui définit la nature et le rôle du poète : c'est un créateur de "légendes", qui prend en charge la … Two other texts are placed before Scott's, where the visual is downplayed in relation to the cultural; in both cases the multiple translations offered are a far cry from those which open this collection. The result is a many-sided dialogue between Apollinaire and his translators/commentators. Pp. National Archives and Records Administration. This site uses cookies. £11.95. Edited by Eugenia Loffredo and Manuela Perteghella. Guillaume Apollinaire (French: [ɡijom apɔlinɛʁ]; 26 August 1880 – 9 November 1918) was a French poet, playwright, short story writer, novelist, and art critic of Polish-Belarusian descent. Looking for the Censor in the Works of Sean O'Casey (and Others) in Polish Translation, Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL), Australian Research Council ERA 2012 Journal List, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS), International Medieval Bibliography (IMB), Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA), MLA (Modern Language Association) International Bibliography, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers, RETI: Revistes Dels Estudis de Traduccio I Interpretacio, Web of Science/Arts and Humanities Citation Index®. Such is the vision informing One Poem in Search of an Author, the record of a project described by the editors as a ‘translational journey’. (3) “Les fenêtres” by Marie Krysinska in Rythmes pittoresques, 1890. (2) “Les fenêtres” by Stéphane Mallarmé in Le Parnasse Contemporain, 1863/66. £33. What bearing does it have on the ordinary work of translation? While one kind of translation discourse is concerned above all with serving the original, there is another discourse, very prominent in some recent translation theory, that stresses the creative nature of the translator's work. One Poem in Search of a Translator: Rewriting 'Les Fenetres' by Apollinaire: Rewriting 'les Fenêtres' by Apollinaire: Loffredo, Eugenia, Perteghella, Manuela: Amazon.sg: Books http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w65d8sm4 WorldCat record id: 79028649 French writer. For this reader at least, the interest generated by the successive transformations varied considerably, but the journey as a whole was rewarding, thought-provoking, and occasionally inspiring. Good proof-reading is essential in a publication such as this. Written in 1912–13, this was first published in Calligrammes, an innovatory collection reflecting the author's engagement with the modern painters he was championing in the years just before World War I. One Poem in Search of a Translator: Rewriting 'Les Fenetres' by Apollinaire: Rewriting 'les Fenêtres' by Apollinaire: Loffredo, Eugenia, Perteghella, Manuela: Amazon.sg: Books Friedrich Hölderlin: Selected Poems. Pp. French writer and critic. (Getty Research Institute). One Poem in Search of a Translator: Rewriting 'Les Fenêtres' by Apollinaire: Amazon.es: Eugenia Loffredo, Manuela Perteghella: Libros en idiomas extranjeros (Getty Research Institute). What one misses overall, though, is what Baudelaire said he was aiming for in his famous letter to Arsène Houssaye: ‘the miracle of a poetic prose, musical without rhyme or rhythm, sufficiently subtle and sufficiently abrupt to follow the lyrical movements of the soul, the undulations of reverie, the jolts of conscience’ – but then Baudelaire himself only achieves this at times. ‘Les Fenêtres: To Guillaume Apollinaire’ with Six Illustrations by Anne Jacobs Patricia Duncker is the author of four novels, Hallucinating Foucault (1996), shortlisted for the IMPAC award and winner of the Dillons First Fiction Award and the McKitterick Prize, James … Toutes les informations de la Bibliotheque Nationale de France sur : Les fenêtres - Guillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918) It also publishes significant historical translations edited from manuscript sources. (Getty Research Institute). Copyright © 2020. Guillaume APOLLINAIRE [Robert DELAUNAY] Les Fenêtres Paris, André Marty, 1913. Pp. Buy Alcools by Apollinaire, Guillaume (ISBN: 9781475131192) from Amazon's Book Store. 160. Amazon.in - Buy One Poem in Search of a Translator: Rewriting 'Les Fenetres' by Apollinaire: Rewriting 'les Fenêtres' by Apollinaire book online at best prices in India on Amazon.in. This is a translation that draws attention to itself by its divergence from ‘normal’ ways of speaking and writing. IN-FOLIO. But apart from the pleasure it no doubt gave its makers, and the liberating model it proposes, it does bring out the value of making or reading several translations of a work, not necessarily to search out the best, but to read them all together, a constellation opening up the many sides of the original. This eschews colours other than black and white, and uses font size, italic, bold, capital letters, and above all the layout of words and letters (including tabulation) to rework Apollinaire's text in English, adding in elements from Scott's experience and his knowledge of Apollinaire and his period. (person). The celebrated Canadian translator Barbara Godard, taking her cue like Sorrell from Apollinaire's keenness on new technology, submits ‘Les Fenêtres’ to manipulation by various computerized translating programmes, Babelfish, Systran, etc. Tim Matthews’ well-informed but not particularly critical introductory essay is best read bit by bit, once one has engaged with each of the translations he discusses. "les fenêtres," pg. Inevitably, this comes across as somewhat artificial, but it does suggest effectively what it is really like to translate a poem. Retrouvez One Poem in Search of a Translator: Rewriting 'Les Fenetres' by Apollinaire et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. to follow Baudelaire's example. Pb. Free shipping for many products! There are 2 Entities related to this resource. And indeed ‘Les Fenêtres’ is in its way a ‘translation’ of the series of ‘simultaneist’ paintings of the same name by Robert Delaunay, attempting to apply the ideas expressed in the painter's essay on light (which was itself transported into German by Paul Klee). In-folio, relié par une cordelette d'origine. Pp. Social. In her own words: ‘Paradoxically, the uniqueness of Apollinaire's poem as a revolution in poetic syntax is lost in these machine translations, yet the force of that revolution is actualized in the increased plasticity of language when the deconstruction and reconstruction of linguistic codes reaches the speed of light.’ The next contribution, from the British Asian writer Raman Mundair, incorporates into a slightly modified version of the original gloss a mass of Punjabi words, sometimes alongside the English, more often replacing it. Stuart GillespieDepartment of English LiteratureUniversity of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, Jonathan EvansSchool of Modern Languages & CulturesUniversity of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK, Gordon Braden (University of Virginia)Susanna Braund (University of British Columbia)Peter France (University of Edinburgh)Howard Gaskill (University of Edinburgh)Philip Hardie (University of Cambridge)David Hopkins (University of Bristol)Andrew Radford (University of Glasgow)Ritchie Robertson (University of Oxford). Guillaume Apollinaire - Les fenêtres. Boston University Libraries. 284. ‘Les Fenêtres’ to a single jagged diagram in which the words of a straightforward translation are woven in strips around and across a jumbled map of the world. Joris’ single version is the more accurate – if such terms are appropriate here. $67.32. Martin Sorrell's dynamic variation, working from Apollinaire's interest in modern forms of communication (here telegraphy and traffic lights, which embody the green, red, and yellow of the poem), is followed by a full ‘translator's journal’, purporting to record the thoughts and hesitations of the translator, the roads not taken, the multiple possibilities. It is part of what One Poem in Search of an Author presents as the continuing dialogue between Baudelaire and his innumerable translators, and ideally it should be read as such, rather than as a replacement for the Petits poèmes en prose. (4) “Les fenêtres” by Guillaume Apollinaire in Calligrammes (1913-1916), 1918. 180. Published in Translation and Literature 29.3, Looking for the Censor in the Works of Sean O'Casey (and Others) in Polish Translation Robert Looby PARIS, ANDRÉ MARTY, [1912]. L'unité du poème Les fenêtres de Guillaume Apollinaire. Paulin's three fairly similar versions (are they to be seen as alternatives or variants?) Apollinaire was the first, who began to write without punctuation marks (from the 1912), because they seemed excessive to him. From the description of Letter : Paris, to Marc Bresil, 1914 March 12. 268. xvi+447. National Endowment for the Humanities, University of Virginia Library 'Les Fenêtres' - Manifeste d'une esthétique toute neuve (Apollinaire). 04/09/2017 by Maximilian. The final two contributions go even further in moving poem to picture. (Getty Research Institute). Waldrop had previously translated the more formal prosody of Les Fleurs du mal into prose poetry; here he has simply (simply?) 63-81.) The yellow fades from red to green When aras sing in their native forest Pihis giblets There is a poem to be done on the bird with only one wing ... Guillaume Apollinaire. The text is presented without the original, and with almost no indication of how the translation has been conceived. Il fait couler les yeux. Édition originale comportant 11 reproductions dont une en couleurs, des œuvres de Robert Delaunay contrecollées sur feuillets noirs et 5 feuillets préliminaires sur papier jaune bouton d'or. £34. Princeton, NJ: Kylix Press, 2012. Free delivery on qualified orders. Edited by Eugenia Loffredo and Manuela Perteghella. Du rouge au vert tout le jaune se meurt. French writer and critic. Édition originale comportant 11 reproductions dont une en couleurs, des œuvres de Robert Delaunay contrecollées sur feuillets noirs et 5 feuillets préliminaires sur papier jaune bouton d'or.