Starting from 03-05 July at the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg, Austria, and concluding at the Bahrain International Circuit in Sakhir, Bahrain, on 04-06 December. Unsere Liste der Besten 12/2020 Detaillierter Ratgeber → Die besten Favoriten ᐅ Bester Preis Vergleichssieger ️ Direkt vergleichen! Calendrier sportif 2020-2021 validé par le Conseil de Ligue du 10 juillet 2020 03/08/2020 11:18. Espérance Saint-Léger-des-Vignes par thierry 109 réponses 26 992 vues. The calendar of the next season appointments for the Italian F4 Championship powered by Abarth and the Formula Regional European Championship certified by FIA has been officialized. Formel 3 Barcelona 2020: Pole für Sargeant - Beckmann und Zendeli Top 10 . Rounds 12/13/14. Top 10 300mm de analysiert [12/2020] Berichte echter … Kalender 2020 zum Herunterladen. Brands Hatch Co-headline with British GT. Neuf manches composent le futur championnat. Vous pouvez aussi regarder les calendriers mensuel de 2020 et y compris les numéros de semaine si vous cliquez sur un mois ci-dessus. Calendrier 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 – kaufen Sie diese Vektorgrafik und finden Sie ähnliche Vektorgrafiken auf Adobe Stock Mission possible! In qualifying session, on a wet track and rain tires, the Danish driver is clea... Start is in wet racing conditions and Rain tires. RACE REPORT. The revised 2020 calendar will comprise of 12 rounds. 2020/21 calendar status. The VAR driver starts better than the Dane and takes the first position and then holds it with his teeth until the end. With wet tires, Oliver Rasmussen is clearly the fastest. - All rights reserved. RACE REPORT. Overview; F1 - Free Flight. Petecof fourth and Leclerc fifth despite a spin. Still holding on to the 2020 title mathematically, Oliver Rasmussen, third in the championship, has no intention of giving up and declares that he wants to win all three races at the Vallelunga circuit. Seven appointments for the 2020 season as a confirm of the great success of this year Italian F4 Championship powered by Abarth, one of the most exciting and participated F4 championship in Europe. Rasmussen wins race 3. Unfortunate Leclerc stopped by engine problems. ... La FIA. 17/11/2020 21:58:50 par Marko. Rounds 5/6/7. Eight appointments also for the new Formula Regional European Championship certified by FIA which, at its first year, is already convincing and fascinating the audience. Ahead of the 2020/21 ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, Formula E and the FIA will be confirming an updated calendar of races in sets. Those are Spielberg, Silverstone and Sakhir. Die Kalendervorlagen im DIN A4-Querformat finden vor allem als Bürokalender Verwendung, aber auch als Ihr ganz persönlicher Terminplaner, Familienkalender, Urlaubsplaner, Wandkalender, Schreibtischkalender oder als Basis für Ihren DIY-Taschenkalender. Vallellunga, race 1: Hauger takes the victory away from Rasmussen, Vallelunga, qualifying: Rasmussen does not give up, Valellunga, free practice: Petecof and Hauger the fastest, Imola, race 3: Pasma wins ahead of Leclerc. Retrouvez ici le calendrier et tous les grands prix et tous les circuits de la saison 2020 de F3. 27/11/2020 07:02:06 par pool. 300mm macro - Der absolute Vergleichssieger . The new Formula Regional Tatuus will be back on track after having shown their great qualities during this year. It works across three areas: Sport, Mobility and Campaigns. Formel 3 Barcelona 2020: Jake Hughes beschert HWA ersten Saisonsieg . Rounds 8/9/10/11. Eight appointments also for the new Formula Regional European Championship certified by FIA which, at its first year, is already convincing and fascinating the audience. F3 . 15 / 16 August. Der Formel-3-Kalender 2021 im Überblick: Die Formel 3-Saison 2021 mit allen Strecken, Zeiten und Terminen - jetzt bequem in Ihr Smartphone oder PC importieren Seven appointments for the 2020 season as a confirm of the great success of this year Italian F4 Championship powered by Abarth, one of the most exciting and participated F4 championship in Europe. POULE 4 F3 - 2020-2021 par VersinGivorix 142 réponses 28 904 vues. On a wet track, the fight for the title is resolved a few minutes after the start of the race with Arthur Leclerc going off the track and on the gravel in an attempt to recover positions from last position, after the unfortunate qualifying. 30/10/2020 19:15:36 par p243151. 26th April - Formula Regional European Championship: Paul Ricard, 17th May - Italian F4 Championship powered by Abarth and Formula Regional European Championship: Monza, 14th June - Italian F4 Championship powered by Abarth and Formula Regional European Championship: Vallelunga, 12th July - Italian F4 Championship powered by Abarth and Formula Regional European Championship: Hungaroring, 30th August - Italian F4 Championship powered by Abarth and Formula Regional European Championship: Imola, 13th September - Italian F4 Championship powered by Abarth and Formula Regional European Championship: RedBullRing, 4th October - Italian F4 Championship powered by Abarth and Formula Regional European Championship: Mugello, 18th October - Formula Regional European Championship: Barcelona, 25th October - Italian F4 Championship powered by Abarth: Monza. 14/11/2020 12:52:01 par chouchou58. F3 Regional Global Brochure. Hier können Sie unsere kostenlosen Kalender 2020 mit gesetzlichen Feiertagen und Kalenderwochen herunterladen. Calendar & Results for the FIA Formula 2 2020 Championship: The Road to F1.Round: 1 Spielberg Austria 03-05 Jul 2020,Round: 2 Spielberg Austria 10-12 Jul 2020,Round: 3 Budapest Hungary 17-19 Jul 2020,Round: 4 Silverstone Great Britain 31-02 Aug 2020,Round: 5 Silverstone Great Britain 07-09 Aug 2020,Round: 6 Barcelona Spain 14-16 Aug 2020,Round: 7 Spa-Francorchamps Belgium 28-30 Aug 2020… All calendar updates are subject to approval of the FIA World Motor Sport Council. Formel 3 Silverstone 2020: Liam Lawson siegt - Beckmann in den Top 10 . EVENT KEY: Euro RX Supercar Euro RX Super1600 Projekt E RX2 Where to Watch. Αναζήτηση. F3 Regional Europe Brochure. Côté F3, ces sept dates permettront de disputer un total de 21 courses, soit trois de plus qu'en 2020 et 2019. Luis Leeds, der an diesem Wochenende australischer Formel 4-Meister wurde, strebt für 2020 einen Start in der FIA F3 an. Découvrez-le sans plus tarder! POULE 3 2020/2021 par Caravane71 18 réponses 5 130 vues. Calendriers, Nascar. LAST NEWS All News. The FIA is the governing body of motor sport and promotes safe, sustainable and accessible mobility for all road users across the world. RD:1 22 Aug Swecon World RX of Sweden Holjes Motorstadion VIEW RESULTS. Year 2020; Years 2010-2019; Years 2000-2009; Years 1990-1999; Years 1980-1989; Years 1970-1979; Years 1960-1969; Years 1950-1959; Years 1936-1949; CIAM Proposals; CIAM public mailing list; Our sport. Calendrier FIA F3 2020 . Find everything you need to follow the action in the F1 2020 calendar. 19 / 20 September. Calendrier F3 2021 provisoire. calendrier mensuel 2020, calendrier vacances 2020, calendrier mensuel 2020 jours fériés November 12, 2019 by yotan Leave a Comment Leave a Reply Cancel reply Programme F3 Automne 2020 IMPORTANT : La quasi-totalité des formations se donne en ligne. Une manche de plus pour la FIA F3 The calendar will also comprise of multiple triple-headers. Vallellunga, race 1: Hauger takes the victory away from Rasmussen, Vallelunga, qualifying: Rasmussen does not give up, Valellunga, free practice: Petecof and Hauger the fastest, Imola, race 3: Pasma wins ahead of Leclerc, 8 appointments for the next season, 6 concomitants for FRegional and F4, Copyright © 2018 WSK Promotion S.r.l. – kaufen Sie diese Vektorgrafik und finden Sie ähnliche Vektorgrafiken auf Adobe Stock Résultats et classements du Grand Prix d'Espagne 2020 de F3. Calendrier F3 2021 provisoire. 1 / 2 August. 3 / 3 March. On a wet and very cold track, Hauger is first in free practice 1, while the fastest time of the day is achieved by the championship leader, Petecof. Gianluca Petecof is the 2020 Champion!!! Calendrier officiel du championnat du monde de Formule 3 2020. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. La FIA F3 vient de dévoiler son calendrier pour la saison 2020. Le calendrier de la saison 2021 de la F3 a lui aussi... gilles 10 novembre 2020. Snetterton . BRDC British F3 - 2020 Calendar. Unsere Vergleichstabelle 12/2020 - Ausführlicher Test ️ Ausgezeichnete Artikel Bester Preis Testsieger Jetzt direkt weiterlesen! 300mm macro Erfahrungsberichte. * Zendeli, 10ème, 3 places de pénalité : A gêné Peroni * Pulcini, 12ème, 5 places de pénalité : A gêné Verschoor - All rights reserved. 29 / 30 August. F3 . From pole position Rasmussen has a little delay and Dennis Hauger does not hesitate to take the lead. » Die Rangliste 12/2020 ⭐ Detaillierter Ratgeber Die besten Artikel Aktuelle Schnäppchen Sämtliche Vergleichssieger Jetzt direkt lesen! RD:2 FIA World RX of Sweden 2020; See more . - P.IVA: 03896830753 REA: LE-253228. Le calendrier 2020 est généré automatiquement et vous pouvez le regarder toujours ici online. Auf welche Punkte Sie beim Kauf Ihres 300mm macro achten sollten. Oulton Park Co-headline with British GT. From Australia to Abu Dhabi, don't miss a single turn. Calendar & Results for the FIA Formula 3 2020 Championship: The Road to F1.Round: 1 Spielberg Austria 03-05 Jul 2020,Round: 2 Spielberg Austria 10-12 Jul 2020,Round: 3 Budapest Hungary 17-19 Jul 2020,Round: 4 Silverstone Great Britain 31-02 Aug 2020,Round: 5 Silverstone Great Britain 07-09 Aug 2020,Round: 6 Barcelona Spain 14-16 Aug 2020,Round: 7 Spa-Francorchamps Belgium 28-30 Aug … Media Day. 2020 EVENT CALENDAR. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes dès aujourd’hui et vous retrouverez tous les détails à ce sujet directement dans le calendrier. FIA F3 ; 2020 ; 2019 ; 2018 ; 2017 ; 2016 ; 2015 ; 2014 Une manche de plus composera le championnat 2020 de FIA F3. Events Sunday, December 6, 2020. The large drivers pool of the Italian F4, this way, could contribute to the Formula Regional growth, allowing the drivers to easily go ahead through their path, experiencing a higher category. Donington … RACE REPORT . Formel 3 Spa 2020: Erste Pole-Position für Lirim Zendeli . Watch the next Grand Prix live. Kalender 2020 mit Kalenderwochen und Feiertagen. Leclerc goes out of track and leaves the title to Petecof. Sept épreuves se dérouleront en Europe, tandis que deux se courront sur des épreuves proches de l'Europe. Donington Park Co-headline with British GT. Three of the venues will be used twice, back-to-back. F3 . On a wet track, the fight for the title is resolved a few minutes after the start of the race with Arthur Leclerc going off the track and on the gravel in an attempt to recover positions from last position, after the unfortunate qualifying. Nous sommes heureux de vous dévoiler le calendrier des formations du Programme F3 disponibles pour cet automne! Calendrier 2020 France avec jours fériés, semaines et vacances scolaires. Copyright © 2018 WSK Promotion S.r.l. Rounds 1/2/3/4. Le Championnat de Formule 3 FIA 2020 est la deuxième saison du championnat de Formule … The first set - Rounds 1-4 - consists of two double-headers, first in Santiago then Diriyah, with the next set to be confirmed in early 2021. - P.IVA: 03896830753 REA: LE-253228. F3 . Côté F3, ces sept dates permettront de disputer un total de 21 courses, soit trois de plus qu'en 2020 et 2019. F3 . Ειδήσεις Για μια καλύτερη Ελλάδα Ειδήσεις Για μια καλύτερη Ελλάδα RACE REPORT. publie ce vendredi 19 juin 2020, un Calendrier... gilles 20 juin 2020. Formel 3 Monza 2020: Lirim Zendeli erneut in Startreihe eins . Jahreskalender für das Jahr 2020 auch zum Ausdrucken und Einbinden in die eigene Seite. To facilitate the participants and the logistics for the teams, ACI Sport and WSK Promotion decided to aggregate as much as possible the two formulas: 6 appointments will involve both series.