concentration et de transit des Juifs de France : 63 000 des 76 000 juifs déportés de France sont partis de Drancy, essentiellement pour Auschwitz. Barbed wire surrounded the building and its courtyard. Fewer than 2,000 of the almost 65,000 Jews deported from the Drancy camp survived the Holocaust. [5], The Drancy camp was designed to hold 700 people, but at its peak held more than 7,000. The concentration camp also featured in a part of Sebastian Faulks' 1999 novel Charlotte Gray. work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. [2], Drancy was under the control of the French police until 1943 when administration was taken over by the SS, which placed officer Alois Brunner in charge of the camp. French authorities interned these Jews in Drancy, marking its official opening. Drancy was under the control of the French police until 1943 when administration was taken … In 1977, the Memorial to the Deportation at Drancy was created by sculptor Shlomo Selinger to commemorate the French Jews imprisoned in the camp. Drancy: Un camp de concentration très ordinaire, 1941-1944 (French Edition) [Rajsfus, Maurice] on Beginning in the summer of 1941, when the roundup of Paris Jews began, Drancy was used to imprison Jewish detainees. The next day, the Gestapo transported the arrestees to Drancy. Approximately 70,000 prisoners passed through Drancy between August 1941 and August 1944. The Drancy internment camp of Paris, France, was used to hold Jews who were later deported to the extermination camps. Drancy was an assembly and detention camp for confining Jews who were later deported to the extermination camps during the German military administration of Occupied France during World War II. The Drancy camp, named after the northeastern suburb of Paris in which it was located, was established by the Germans in August 1941 as an internment camp for foreign Jews in France. She was beaten to death, suffering typhus, five days before the camp was liberated. It provides details of the persecution of the Jews in France and many personal mementos of inmates before their deportation to Auschwitz and their death. Berr was a young French Jewish graduate who kept a diary between April 1942 and February 1944. Wikipedia. La petite soeur tomba malade car elle souffrait de malnutrition. Van Dam was spared upon arrival and survived for six months painting for the SS but was killed in September 1943. Many distinguished French Jewish intellectuals and artists were held in Drancy, including the poet Max Jacob, the choreographer Renee Blum, and the philosopher Tristan Bernard. It was originally conceived by the noted architects Marcel Lods [fr] and Eugène Beaudouin [fr] as a striking, modernist urban community. Location. It later became the major transit camp for the deportations of Jews from France. SS officer Alois Brunner became camp commandant as part of the major stepping up at all facilities needed for mass extermination. The inmates from Borgo, Jewish refugees from a number of European countries, had been arrested after the Italian surrender in September 1943, having mostly come to Italy from France in search for safety from Nazi prosecution. found: Das nationalsozialistische Lagersystem, 1990: p. 64 (Drancy; near Paris; transit camp for Israelites) The Swedish Consul-General Raoul Nordling took over the camp on August 17 and asked the French Red Cross to care for the 1,500 prisoners remaining in Drancy. Le camp est utilisé durant l'Epuration comme lieu d'internement, dirigé par les FTP. There were also many non-French Jews captured in France and deported to Drancy to await final deportation to Auschwitz and other death camps. De décembre 1941 jusqu’en mars 1942, des otages sont extraits du camp pour être fusillés au Mont-Valérien . After the 1940 defeat by Germany and 10 July 1940 vote of full powers to Marshal Philippe Pétain, the Republic was abolished and Vichy France was proclaimed. We would like to thank The Crown and Goodman Family and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing 65,000 Jews were deported from Drancy, of whom 63,000 were murdered including 6,000 children. The French police carried out additional roundups of Jews throughout the war. Charlotte was staying at a small hotel nearby to try and pass on a message to Levade. The Drancy internment camp became identified by the northeastern suburb of Paris in which it was located. Drancy fell under the command of the Gestapo Office of Jewish Affairs in France and German SS Captain Theodor Dannecker. Others were foreign-born Jews who had immigrated to France in the 1920s and 1930s, primarily from Poland, Germany, and, after 1938, Austria. She worked in Paris to save Jewish children by escorting them to the Free Zone. One-third of the Jews deported from Drancy were French citizens. The ground floor shows a changing exhibit of prisoners' faces and names, as a Memorial to their imprisonment and then murder by the Nazis, assisted by the gendarmerie of Occupied France. The Germans also deported 3,753 Jews from Drancy to the Sobibor killing center. Drancy: Un camp de concentration très ordinaire, 1941-1944 (French Edition) Neuf Juifs dépor… Drancy: A Concentration Camp in Paris 1941–1944, This page was last edited on 19 December 2020, at 06:41. The capacity of the camp was 5,000 prisoners. L’archéologie des camps de la Seconde Guerre mondiale est encore peu développée en France. Internierungslager Drancy; Drancy (Seine-Saint-Denis) (camp de concentration) -- Ouvrages illustrés. In July 1943 the Germans took direct control of the Drancy camp and SS officer Alois Brunner became camp commandant. The archive also includes the cards and letters written by the prisoners to their relatives before deportation, and they are a moving contribution to the memory of the camp, and the crime of their detention. The Vichy government cooperated with Nazi Germany, hunting down foreign and French Jews and turning them over to the Gestapo for transport to the Third Reich's extermination camps. Drancy (France) - Cité de … Until recently, the official point of view of the French government was that the Vichy regime was an illegal government distinct from the French Republic. Camps de concentration. Instance of. [4] Following the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup on 16 and 17 July 1942, more than 4,900 of the 13,152 victims of the mass arrest were sent directly to the camp at Drancy before their deportation to Auschwitz. Les travaux récemment menés sur la cité de la Muette à Drancy, ensemble HLM devenu camp de concentration et de transit des Juifs de France, constituent de ce point de vue un exemple intéressant du dialogue qui peut se nouer entre archéologues et historiens. 17 août 1944 : Upload media. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}48°55′12″N 2°27′18″E / 48.92000°N 2.45500°E / 48.92000; 2.45500, Internment camp for Jews in occupied France during World War II, The accommodation block at Drancy with French gendarme on guard, German military administration of Occupied France during World War II, Timeline of deportations of French Jews to death camps, "This Month in Holocaust History – December – Drancy", "The Drancy Camp | Sciences Po Mass Violence and Resistance - Research Network",, En 1995, la reconnaissance des « fautes commises par l'Etat », Des croix gammées tracées au Mémorial de la déportation à Drancy, le Conservatoire Historique du Camp de Drancy, Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation, Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Déportation, Sons and Daughters of Jewish Deportees from France,, Buildings and structures in Seine-Saint-Denis, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 67,400 deported; 1,542 remaining at liberation. Le camp de Drancy. They included the noted German artist Charlotte Salomon, who had lived in the south of France after fleeing from the Nazis in Germany. Altogether, between that first transport and the last, on July 31, 1944, 64,759 Jews were deported from Drancy in 64 transports. Following the German occupation in 1940, Drancy was initially used as a camp for French and British prisoners of war. Situé au nord-est de Paris, dans la ville de Drancy (alors dans le département de la Seine, aujourd'hui en Seine-Saint-Denis), ce camp a été pendant trois ans le principal lieu d'internement avant déportation depuis la gare du Bourget (1942-1943) puis la gare de Bobigny (1943-1944) vers les camps d'extermination nazis, principalement Auschwitz. Main telephone: 202.488.0400 From there, all the children and staff were deported to Auschwitz. There is documented evidence and testimony recounting the brutality of the French guards in Drancy and the brutal conditions imposed on the people including the small children who, upon their arrival, were immediately separated from their parents. There is documented evidence and testimony recounting the brutality of the French guards in Drancy and the harsh conditions imposed on the inmates. [4], On 6 April 1944, SS First Lieutenant Klaus Barbie raided a children's home in Izieu, France, where Jewish children had been hidden. Camp de représailles, août 1941-juin 1942 --Camp de transit, juillet 1942-juillet 1943 --Camp de concentration, juillet 1943-août 1944 --Drancy après Drancy, août 1944- … Nazi concentration camp, concentration camp. Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies established more than 44,000 camps and other incarceration sites (including ghettos). Près de 63 000 Juifs sont déportés depuis le camp de Drancy, des gares du Bourget et de Bobigny, le plus souvent à destination d’Auschwitz-Birkenau. Except for a small number of prisoners (mostly members of the French resistance), the overwhelming majority were Jews. Histoire En septembre 1943, un groupe de détenus du camp de Drancy commence à creuser un tunnel sous le camp de Drancy, Une quarantaine de prisonniers juifs participent à cette entreprise. Millions of people suffered and died or were killed. Journal d'Helene Berr, Editions Tallandier, 2008, (English translation Journal Helene Berr, MacLehose Press, 2008 and 2009). In the first transport, which departed on June 22, 1942, 1,000 Jews were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Le 22 juin 1942, un premier grand convoi part de Drancy. [4], Many French Jewish intellectuals and artists were held in Drancy, including Max Jacob (who died there), Tristan Bernard, and the choreographer René Blum. internment camp for Jews in occupied France during World War II. Drancy, canton of Le Bourget, arrondissement of Bobigny, Seine-Saint-Denis, Île-de-France, France. By now, Charlotte Salomon was five months pregnant. Les deux iniateurs du projet sont le colonel Robert Blum (Drancy) et Georges Kohn. The Vichy government cooperated with Nazi Germany, hunting down foreign and French Jews and turning them over to the Gestapo for transport to the Third Reich's extermination camps. Drancy était un camp de transit dans lequel on entassait les juifs que les nazis envoyaient dans les camps de concentration. Le principal de ces camps était celui de Drancy : c'est là en effet que furent concentrés les Juifs avant la déportation vers Auschwitz. Five subcamps of Drancy were located throughout Paris (three of which were the Austerlitz, Lévitan and Bassano camps). By September 1943, Charlotte Salomon had married another German Jewish refugee, Alexander Nagler. 1941 à l’été 1944. Some Drancy inmates died as hostage pawns. During the summer of 1942, the Germans began systematic deportations of Jews from Drancy to killing centers in occupied Poland. Only 2,000 remained alive when Allied forces liberated the camp on 17 August 1944. À la Libération, la cité de la Muette sert de camp d’internement aux personnes suspectes de collaboration. However, on 16 July 1995, president Jacques Chirac, in a speech, recognized the responsibility of the French State, and in particular of the French police which organized the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup (Rafle du Vel' d'Hiv) of July 1942, for seconding the "criminal folly of the occupying country". Le camp dinternement de Drancy est un camp, situé au nord-est de Paris (alors dans le département de la Seine, aujourd'hui dans celui de la Seine-Saint-Denis), où furent rassemblés les juifs vivant en France avant leur déportation depuis la gare du Bourget (1942-1943) et de la gare de Bobigny (1943-1944), puis après 1944, les Français accusés de collaboration dont Sacha Guitry et Mary Marquet. Context. En 1939 déjà, avant l'invasion de la France par l'Allemagne nazie, le gouvernement français avait ouvert des camps destinés à "accueillir" les réfugiés républicains espagnols fuyant le régime fachiste de Franco. Washington, DC 20024-2126 Barbie arrested everyone present, all 44 children and 7 adult staff members. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Sacha Guitry et Mary Marquet , accusés de collaboration, y sont détenus et décrivent dans leurs livres leurs conditions de vie. This perspective, held by Charles de Gaulle among others, underlined in particular the circumstances of the July 1940 vote of the full powers to Marshal Pétain, who installed the "French State" and repudiated the Republic. Dans le camp lui-même, les conditions de vie sont très dures. The most infamous internment camps before World War II were used to intern the Spanish Republican refugees and military personnel during the Spanish Civil War. [10], As the Allies were approaching Paris in August 1944, the German officers fled, and the camp was liberated on 17 August when control of the camp was given over to the French Resistance and Swedish diplomat Raoul Nordling.[2]. View the list of all donors. It was located in Drancy, a northeastern suburb of Paris, France. found: Drancy : un camp de concentration très ordinaire, 1941-1944, c1996. France. Holocaust, Jewish. 20 août 1941 : arrivée des premiers internés juifs 12 décembre 1941 : 50 otages sont choisis par les internés juifs de Drancy Juillet 1943 : prise en charge de la direction du camp par Aloïs Brunner 31 juillet 1944 : départ du dernier convoi à destination d’Auschwitz. D'août 1941 à août 1944, le camp d'internement de Drancy ou camp de Drancy a été la plaque tournante de la politique de déportation antisémite en France. Les 16 et 17 juillet 1942 a lieu la grande la rafle du Vél d’Hiv ; le camp … After the 1940 defeat by Germany and 10 July 1940 vote of full powers to Marshal Philippe Pétain, the Republic was abolished and Vichy France was proclaimed. [4] Dutch painter Max van Dam, captured in France en route to Switzerland, was briefly incarcerated in Drancy where he was able to paint and create print work. Until July 1, 1943, French police staffed the camp under the overall control of the German Security Police. [9] A TV documentary was made about the attempt. The perpetrators used these locations for a range of purposes, including forced labor, detention of people deemed to be "enemies of the state," and mass murder. Camp de Drancy, fichiers des internés adultes et enfants, fichier des fusillés (F/9/5675 à 5749). In 2001, Brunner's case was brought before a French court by Nazi hunter Serge Klarsfeld, which sentenced Brunner in absentia to a life sentence for crimes against humanity.[3]. While the criminal behaviour of Vichy France and the collaboration of French officials were acknowledged, and some former Vichy officials prosecuted, this point of view denied any responsibility … Certains détenus creusent même un tunnel pour s'évader. He was among the 1008 deportees on Transport 53 which left Drancy, on 25 March 1943, with the final destination of Sobibor. It was located in Drancy, a northeastern suburb of Paris, France. Shoah. The camp at Drancy was in a multi-storey complex designed to hold 700 people, but at its peak in it held more than 7,000. Approximately 61,000 of these Jews were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. De 1941 à 1944, Drancy fournit les 3/4 des convois de juifs à destination des camps de concentration. While the criminal behaviour of Vichy France and the collaboration of French officials were acknowledged, and some former Vichy officials prosecuted, this point of view denied any responsibility of the French Republic. A few thousand prisoners managed to obtain release during the first year of the camp's existence. The character of Levade was an inmate here, as well as young brothers André and Jacob Duguay. On 20 August 1941, French police conducted raids throughout the 11th arrondissement of Paris and arrested more than 4,000 Jews, mainly foreign or stateless Jews. Drancy was under the control of the French police until 3 July 1943 when Germany took direct control of the Drancy camp. Mais ils sont démasqués avant de parvenir à leurs fins. The two of them were dragged from their house and transported by rail from Nice to Drancy. - celle de Georges Wellers, ancien interné de Drancy, auteur en 1946 du livre De Drancy à Auschwitz: il évoque une « quarantaine de suicides à l’été 1942 », ou encore des « épidémies de suicides » - celle de Maurice Rajsfus, auteur d’Un camp de concentration très ordinaire 1941-1944, Drancy (France : Camp de concentration) Drancy (Concentration camp) Concentration camps. The camp was a multistory U-shaped building that had served as a police barracks before the war. The Drancy camp, named after the northeastern suburb of Paris in which it was located, was established by the Germans in August 1941 as an internment camp for foreign Jews in France.