In the first five months of 2011, more than 35,000 Greeks registered their educational and qualification de-tails under the EU-sponsored Europass scheme that aims to increase mobility within the Union. Outras decisões da cúpula foram que bancos europeus relevantes para o sistema deveriam se munir com mais capital e que o FEEF deveria ter um maior poder, através de uma ampliação de fundos, processo cujos detalhes ficaram para ser discutidos mais adiante. O país báltico é considerado um modelo de administração financeira. On 20 July 2011, Ouattara inaugurated a commission to investigate the violation of human rights during the conflict. No primeiro dia do ano, a Estônia se tornava a primeira antiga república soviética a entrar no rol dos 17 países da moeda comum. A Espanha teve que pagar as maiores taxas de juros dos últimos 14 anos por seus títulos. 13,498 Views 221 CrossRef citations to date Altmetric ARTICLES The Creativity Crisis: The Decrease in Creative Thinking Scores on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. Segundo analistas do mercado financeiro, o mercado interbancário praticamente secou, por causa do crescente aumento da desconfiança dos bancos entre si, ocasionado pela crise. The charges included looting, armed robbery and embezzlement. Merkel condena "violência brutal" do Estado contra manifestantes. Venues. [74], Both pro-Outtara and pro-Gbagbo forces were accused of having participated in the 28–29 March Duékoué massacre, where hundreds of civilians were killed. [63], Gbagbo's supporters carried out a number of attacks during March, attacking foreign businesses and UN offices in Abidjan on 1 March[64] and killing at least six people attending a pro-Ouattara rally in the city. [43], On 23 December 2010, the United Nations Human Rights Council passed a resolution that "strongly condemned human rights violations that had taken place in Côte d'Ivoire...that occurred in different parts of Côte d'Ivoire in relation to the conclusion of the 2010 presidential election. Dê uma olhada exclusiva na versão beta da nova DW. Curso de Autoconhecimento e Mudança Interior (Divina Consciência).pdf. 2011 Horn of Africa famine Oxfam 01.jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 2.84 MB 3 Hunger Emergencies RGB 8bit 4096 CC0.png 4,096 × 4,096; 8.79 MB A makeshift shelter in the dust of Dolo Ado (5978139334).jpg 960 × 720; 106 KB The African Union had appointed Mbeki to lead an emergency mission to Côte d'Ivoire "to facilitate the rapid and peaceful conclusion of the electoral process and the efforts to find a way out of the crisis. [102] As a declining economy threatens the status of Côte d'Ivoire, as the largest producer of cocoa in the world, a revival hinged on the outcome of the election. (previous page) 'The March of Millions' - It's in our hands-(edit-tx228).jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 2.05 MB. [119] The mandate of Choi Young-ji ended on 31 August, and Albert Gerard Koenders became the new UN Special Representative for Côte d'Ivoire on 1 September. 4 used & new from $32.84. Líderes europeus chegam a acordo sobre orçamento de 1,1 trilhão de euros em sete anos e plano de recuperação de 750 bilhões. [33] [122], According to Human Right Watch, the violence still persisted. It is an 11-member commission headed by former Prime Minister Charles Konan Banny. Some were dressed in black, some were wearing leaves, and some were naked, all signs of an African curse directed toward Laurent Gbagbo. The 2010–11 Ivorian crisis was a political crisis in Ivory Coast which began after Laurent Gbagbo, the President of Ivory Coast since 2000, was proclaimed the winner of the Ivorian election of 2010, the first election in the country in 10 years. [118], Human rights remained as an issue. By Claudia Raphaela Cova de Lima. Right Now. [103], The internationally traded price for cocoa and white sugar fell in the week prior to the election on speculation that the election would spur production. Pin. It is modelled after the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa. Os socialistas do ex-primeiro-ministro José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero sofreram uma derrota de proporções históricas na eleição, realizada sob a sombra da crise do euro. [citation needed], Paul Yao N'Dre, the President of the Constitutional Council (a body that was viewed by the opposition as favoring Gbagbo, because N'Dre was considered an ally of the President), then took to the airwaves to say that the CEI had no authority left to announce any results, because it had already missed its deadline to announce them, and consequently the results were invalid. On 16 December 2010, clashes between opposition supporters and security forces in Abidjan and Yamoussoukro left 44 people dead. Edition/Format: Computer file: Document : French : 7e édition mise à jour: Rating: (not yet rated) 0 with reviews - Be the first. ... Résumé. [77] The protesters were met with heavily armed security forces firing into the crowd and killing civilians. [60][61] The same area was the scene of further clashes on 21–22 February when police again attempted to raid it. É da essência do capitalismo que essas convulsões ocorram - trata-se do processo de destruição criativa de que falava o grande economista austríaco Joseph Schumpeter. William Fitzgerald, the deputy assistant secretary for African affairs, said that trade sanctions may be imposed against individuals. Com isso, Alemanha e França atingiram o seu objetivo apenas em parte. [86] By 31 March the RFCI had reached Abidjan as fighting broke out in the city, with Gbagbo loyalists falling back to the area around the presidential palace. [111] Most of the cash machines in Abidjan had been empty or out of service and people rushed to the banks to withdraw their cash. Autor: Rolf Wenkel (md) Revisão: Carlos Albuquerque, Numa operação inédita, mais de 520 instituições financeiras pegaram empréstimos com juros de 1% ao ano e vencimento em três anos. Create ... Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 2011. Jean-François, a psychoanalyst, is in love with one of his patients. Para isso, há também bons argumentos. Of these, more than 22,000 were under the age of 30. [119], Gbagbo was arrested on 11 April. (21.12.2011), Durante primeira turnê africana, Christine Lagarde previu crescimento econômico mais baixo e disse que crise européia é risco para todas as economias do mundo. Mas já em fevereiro, o presidente do Banco Central alemão (Bundesbank), Axel Weber, anunciava sua renúncia. Hundreds of women joined the protests and banged pots as a warning about the arrival of the militias. [30] He had the clear backing of the international and regional community for his claim to victory, but top officers in the military appeared to stand firmly behind Gbagbo. Vítimas políticas Em outubro ocorreram até mesmo duas cúpulas em quatro dias. [119], Reporters Without Borders asked for the release of a detained pro-Gbagbo journalist. Le crise alimentari in le Corno de Africa de 2011 es un fame que occurreva in multe regiones del Corno de Africa como resultato de un sever siccitate que affecta a tote le region de Africa Oriental, nominate como "le pejo in 60 annos", ha causate un sever crise alimentari in Somalia, Ethiopia e Kenya menaciante le subsistentia de plus de 12 milliones de personas. Após cúpula, líderes europeus dizem que pleito que deu sexto mandato ao autoritário Lukashenko não foi livre nem justo, e preparam longa lista de sanções. [73], Reporters Without Borders observed that public media had been neutral in its coverage of the candidates, but it also noted that Gbagbo's campaign had received a substantially larger amount of coverage. Abstract. Por crise económica de 2008 a 2011 é coñecida a crise económica mundial que comezou ese ano, orixinada nos Estados Unidos.Entre os principais factores causantes da crise estarían os altos prezos das materias primas, a sobrevalorización do produto, unha crise alimentaria mundial e enerxética, unha elevada inflación planetaria e a ameaza dunha recesión en todo o mundo, así como unha crise … [47], On 5 December, former President Thabo Mbeki held separate talks with Gbagbo and Ouattara, acting as a mediator. No final de outubro, o primeiro-ministro grego, George Papandreou, afirmou querer deixar os gregos aprovarem por um referendo o plano de resgate do euro para o seu país, o que deixou os líderes da UE completamente surpresos, e os mercados mundiais entraram em pânico. A União Europeia decidiu tolerar um racha em nome da salvação do euro. Primeira vítima política: Papandreou anuncia em cadeia de TV acordo para governo de transição. Mais tarde, Papandreou se rendeu face à enorme pressão dos credores internacionais e desistiu do plano controverso, renunciando pouco depois. [58], Clashes between rival tribes seen as being pro-Gbagbo and pro-Ouattara killed 33 people in the central Ivorian city of Duékoué 3 and 6 January 2011. Assim, até 200 bilhões de euros dos bancos centrais europeus devem ser transferidos para o Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), para que este ajude países europeus endividados. Os próprios países estão extremamente endividados. Assim como Weber, Stark é tido como um defensor da estabilidade e crítico ferrenho das compras multimilionárias pelo BCE de títulos de países endividados. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. On 8 July 2011, IMF resumed the aid to Côte d'Ivoire. [24] Bakayoko reportedly chose to announce the results at the hotel, which Ouattara had been using as "his base", because he wanted to have the security of UN protection when doing so. Ouattara then re-appointed Soro as his prime minister. 12 opposition supporters were killed when security forces fired machine guns and launched rocket-propelled grenades in the neighbourhood;[62] the next day, opposition fighters ambushed government gendarmes (paramilitary police) and killed 10–15 of them. 2011 foi o ano da crise do euro O ano de 2011 anuncia seu fim, mas sem uma saída para a crise do euro. Page d'accueil de l'UQAM Étudier à l'UQAM Bottin du personnel Carte du campus Bibliothèques Pour nous joindre Faculté des sciences humaines Centre for Research and Intervention on Suicide, Ethical Issues and End-of-Life Pratices (CRISE) ... June 23, 2011 9:55pm. Os bancos da zona do euro tiveram que, por falta de alternativas, pedir dinheiro emprestado ao BCE de uma forma como há dois anos não faziam. Eles sofreriam prejuízos enormes e… [57] Another mass grave was reported to exist in the village of N'Dotre, guarded by government militias. "É, basicamente, pior do que no tempo da falência do Lehman Brothers, em 2008, porque, agora, os Estados também são incapazes de agir", disse um corretor da bolsa de Frankfurt. The 2010–11 Ivorian crisis was a political crisis in Ivory Coast which began after Laurent Gbagbo, the President of Ivory Coast since 2000, was proclaimed the winner of the Ivorian election of 2010, the first election in the country in 10 years. [45], Angola and Lebanon were the only countries to send their ambassadors to Gbagbo's swearing-in. 2010–2011 Ivorian crisis political crisis in Ivory Coast, when the electoral council declared that the opposition had won the 2010 elections, but the incumbent president L. Gbagbo claimed that he had won; after a civil war with French backing, Gbagbo was eventually captured [116], On 6 April, in Canada outside the French consulate in Montreal, demonstrators protested against France's military intervention in Ivory Coast and asked for humanitarian corridors to be opened in Abidjan. The atmosphere of the election was calm, but the turnout was low. [66] Abobo came under heavy attack on 17 March, killing 30 people, when shells were into a crowded market from a nearby military barracks. [73] The ban was not challenged by the UN, which continued to fly helicopters despite the order; allies of Ouattara said Gbagbo had no legal authority with which to enforce the ban.