The character of Levade was an inmate here, as well as young brothers André and Jacob Duguay. Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies established more than 44,000 camps and other incarceration sites (including ghettos). Histoire En septembre 1943, un groupe de détenus du camp de Drancy commence à creuser un tunnel sous le camp de Drancy, Une quarantaine de prisonniers juifs participent à cette entreprise. Le camp dinternement de Drancy est un camp, situé au nord-est de Paris (alors dans le département de la Seine, aujourd'hui dans celui de la Seine-Saint-Denis), où furent rassemblés les juifs vivant en France avant leur déportation depuis la gare du Bourget (1942-1943) et de la gare de Bobigny (1943-1944), puis après 1944, les Français accusés de collaboration dont Sacha Guitry et Mary Marquet. Le principal de ces camps était celui de Drancy : c'est là en effet que furent concentrés les Juifs avant la déportation vers Auschwitz. She was beaten to death, suffering typhus, five days before the camp was liberated. Among these sites was the Drancy transit camp in France. Between 22 June 1942 and 31 July 1944, during its use as an internment camp, 67,400 French, Polish, and German Jews were deported from the camp in 64 rail transports,[1] which included 6,000 children. She worked in Paris to save Jewish children by escorting them to the Free Zone. Millions of people suffered and died or were killed. [4], Many French Jewish intellectuals and artists were held in Drancy, including Max Jacob (who died there), Tristan Bernard, and the choreographer René Blum. Shoah. Tél : + 33 (0)1 42 77 44 72 Fax : + 33 (0)1 53 01 17 44 > Le Mémorial de … Dans le camp lui-même, les conditions de vie sont très dures. The capacity of the camp was 5,000 prisoners. Drancy fell under the command of the Gestapo Office of Jewish Affairs in France and German SS Captain Theodor Dannecker. [5], The Drancy camp was designed to hold 700 people, but at its peak held more than 7,000. It was located in Drancy, a northeastern suburb of Paris, France. This perspective, held by Charles de Gaulle among others, underlined in particular the circumstances of the July 1940 vote of the full powers to Marshal Pétain, who installed the "French State" and repudiated the Republic. One-third of the Jews deported from Drancy were French citizens. - celle de Georges Wellers, ancien interné de Drancy, auteur en 1946 du livre De Drancy à Auschwitz: il évoque une « quarantaine de suicides à l’été 1942 », ou encore des « épidémies de suicides » - celle de Maurice Rajsfus, auteur d’Un camp de concentration très ordinaire 1941-1944, [10], As the Allies were approaching Paris in August 1944, the German officers fled, and the camp was liberated on 17 August when control of the camp was given over to the French Resistance and Swedish diplomat Raoul Nordling.[2]. SS officer Alois Brunner became camp commandant as part of the major stepping up at all facilities needed for mass extermination. De décembre 1941 jusqu’en mars 1942, des otages sont extraits du camp pour être fusillés au Mont-Valérien . We would like to thank The Crown and Goodman Family and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing Drancy was under the control of the French police until 3 July 1943 when Germany took direct control of the Drancy camp. Camps de concentration. In December 1941, 40 prisoners from Drancy were executed in retaliation for a French attack on German police officers. Fewer than 2,000 of the almost 65,000 Jews deported from the Drancy camp survived the Holocaust. found: Das nationalsozialistische Lagersystem, 1990: p. 64 (Drancy; near Paris; transit camp for Israelites) Nicolas Grenier, Cité de la Muette (poem), in honor of Max Jacob, who died in the Drancy camp, 2011. [9] A TV documentary was made about the attempt. Le camp apparaît dans la presse française fin 1939, lorsqu'il est installé au cœur de la cité de la Muette, un quartier d'habitation de Drancy. D'août 1941 à août 1944, le camp d'internement de Drancy ou camp de Drancy a été la plaque tournante de la politique de déportation antisémite en France. Environ 63 000 Juifs sont déportés depuis le camp de Drancy, de la gare du Bourget-Drancy puis de la gare de Bobigny, à destination d’Auschwitz-Birkenau principalement. [11] The two of them were dragged from their house and transported by rail from Nice to Drancy. [2], Drancy was under the control of the French police until 1943 when administration was taken over by the SS, which placed officer Alois Brunner in charge of the camp. Camp de Drancy, fichiers des internés adultes et enfants, fichier des fusillés (F/9/5675 à 5749). Fichiers des internés des camps de Pithiviers et de Beaune-la-Rolande (F/9/5750 à 5777). Près de 63 000 Juifs sont déportés depuis le camp de Drancy, des gares du Bourget et de Bobigny, le plus souvent à destination d’Auschwitz-Birkenau. Location. Only 2,000 remained alive when Allied forces liberated the camp on 17 August 1944. Cette cité devient en 1941 un camp d’internement, puis en 1942 le camp de regroupement des Juifs de France en vue de leur déportation vers les camps d’extermination. Following the German occupation in 1940, Drancy was initially used as a camp for French and British prisoners of war. The prisoners dug a tunnel to escape, but it was discovered before completion. Only 1,542 prisoners remained alive at the camp when the German authorities in Drancy fled as Allied forces advanced and the Swedish Consul-General Raoul Nordling took control of the camp on 17 August 1944, before handing it over to the French Red Cross to care for the survivors. [citation needed], On 11 April 2009, a swastika was painted on a train car used for the deportation of Jews, a permanent exhibit. Drancy concentration camp. In July 1943 the Germans took direct control of the Drancy camp and SS officer Alois Brunner became camp commandant. It was originally conceived by the noted architects Marcel Lods [fr] and Eugène Beaudouin [fr] as a striking, modernist urban community. On 20 August 1941, French police conducted raids throughout the 11th arrondissement of Paris and arrested more than 4,000 Jews, mainly foreign or stateless Jews. Le camp de Drancy. The Drancy camp, named after the northeastern suburb of Paris in which it was located, was established by the Germans in August 1941 as an internment camp for foreign Jews in France. 1941 à l’été 1944. After the 1940 defeat by Germany and 10 July 1940 vote of full powers to Marshal Philippe Pétain, the Republic was abolished and Vichy France was proclaimed. Le camp est utilisé durant l'Epuration comme lieu d'internement, dirigé par les FTP. The ground floor shows a changing exhibit of prisoners' faces and names, as a Memorial to their imprisonment and then murder by the Nazis, assisted by the gendarmerie of Occupied France. The perpetrators used these locations for a range of purposes, including forced labor, detention of people deemed to be "enemies of the state," and mass murder. Drancy: Un camp de concentration très ordinaire, 1941-1944 (French Edition) In 2001, Brunner's case was brought before a French court by Nazi hunter Serge Klarsfeld, which sentenced Brunner in absentia to a life sentence for crimes against humanity.[3]. found: Drancy : un camp de concentration très ordinaire, 1941-1944, c1996. View the list of all donors. concentration et de transit des Juifs de France : 63 000 des 76 000 juifs déportés de France sont partis de Drancy, essentiellement pour Auschwitz. De 1941 à 1944, Drancy fournit les 3/4 des convois de juifs à destination des camps de concentration. 110-112, avenue Jean-Jaurès 93700 Drancy. Les travaux récemment menés sur la cité de la Muette à Drancy, ensemble HLM devenu camp de concentration et de transit des Juifs de France, constituent de ce point de vue un exemple intéressant du dialogue qui peut se nouer entre archéologues et historiens. Barbed wire surrounded the building and its courtyard. The camp was used after the war for the internment of collaborationists, then went back in 1946 to its original destination as low-income housing. Approximately 70,000 prisoners passed through Drancy between August 1941 and August 1944. In the first transport, which departed on June 22, 1942, 1,000 Jews were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. In 1977, the Memorial to the Deportation at Drancy was created by sculptor Shlomo Selinger to commemorate the French Jews imprisoned in the camp. There is documented evidence and testimony recounting the brutality of the French guards in Drancy and the brutal conditions imposed on the people including the small children who, upon their arrival, were immediately separated from their parents. Instance of. En 1939 déjà, avant l'invasion de la France par l'Allemagne nazie, le gouvernement français avait ouvert des camps destinés à "accueillir" les réfugiés républicains espagnols fuyant le régime fachiste de Franco. The design was especially noteworthy for its integration of high-rise residential apartment towers, among the first of their kind in France. The Cité de la Muette (the La Muette complex, a housing development) was situated in the district of Drancy, 12 kilometers northeast of , and served as an internment camp for 67,000 of the 75,000 mostly foreign Jews deported from France during the Second World War, before they were sent to death camps in Poland.The land for this development had been acquired in 1925 by … Poetically named La Cité de la Muette ("The Silent City") at its creation for its perceived peaceful ideals, the name became twisted with bitterly ironic meaning. She was transported to Auschwitz on 7 October 1943 and was probably gassed on the same day that she arrived there (10 October). À la Libération, la cité de la Muette sert de camp d’internement aux personnes suspectes de collaboration. Drancy: Un camp de concentration très ordinaire, 1941-1944 (French Edition) [Rajsfus, Maurice] on Sacha Guitry et Mary Marquet , accusés de collaboration, y sont détenus et décrivent dans leurs livres leurs conditions de vie. Of the 75,000 Jews whom French and German authorities deported from France, more than 67,000 were sent directly from Drancy to Auschwitz. Five subcamps, used primarily as warehouses for personal property confiscated from Jews, were located throughout Paris at. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. France -- Drancy. They included the noted German artist Charlotte Salomon, who had lived in the south of France after fleeing from the Nazis in Germany. Altogether, between that first transport and the last, on July 31, 1944, 64,759 Jews were deported from Drancy in 64 transports. While the criminal behaviour of Vichy France and the collaboration of French officials were acknowledged, and some former Vichy officials prosecuted, this point of view denied any responsibility … Situé au nord-est de Paris, dans la ville de Drancy (alors dans le département de la Seine, aujourd'hui en Seine-Saint-Denis), ce camp a été pendant trois ans le principal lieu d'internement avant déportation depuis la gare du Bourget (1942-1943) puis la gare de Bobigny (1943-1944) vers les camps d'extermination nazis, principalement Auschwitz.