Les samedis et dimanches du 22 juin au 6 octobre : 12h15 en anglais Horaires des visites guidées pour visiteurs individuels et groupes : Tous les jours, y compris les jours fériés : 12h en allemand, 11h et 13h en anglais. On April 22 1945, the SS began sending the prisoners on death marches, forcing them to march southwards in the direction of the Özttal in Tyrol, Maurice Cling among them. This is the official app for The Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site. The concentration camp memorial at Dachau was erected in 1965 following an initiative and plans from the Comité International de Dachau and financed by the state of Bavaria. Heinrich Himmler, as police president of Munich, officially described the camp as \"the first concentration camp for political prisoners.\"It was located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory near the northeastern part of the town of Dachau, about 1… Il n’est pas possible de réserver. He toured the site to see if it could be used for quartering protective-custody prisoners. communiqué. Dachau, the first Nazi concentration camp in Germany, established on March 10, 1933, slightly more than five weeks after Adolf Hitler became chancellor. Veuillez prendre votre billet 15 minutes au minimum avant le début de la visite. Alte Römerstraße 75 La meilleure façon de visiter le camp de concentration de Dachau est de le faire avec un guide spécialiste. Le personnel du camp compte également Adolf Eichmann (29 janvier 1934 – octobre 1934), Rudolf Höss (1934–1938), Max Kögel (1937–1938), Gerhard Freiherr von Almey, SS-Obergruppenführer, demi-frère de Ludolf von Alvensleben, Exécuté en 1955, à Moscou; Rudolf Heinrich Suttrop, SS-Obersturmführer, adjoint du commandant du camp ; Johannes Heesters (visite régulièrement le camp et accueille les officiers et des SS). A high level of user comfort on our website is important to us. L’ objectif de la visite est de transmettre des connaissances élémentaires sur l’histoire du camp de concentration de Dachau et du mémorial, ainsi que d’explorer la question suivante : « En quoi sommes-nous aujourd’hui concernés par cette période de l’histoire ? Belongings of Camp Prisoner Fritz Dressel - Museum Exhibit - Dachau Concentration Camp Site - Dachau - Bavaria - Germany.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.48 MB Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F027651-0002, Dachau, KZ, Prinz Bernhard der Niederlande.jpg 800 × 534; 69 KB Three hundred S.S. guards at the camp were quickly overcome it said. Con­cen­tra­ti­on Camp Me­mo­ri­al Site Dach­au, Dach­au a place of lear­ning and re­mem­bran­ce, City of Dachau Tourism Department Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 1 85221 Dachau Phone: +49 (0)8131 – 75–286 E-Mail: infobuero@dachau.de. Le camp de concentration de Dachau 1933-1945, Le Mémorial du camp de Dachau de 1945 à nos jours, Lien vers la brochure aux éditions Herbert Utz, Lien vers le livre électronique (pdf) sur ciando.com. Lien vers le livre électronique (pdf) sur ciando.com, KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau Cette brochure peut être commandée directement sous forme imprimée aux éditions Herbert Utz ; vous la trouverez également en librairie, en Allemagne et à l’étranger. After the takeover of Bavaria on 9 March 1933, Heinrich Himmler, then Chief of Police in Munich, began to speak with the administration of an unused gunpowder and munitions factory. Page d'accueil | Nos offres pédagogiques | Visites guidées pour les individuels. 4.43 (6) (6) Highlights. Elle est pour l’instant disponible en langue allemande et anglaise. Lien vers la brochure aux éditions Herbert Utz Autres prestataires assurant des visites guidées. This camp served as a model for all later concentration camps and as a “school of violence” for the SS men under whose command it stood. Les samedis et dimanches du 22 juin au 6 octobre : 11h30 en italien, 11h45 en espagnol. The Concentration Camp Memorial Site makes Dachau Europe's central place of learning and remembrance. To offer better service to this large number of visitors and be able to meet their needs a visitors' center was opened on April 4, 2009. A whole battalion of Allied troops was needed to restrain the prisoners from excesses. Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site: Heloise Strauss - See 6,192 traveler reviews, 7,920 candid photos, and great deals for Dachau, Germany, at Tripadvisor. The Dachau concentration camp opened on March 22, 1933. More than 900,000 people from all over the world come here each year to learn from the lessons of contemporary history. Dachau is 20 km (12 mi) northwest of Munich. We kindly request your consent. Approximately 800.000 visitors annually visit the concentration camp memorial site in Dachau. Dachau Old Town is a 20-minute drive away. Veuillez noter que les visites guidées pour les groupes doivent être réservées au moins 3 mois à l’avance. En poursuivant, vous acceptez notre charte de confidentialité. Today the site is under the supervision of the Bavarian Memorial Foundation. It was the first SS-run camp for "political prisoners" under Hitler's regime and became a model for the many SS prison camps that followed. Des audioguides sont disponibles en français. Encyclopedia of Jewish and Israeli history, politics and culture, with biographies, statistics, articles and documents on topics from anti-Semitism to Zionism. Elles comprennent une visite des espaces extérieurs, des bâtiments historiques et de certaines parties de l’exposition permanente. 85221 Dachau. The Dachau concentration camp was established in March 1933. Les samedis et dimanches du 22 juin au 6 octobre : 12h15 en anglais. Geography Geographical location. Tyson. 7.3K likes. Full-Day Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site Tour from Munich (From $33.62) Private Tour: Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site by Train from Munich (From $215.85) Munich WWII Combo: Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site and Third Reich Walking Tour (From $59.15) See all Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site experiences on Tripadvisor Please read our privacy policy. In 1933 the Dachau concentration camp was built east of the city by the Nazis and operated until 1945. Himmler announce… 14,100 prisoners were killed in the camp by the Nazis and almost another 10,000 in its subcamps. To adjust the font size, please use the following key combinations: [Ctrl] und [+] Increase font size[Ctrl] und [-]  Reduce font size[Ctrl] und [0] Resetz font size. », Tous les jours, y compris les jours fériés : 12h en allemand, 11h et 13h en anglais More than 900,000 people from all over the world come here each year to learn from the lessons of contemporary history. Dachau was established in March 1933 as the first Nazi Concentration Camp.Dachau was chiefly a political camp, rather than an extermination camp, but of around 160,000 prisoners sent to its main camp, over 32,000 were either executed or died of disease, malnutrition or brutalization. The first concentration camp was Dachau, which was established on March 20, 1933, in the southern German town of the same name (10 miles northwest of Munich). KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau / Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, Dachau. Luftaufnahme des KZ Dachau, 20 Apr 1945 (Aerial View of Dachau Concentration Camp) - geo.hlipp.de - 22267.jpg 640 × 480; 93 KB Max von Fioresi-Weinfeld Dachau Arolsen Archives.jpg 544 × 416; 26 KB Miroslav Krčmář Dachau Arolsen Archives.jpg 832 × 1,072; 79 KB After the takeover of Bavaria on 9 March 1933, Heinrich Himmler, then Chief of Police in Munich, began to speak with the administration of an unused gunpowder and munitions factory. Learn about one of the darkest episodes in history from your informative guide. We handle this data in a responsible and trustworthy manner and guarantee this by using our own cookies without passing them on to third parties. He was transferred to the Dachau concentration camp on a murderous “evacuation transport” before the Soviet Army reached and liberated the camp in January 1945. MAC users please use the [Cmd] key instead of [Ctrl]. Le département pédagogique propose des programmes éducatifs à … View details. The capture of the notorious concentration camp near Dachau, where approximately 32,000 persons were liberated, was announce in yesterday's S.H.A.E.F. Le guide illustré permet une visite structurée et ciblée du mémorial du camp de concentration de Dachau, mais il est également idéal pour la préparation et le suivi de la visite. Le mémorial du camp de concentration de Dachau est ouvert tous les jours de 9 à 17 heures ( entrée gratuite, sans réservation nécessaire ). Ce chapitre sanglant de l’histoire a pris fin lorsque les troupes américaines ont libéré le camp de concentration de Dachau, après douze longues années d'existence, le 29 avril 1945. Dies ist die offizielle Facebookseite der KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau. It was the first of what became many camps. In 1965 Dachau survivors organised an initiative and formed the Comité International de Dachau (CID) with the support of the German state of Bavaria government to establish The Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site. This is the official app for The Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site. À l’aide de plans d’ensemble, les vestiges du camp de concentration et les lieux commémoratifs peuvent être découverts de façon autonome ; des photographies aériennes font le lien entre le site du camp de concentration et le mémorial actuel. The Concentration Camp Memorial Site makes Dachau Europe's central place of learning and remembrance. He toured the site to see if it could be used for quartering protective-custody prisoners. Dachau (0.8 miles from Dachau Concentration Camp) Featuring a shared living area and free Wi-Fi, this hostel in the woodlands of Dachau offers luggage storage, a bistro bar, and spacious canteen. The Dachau Concentration Camp was the first of its kind opened in Germany by Adolf Hitler's Nazi government in 1933, and it served as a model for later concentration camps. Visitors stand in front of the International Memorial of former concentration camp of Dachau, southern Germany, on December 9, 2019. Visiter le camp. Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Day Trip from Munich . The Concentration Camp at Dachau was opened 22 March 1933, with the arrival of about 200 prisoners from Stadelheim Prison in Munich and the Landsberg fortress (where Hitler had written Mein Kampf during his imprisonment). Les samedis et dimanches du 22 juin au 6 octobre : 11h30 en italien, 11h45 en espagnol. Le texte est enrichi de nombreuses photographies actuelles et historiques, ainsi que par de nombreux dessins et récits de survivants. The Concentration Camp at Dachau was opened 22 March 1933, with the arrival of about 200 prisoners from Stadelheim Prison in Munich and the Landsberg fortress (where Hitler had written Mein Kampf during his imprisonment). Vous serez informés du point de rendez-vous lors de l’achat du billet. Des visites guidées sont proposées aux visiteurs individuels. Reviews. Dachau (/ ˈ d ɑː x aʊ /) was a Nazi concentration camp opened on 22 March 1933, which was initially intended to hold political prisoners.It is located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory northeast of the medieval town of Dachau, about 16 km (10 mi) northwest of Munich in the state of Bavaria, in southern Germany. Today the site is under the supervision of the Bavarian Memorial Foundation. Les billets pour la visite guidée sont disponibles au point d’information du centre d’accueil. Le nombre de participants aux visites guidées étant limité à 30 par visite, nous ne pouvons garantir que le nombre de places sera suffisant. Regular comitted events on contemporary history help to keep the memory of what happened alive. Visit the Dachau Nazi Concentration Camp Memorial Site, built in 1933. Himmler announce… For this reason, we would like to collect usage data for statistical purposes only. It was the first regular concentration camp established by the National Socialist (Nazi) government. Sous une forme concise, cette brochure présente l’état actuel des recherches sur l’histoire du camp de concentration de Dachau et son histoire après la guerre, de 1945 à nos jours. In 1965 Dachau survivors organised an initiative and formed the Comité International de Dachau (CID) with the support of the German state of Bavaria government to establish The Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site. On March 22, 1933, a few weeks after Adolf Hitler had been appointed Reich Chancellor, a concentration camp for political prisoners was set up in Dachau. Today, the camp is a memorial to the more than 32,000 people who died and the more than 200,000 who were imprisoned during the Nazi regime. Durée : 2h30. L’âge minimum requis pour une participation à nos offres pédagogiques est de 13 ans. Established in March 1933, the Dachau concentration camp was the first regular concentration camp established by the Nazis in Germany.The camp was located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory near the medieval town of Dachau, about 10 miles northwest of Munich in the state of Bavaria, which is located in southern Germany. La visite du camp. Informez-vous sur l'actualité et les nouveaux projets du site commémoratif du camp de concentration de Dachau.