DON'T MISS.â Technical support of "" LLP. Naš glazbenik oduševio više od milijardu gledatelja", "Димаш Кудайберген вновь выступил на проекте I am a Sınger в Китае", "Dimash performed the classical song "You and Me" in CCTV Mid-autumn Festival Concert", "Димаш Кудайберген зачитал рэп казахском языке со сцены в Китае", "Димаш Кудайберген спел перед миллиардной аудиторией на "Мисс Мира-2018" (фото, видео)", "Dimash's D-Dynasty world tour perfectly completed in Shenzhen", "Dimash Kudaibergen walks Cannes Film Festival red carpet", "Михаил Гуцериев признан поэтом номер один на "Песне года, "Димаш Кудайберген вошел в состав жюри музыкального шоу", "The World's Best Season 1: 'Six-Octave-Man' Dimash Kudaibergen stuns judges with his vocal range", "Teaser: Asian Superstar DIMASH Kudaibergen Is Coming To America! [266], In 2016, he also gave a benefit performance at the "100 Grandmas and Grandpas" Charity Evening of the "Zaman Are We" Project in Astana, Kazakhstan. [138], On 5 December 2019, Kudaibergen was awarded "Best Vocalist in Classical Music" and won a Special Prize for "Discovery of the Year" at the Russian National Music Awards "Victoria" that are considered the Russian equivalent to the Grammy Awards. We are dedicated to translating news, videos, interviews of Dimash Kudaibergenov into multiple languages. All proceeds went to promote young talent from Kazakhstan and sponsor youth’ participation in prestigious international contests. World's Best 2019", "Global Star Dimash Kudaibergen ELIMINATED On 'Masked Singer' China", "A World's Best Fan Favorite And Frontrunner Dropped Out Of The Competition", "Dimash Kudaibergen quits The World's Best before final round", "Первый сольный альбом Димаша стал платиновым за 37 секунд", "Димаш покорил дубайскую публику: Каждый раз до слез", "Крутой показал, как Киркоров и Басков просыпаются вместе", "Объявлены лауреаты премии "Виктория-2019, "Zivert и Димаш объявлены вехами времени", "Зрители плакали на концерте Димаша Кудайбергена в Нью-Йорке", "Димаш Кудайберген произвел фурор в Нью-Йорке", "Поющей сенсацией назвали Димаша Кудайбергена в США", "Димаш выступил на мировом чемпионате в Казани и привел публику в экстаз", "Dimash Kudaibergen performs with Lara Fabian", "Dimash Kudaibergen performs at Jackie Chan Action Film Week in China", "Dimash Kudaibergen wins hearts of Japanese audience at ABU Song Festival", "Dimash Kudaibergen performs soundtrack for Jackie Chan's new film", "Dimash Kudaibergen's European Tour Gets Cancelled, New Dates to be Announced", "Димаш Кудайберген признан Заслуженным деятелем Казахстана", "Gli uomini cantano quando le parole non bastano … (Intervista a Valy Elle)", "Фанаты встретили Димаша Кудайбергена в столичном аэропорту", "Dimash Kudaibergen: conheça o cantor do Cazaquistão com cada vez mais fãs no Brasil", "Tickets to Dimash Kudaibergen's concerts in Germany, Czech Republic available online", "Димаш привел в восторг вокального тренера из США: "Он точно знает, чего хочет публика, "Meet Dimash, Central Asia's Biggest Pop Star", "В новом образе: Димаш Кудайберген выступит на знаменитом фестивале джаза в Токио", "Димаш снова покорил китайскую публику: Казахстанец спел легендарные композиции группы Queen (ВИДЕО)", "Fãs brasileiros de cantor do Cazaquistão tentam burlar regras da internet para ouvir lançamento", "Dimash Kuadaibergen - Kazakhstan Superstar is coming to London", "Men's Health. As usual, we hear his beautiful, unique voice gently taking us from his baritone to soprano, and see his hands speaking their own language in harmony to the song. [citation needed] Many performances in Russia followed and in December, at the annual "Pesnya Goda" Gala in Moscow, "Love of Tired Swans" was awarded one of the best songs of 2018. [33] He was invited by Eva Longoria, Honorary Chair of the Global Gift Foundation. [3][165], Kudaibergen has been a model for fashion labels[166][167] and for Lifestyle and Fashion magazines. [1][2][4][5][150][151][152][153][154], Kudaibergen sings in multiple musical genres. View the daily YouTube analytics of Dimash and track progress charts, view future predictions, related channels, and track realtime live sub counts. Certificate Number :№KZ34VPY00020660. Из комедийного сериала "Крутой, Крутая и самые крутые, "Первый международный фестиваль-конкурс "Baqytty Bala" начался в Актобе", "ЗАВЕРШИЛСЯ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ - КОНКУРС "BAQYTTY BALA, "Dimash finishes second on I am a Singer 2017", "Победителем иссык-кульского фестиваля "Мейкин Азия" стал казахстанец Димаш Кудайбергенов", "Димаш Кудайберген признан самым популярным зарубежным артистом в Китае". The Internet portal DimashNews is registered in the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Fans from different cities came to see the performance of the Kazakh artist. [135], On 13 June 2019, he released his first album, iD, in China. [282], Within the frame of the Shanghai Pet Adoption Day 2019, he became a supporter of the "Love is Home" initiative that aims to improve awareness and to increase adoptions of stray animals. [citation needed] It reached platinum status within 37 seconds after release, and triple-platinum within the first hour. [112], In 2017 the Kazakh figure skater Denis Ten, who was an Olympic medalist and friend of Kudaibergen,[113] began using his rendition of "SOS d'un terrien en détresse" for his skating programs. ", "Секреты пения Димаша раскрыла музыкальный эксперт из США", "Реакция на вокал Димаша Кудайбергена вокального тренера Энди Дэвиса", "Димаш Құдайбергенге видеореакция түсірген аустралиялық маман", "Announcements of Performers ABU TV Song Festival", "Slavic Bazaar 2015 winner Dimash Kudaibergen invited to work at Astana Opera", "Two Young Kazakh Singers Win International Competitions", "Kazakh Singer Catapults To Stardom In Chinese Music Contest", "Как выглядел Димаш Кудайберген до сокрушительной славы", "Отец Димаша Кудайбергена объяснил, почему ушел с госслужбы", "Бабушка певца Димаша за его победами в Китае следит по соцсетям", "Феномен Дімаша: залаштунки київського концерту та чому його вважають найкращим у світі співаком", "Бабушка и дедушка Димаша дали эксклюзивное интервью", "Димаш Кудайберген: биография и личная жизнь", "Димаш Кудайбергенов: биография и личная жизнь", "О Димаше Кудайбергенове рассказали в его родной школе", "Димаш Кудайберген окончил учебу в КазНУИ", "Қазақ ұлттық өнер университеті түлектерінің саны 5 мыңнан асқан", "Димаш Кудайберген встретился с преподавателями и студентами КазНУИ", "Димаш Кудайберген стал магистром в области композиции", "Kazakh Pop Singer Dimash Kudaibergen Signs On With US Talent Scouts, Finishes His Master's Degree", "Dimash Qudaibergen in the Creators - The Past soundtrack, a sci-fi blockbuster made in Italy", "Димаш домбыра тартуды дәстүрлі түрде үйренді - Жайлау Асылханов", "Димаш Кудайбергенов занял второе место в финале Singer-2017", "Лучший голос планеты Димаш Кудайберген впервые выступит в Минске", "Культура Димаш презентовал новую песню (ВИДЕО)", "Димаш Кудайберген представил саундтрек на китайском языке (ВИДЕО)", "Певец Димаш Кудайберген встретился с президентами Казахстана и Узбекистана", "Димаш Кудайберген и Андреа Бочелли спели Besame mucho", "Димаш спел украинскую песню на концерте в Киеве", "Завершилась международный фестиваль "Мейкин Азия, "Итоги фестиваля "Мейкин Азия": Гран-при получил казахстанец Димаш Кудайбергенов", "Золотая статуэтка Димаша Кудайбергенова", "Триумф певца из Актобе: 180 баллов из 180 возможных", "Бүгін облыс әкімі Архимед Мұхамбетов Димаш Құдайбергеновпен кездесті", "О присуждении Государственной молодежной премии "Дарын" Правительства Республики Казахстан в 2014 году", "Aktobe native wins Grand Prix of Slavianski Bazaar 2015", "Kazakhstani Singer Wins Slavianski Bazaar", "Казахстанский триумф на "Славянском базаре". With the funds of the concert, seven families in need were supplied with water, utilities, medical care and clothing. [269] Several of these students performed a song on stage with him, and Kudaibergen also danced, in the Waltz part of the event, with the visually impaired invited guests. [145], He also had more performances in China, including a Queen medley that he performed with the Super Vocal Finalists at Singer 2019;[citation needed] a headlining performance at the Mount Emei Music Festival;[citation needed] at the Asian Culture Carnival; at the Opening Ceremony of the Jackie Chan International Action Film Week;[146] at the Closing and Award Ceremony of the Silk Road International Film Festival;[citation needed] and a guest performance at Masked Singer China. Окружение" - Новости Казахстана и мира на сегодня", "Димаш Кудайберген. )", "More than 300,000 people have attended EXPO 2017 in two weeks, numbers keep growing", "Dimash assembled a full stadium at the first solo concert in Astana", "Dimash Kudaibergen's original song for video game wins at 2017 HMMA", "Dimash Kudaibergen sings at Slavianski Bazaar", "Nicolas Cage and Adrien Brody were impressed by Dimash Kudaibergenov's voice", "Димаш "Gakku Дауысы" фестивалінде өнер көрсетті", "Первый альбом Димаша Кудайбергена за несколько секунд стал платиновым", "6 САМЫХ ЯРКИХ МОМЕНТОВ НА КОНЦЕРТЕ ДИМАША В НУР-СУЛТАНЕ", "Денис Тен вернулся на лед под знаменитую песню в исполнении Димаша Кудайбергена", "Maksim Mrvica ispisao povijest! [286], When he was in Kyiv, Ukraine, for his Arnau Tour, he donated clothes and other belongings to an auction for the Ukrainian Okhmatdyt Center for Pedriatric Toxicology that aims to save the lives of children with acute poisoning, and also enables hemodialysis for children with low weight, heart problems and unstable blood pressure. Watch their first-time Reactions! [118] He was invited as guest and performer at the "Choose Big Star" variety show;[119] performed "You and Me" in a duet with Wáng Lì at the Chinese Mid Autumn Festival,[120] and premiered his first English single "Screaming" at the "Idol Hits" show. As it is customary for him on his birthday since his school days, he brought gifts and spent time with the residents. Dimash Kudaibergen is an artist from Kazakhstan. The funds from the concert were used to enable music classes in rural Chinese primary schools that could not afford them. [280], A charitable performance was given at the Opening Gala of the Kazakh Snow Leopard Foundation whose goal is to save the endangered population and to preserve their natural habitat by creating protected areas. [283], On his 25th birthday he visited a nursing home for the elderly and the physically impaired in his hometown Aktobe. We are the first club in the United States for Dimash Kudaibergen, world -renowned singer, composer, and musician. Димаш әлемге әйгілі журналдың мұқабасына шықты", "Chinese popular magazine devotes several page spreads to Dimash", "Димаш попал на обложку китайского журнала Cosmopolitan", "170615 "OnlyLady女人志"大片拍摄 迪玛希的百变绅士正在向你发射爱心", "Черно-белым имидж-клипом поделился с фанатами Димаш Кудайберген", "Игорь Крутой и Димаш Кудайберген в главных ролях ремейка любимых советских кинокомедий", "Новое кино с Димашем Кудайбергеном. 7,626 talking about this. Forbes Kazakhstan представляет рейтинг "30 моложе 30, "Димаш Құдайберген Forbes журналының тізіміне кірді", "Самые амбициозные и успешные казахстанцы нового поколения: 30 моложе 30", "Димаш Кудайберген стал послом туризма Казахстана", "Nursultan Nazarbayev gives his blessing to Kazakh singer Dimash Kudaibergenov", "Термин "Феномен Димаша" появился в Китае", "ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ к распоряжению Президента Республики Казахстан от 30 December 2016 года № 139", "Президент Н. Назарбаев Жастық, Жігер, Еңбек республикалық жастар форумына қатысты", "Нам пора воспитывать в себе победителей", "Спецпроект. [121] In December he performed his own composition "Unforgettable Day" at the Miss World 2018 Final,[122] and Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On” at the Hainan International Film Festival. He IS the song. Dimash Kudaibergen Library A Curation of Videos Professional Reviews Fan Work and Fan Clubs. $10.99 $ 10. Lyrics/Composer: Devon Christopher Gallaspy, Mark Ronson, Bruno Mars, Lyrics: Мағжан Жұмабаев Composer: Unknown, International Festival of Young Performers, International TV Contest of Young Performers, Republican Contest for Young Performers Under 30, "Most Popular Foreign Artist of the Year", "Cover Song of the Year" Award for Kudaibergen's rendition of, Annual Ticketon Awards in the Field of Culture, Art and Sports, "Pop Concert of the Year" Award for Kudaibergen's solo concert "Arnau", "Best Vocalist of the Year in Classical Music", Special Prize for "Discovery of the Year", "Friendship Outstanding Contribution" Award, First President's Foundation Prize in Kazakhstan, Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 40th session of the Maslikhat (regional parliament) of the Aktobe Region, Ranked among "30 Under 30" Most Influential People, Meeting with the Chairman of the Kazakh Tourism Board Rashid Kuzembaev, "Honorary Tourism Ambassador of Kazakhstan", "Friendship Ambassador" of China and Kazakhstan, 25th session of the People's Assembly of Kazakhstan, "Leadership in the Field of Culture 2016", Honored by the President of Kazakhstan for his successes, Consists of remakes of scenes from popular Soviet comedy movies, Featured Kudaibergen's song "Love of Tired Swans"; the lyrics of all featured songs were written by the Russian poet, Featured Kudaibergen's songs "If I Never Breathe Again" and "When You Believe", Sold out; Audience members from 20 different countries, solo concerts in 25 cities of Kazakhstan and in two cities of Russia (, This page was last edited on 21 December 2020, at 17:53.