upon all the living according to his gift; he lavished her upon those who love him. PRIMEIRA PARTE (1,1-42,14) Natureza e benefícios da sabedoria Origem da sabedoria (24,3-18; Jb 28,12-23; Pr 8,22-31) 1 1* Toda a sabedoria vem do Senhor e permanece junto dele para sempre. 1. For Daniel to be passed over in silence would be much more For more about this discovery, click on 'Introduction'. Ben Sira criticises Solomon for surrendering himself to women, but surprisingly, Ben Sira does not mention at all that Solomon’s wives were foreigners. Livre de Ben Sira le Sage. ^ MLA citation. Two Ben Sira fragments found in the Dead Sea scrolls, and also dated to the 1st Century B.C., are likewise textually identical. Livre de Ben Sira le Sage. Inasmuch as many and great truths have been given to us through the Law, the prophets, and the authors who followed them. He does indeed spend a few verses on such a woman (26:1-4, 13-18), praising her loyalty (v. Hoe om te zeggen Ben Sira Engels? [i]13 Those who fear the Lord will be happy at the end,    even on the day of death they will be blessed. The Lord is the source and preserver of all wisdom, which he pours out upon all. 18 The crown of wisdom is the fear of the Lord,    flowering with peace and perfect health. Proceedings of the First International Ben Sira Conference, 28-31 July 1996 Soesterberg, Netherlands (BZAW 255), Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1997, 189-222. 1102 = MS B IX, recto and verso. Ben Sira criticises Solomon for surrendering himself to women, but surprisingly, Ben Sira does not mention at all that Solomon’s wives were foreigners. BEN SIRA 1. Whereas Ben Sira prays for wondrous acts on God's part, Tobit both prays for wondrous acts on God's part, Tobit both prays for and experiences divine feats. Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. Lilith (/ ˈ l ɪ l ɪ θ /; Hebrew: לִילִית ‎ Lîlîṯ) is a figure in Jewish mythology, developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud (3rd to 5th century AD). He did this so that those who love learning might, by accepting what he had written, make even greater progress in living according to the Law. 14 The beginning of wisdom is to fear the Lord;    she is created with the faithful in the womb. Uitspraak van Ben Sira met 1 audio-uitspraak, 3 synoniemen, 1 betekenis, 11 vertalingen, 2 zinnen en nog veel meer voor Ben Sira. It is dated to anywhere between A.D. 700 and 1000. See JESUS CHRIST. El libro de Ben Sira (conocido también como Sirácida o Eclesiástico) gozó de gran popularidad en los primeros siglos del cristianismo. Ben Sira, the author, was a devout man of wisdom who lived in Jerusalem about 200 BC. she is created with the faithful in the womb. In 1:1-42:14, He calls on his readers to seek wisdom and offers sayings on many issues. During this time I applied my skill for many sleepless hours to complete the book and publish it for those living abroad who wish to acquire learning and are disposed to live their lives according to the Law. The author identifies wisdom with the Torah of Moses, thus anchoring his students who seek wisdom and honor . We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Ben Sira 1:1 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE) Foreword. 3. The good news is that more than 100 verses are dedicated to women; the bad news is that most of them are very negative. O wicked thought! 5. In this major unit of his work he considers a wide variety of negative domestic scenarios ranging from drunken wives to wives who are overly talkative, from wives hard to control to those who support their husbands financially, from suppression to divorce. and prudent understanding, from eternity. Ben Sira devotes his most extensive discussion of women to the topic of the bad wife. 1. Pronunciation of Ben Sira with 1 audio pronunciation, 3 synonyms, 1 meaning, 11 translations, 2 sentences and more for Ben Sira. 1 All wisdom # Wisdom: throughout the book Ben Sira describes in great detail just what wisdom is: sometimes divine (1:6, 8), sometimes a synonym for God’s law (24:22–23).Ben Sira makes clear that all wisdom comes from God. Ben Sira as Defender of the Jerusalem Priesthood”, in Pancratius C. Beentjes (ed. 2 The sands of the sea, the drops of rain, the days of eternity—who can count them? A word needs to be said about Ben Sira's teachings about women. 2 The sands of the sea, the drops of rain, the days of eternity—who can count them? 11 The fear of the Lord[h] is glory and exultation,    gladness and a festive crown.12 The fear of the Lord rejoices the heart,    giving gladness, joy, and long life. Elogio à sabedoria. 1 The Book of Ben Sira (also known as Ecclesiasticus, Sirach, or the Wisdom of Ben Sira) was written sometime between 198 and 175 BCE in Jerusalem. The Wisdom of Ben Sira, (or The Wisdom of Yeshua Ben Sira or merely Sirach), called Ecclesiasticus (not to be confused with Ecclesiastes) by Christians, is a book written circa 180–175 BCE.The author, Yeshua ben Sira, was a Jew who had been living in Jerusalem, who may in fact have established his school and written his work in Alexandria (Guillaume). Inasmuch as many and great truths have been given to us through the Law, the prophets, and the authors who followed them,[a] for which the instruction and wisdom of Israel merit praise, it is the duty of those who read the scriptures not only to become knowledgeable themselves but also to use their love of learning in speech and in writing to help others less familiar. Portions of chapters 39–44 survive in the Masada manuscript, (כז) [מִי הֶחָפֵץ לָרֶשֶׁת אוֹתָהּ, נַחֲלַת עוֹלָם וְשִׂמְחָה רַבָּה.] The fear of the Lord is the crown of wisdom, making peace and perfect health to flourish. I therefore considered it my duty to devote some diligence and industry to the translation of this book. Who can number the sand of the sea, and the drops of rain, and the days of eternity? Proud member Read verse in … Ben Sira Quotes Brief author info: Ben Sira (2nd century b.c.e.) 3 Heaven’s height, earth’s extent, the abyss and wisdom—who can explore them? 22 Unjust anger can never be justified;    anger pulls a person to utter ruin.23 [k]Until the right time, the patient remain calm,    then cheerfulness comes back to them.24 Until the right time they hold back their words;    then the lips of many will tell of their good sense. Ben Sira was a second century BCE Jewish scribe, sage, and allegorist from Jerusalem, and the author of the Wisdom of Sirach, also known as the Book of Ecclesiasticus.He is also known as Joshua ben Sirach, Shim`on ben Yeshu`a ben Sira, Jesus son of Sirach, or Jesus Siracides. Hebrew texts of Ben Sira are extant for about two-thirds of the book. she heightens the glory of those who possess her. * [1:11–30] This is one of several poems of 22 bicola, or poetic lines, corresponding to the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet. (כז) [מִי הֶחָפֵץ לָרֶשֶׁת אוֹתָהּ, נַחֲלַת עוֹלָם וְשִׂמְחָה רַבָּה.] He wrote his work in Hebrew, possibly in Alexandria, Egypt ca. 6 The root of wisdom—to whom has it been revealed? For more about this discovery, click on 'Introduction'. Ben Sira 1. You are invited therefore to read it with good will and attention, with indulgence for any failure on our part, despite earnest efforts, in the interpretation of particular passages. The Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 1 God’s Gift of Wisdom* 1 All wisdom* is from the Lord. 0 (1) LA LOI, les Prophètes et les livres qui leur font suite nous ont transmis de nombreuses et grandes leçons, et il faut, à ce sujet, louer Israël pour son enseignement et sa sagesse. From c. AD 700–1000 onwards Lilith appears as Adam's first wife, created at the same time (Rosh Hashanah) and from the same clay as Adam—compare Genesis 1:27. Ben Sira Quotes Brief author info: Ben Sira (2nd century b.c.e.) Her subtleties—who knows them? Why were you shaped to cover the earth with deceit? Ben Sira 1 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE) Foreword. To fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; she is created with the faithful in the womb. Do not be a hypocrite before others, and keep watch over your lips. Used by … Again his language is veiled. All rights reserved. 1 All wisdom[c] is from the Lord    and remains with him forever. The Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 1 God’s Gift of Wisdom* 1 All wisdom* is from the Lord. Unlike Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes, from which he learned much and which he also rebutted on certain points, Ben Sira places the pursuit of piety and obedience to the ancestral Jewish law at the center of the pursuit of Wisdom—and this at a time when tensions concerning assimilation to the dominant culture of Hellenism were mounting and about to reach a fevered pitch in the crisis of 175-164 B.C.E. Hebrew scholar and philosopher (Simeon ben Jeshua ben Eleazer ben Sira) Noted sage and aphorist; author of The Wisdom of Ben Sira (c. 180 b.c.e. An understanding of wisdom—to whom has this been disclosed; splendor opens out for those who love him. the abyss and wisdom—who can explore them? "Restrain not thy hand from doing good." Jesus Sirach (oder Ben Sira, der Siracide, das Sirachbuch, abgekürzt Sir) gehört zu den sog.Spätschriften des Alten Testaments.Das Buch ist nach seinem Autor benannt, der um 190/180 v. Chr. Ben Sira uses the expression “fear of the Lord” twelve times and the noun “wisdom” seven times to emphasize the connection between the two ideas. The sand of the sea, the drops of rain, and the days of eternity—who can count them? Used by … The Lord will reveal your secrets and overthrow you before the whole congregation, because you did not come in the fear of the Lord, and your heart was full of deceit. The textual situation of the Wisdom of Ben Sira, notably the often confused and fragmentary state of the Hebrew manuscripts, created some unique difficulties for this translation. (Ben Sira 34:1-8) If Ben Sira believed dreamers were fools, and thought of Daniel primarily as a dreamer,12 one could hardly expect Ben Sira to name Daniel as one of Israel's great and illustrious figures of the past. Ben Sira is thus not interested in the cult per se. That is true not only of this book but of the Law itself, the prophecies, and the rest of the books, which differ no little when they are read in the original. 1 Toda sabedoria vem do Senhor. [e](B)8 [f]There is but one, wise and truly awesome,    seated upon his throne—the Lord.9 It is he who created her,    saw her and measured her,(C)Poured her forth upon all his works,10     upon every living thing according to his bounty,    lavished her upon those who love him. Ben Sira uses the expression “fear of the Lord” twelve times and the noun “wisdom” seven times to emphasize the connection between the two ideas. Ben Sira 1 All wisdom cometh from the Lord, and is with him for ever. The fear of the Lord is glory and exultation, and gladness and a crown of rejoicing. bce). [שְמָעוּנִי יִרְאֵי אֱלֹהִים, וְהַאֲזִינוּ וְהִתְבּוֹנְנוּ לִדְבָרַי.] * [1:11–30] This is one of several poems of 22 bicola, or poetic lines, corresponding to the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Her subtleties—who knows them? While Ben Sira’s poem on wisdom and fear of God (Sir 1:11–21) draws on earlier texts from the Hebrew Bible, it transfers the rewards for wisdom (Prov 1–9) and the blessings for Torah obedience (Deut 30:15–16) onto the fear of the Lord. Ben Sira 16 New American Bible Revised Edition: God’s Punishment of Sinners* 1 Do not yearn for worthless children, or rejoice in wicked offspring. 2 Even if they be many, do not rejoice in them. Salem Media Group. There is but one who is wise, greatly to be feared, seated upon his throne—the Lord. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. 1102 = MS B IX, recto and verso. Gigot, Francis. 2 A areia dos mares, as gotas da chuva, os dias da eternidade, quem os poderá contar? Portions of chapters 39–44 survive in the Masada manuscript, ‎קפה סירה Cafe Sira‎ - Ben Sira 1, 9418101 Jerusalem - Rated 4.8 based on 17 Reviews "Great food, great drinks, great people, and great vibe. Scripture texts, prefaces, introductions, footnotes and cross references used in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC All Rights Reserved. [j]19 Knowledge and full understanding she rains down;    she heightens the glory of those who possess her. Hebrew scholar and philosopher (Simeon ben Jeshua ben Eleazer ben Sira) Noted sage and aphorist; author of The Wisdom of Ben Sira (c. 180 b.c.e. For Daniel to be passed over in silence would be much more Attempting to serve the Lord with duplicity of heart is hypocrisy and self-exaltation, deserving of public disgrace. She rained down knowledge and discerning comprehension, and she heightened the glory of those who held her fast. His work was written in Hebrew , nevertheless, and translated into Greek by his grandson in Egypt , who added a preface. Ben Sira also known as Shimon ben Yeshua ben Eliezer ben Sira (שמעון בן יהושע בן אליעזר בן סירא) or Yeshua Ben Sirach (fl. For this view see Snaith, “Supposed Love,” 168–69; Marböck, Weisheit, 87; Haspecker, J., Gottesfurcht bei Jesus Sirach (AnBib 30; Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1967) 304, 312. and remains with him forever.a. even on the day of death they will be blessed. Again his language is veiled. 2. Hoe om te zeggen Ben Sira Engels? New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1909 if they do not have fear of the Lord. THE WISDOM OF BEN SIRA (ECCLESIASTICUS) The Wisdom of Ben Sira derives its title from the author, “Yeshua [Jesus], son of Eleazar, son of Sira” (50:27). New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Wisdom was created before all other things, and prudent understanding from eternity. The textual situation of the Wisdom of Ben Sira, notably the often confused and fragmentary state of the Hebrew manuscripts, created some unique difficulties for this translation. For then the Lord will reveal your secrets. SIRACH The Wisdom of Ben Sira, also known as Sirach or Ecclesiasticus, is a collection of sayings and lengthier instructions written by a devout Jew of the late third to early second century b.c. faithfulness and humility are his delight. The first page of the Hebrew original of Ben Sira to be identified in the modern era, by Solomon Schechter in 1896 – now located in Cambridge, bearing the shelfmark CUL Or. Used by permission. Do not exalt yourself, or you may fall and bring dishonor upon yourself. Baruch's poem on wisdom (3:9-4:4) does not integrate mythic themes about wisdom's role in creation with the idea that the concrete expression of wisdom occurs in the law. New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE). Prueba de ello es su repercusión en los escritos neotestamentarios y en las obras de los Padres de la Iglesia 1. 2nd century BCE), was a Hellenistic Jewish scribe, sage, and allegorist from Seleucid-controlled Jerusalem of the Second Temple period. (Ben Sira 34:1-8) If Ben Sira believed dreamers were fools, and thought of Daniel primarily as a dreamer,12 one could hardly expect Ben Sira to name Daniel as one of Israel's great and illustrious figures of the past. of 03 La hauteur du ciel, l’étendue de la terre, la profondeur de l’abîme, qui pourra les évaluer ?. [שְמָעוּנִי יִרְאֵי אֱלֹהִים, וְהַאֲזִינוּ וְהִתְבּוֹנְנוּ לִדְבָרַי.] e a sabedoria está para sempre com ele. 20 The root of wisdom is to fear the Lord;    her branches are long life.21 The fear of the Lord drives away sins;    where it abides it turns back all anger. Without the background story from 1 Kings 11, a reader of Ben Sira might think that Solomon’s transgression was perhaps adultery or a kind of sexual insatiability. 694, 703; Cowley and Neubauer, "The Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus," Introduction, p. xx. Livre de Ben Sira le Sage. Those who are patient stay calm until the right moment, and then cheerfulness comes back to them. Ben Sira için 1 ses telaffuz Ben Sira telaffuz, 3 eşanlamlıları, 1 anlamı, 11 çevirileri, 2 cümleler ve daha fazlası. The root of wisdom—to whom has it been revealed? How to say Ben Sira in English? Pronunciation of Ben Sira with 1 audio pronunciation, 3 synonyms, 1 meaning, 11 translations, 2 sentences and more for Ben Sira. 16 The fullness of wisdom is to fear the Lord;    she inebriates them with her fruits. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. (E)17 Their entire house she fills with choice foods,    their granaries with her produce. The height of heaven, the breadth of the earth, the abyss, and wisdom —who can search them out? There are many ways you can help me to bring this message to the world. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Ecclesiasticus. Those who fear the Lord will have a happy end; on the day of their death they will be blessed. Read verse in New Revised Standard w/ Apocrypha Libro de la Sabiduría de Jesús ben Sira; de Jesús ben Sirá: Portada de la Biblia Protestante de Gustavo I de Suecia de 1541, la primera en idioma sueco.Incluía los Libros "Deuterocanónicos" en una sección al final del Antiguo Testamento. How to say Ben Sira in English? Sirach 6:5–17 is the first, and possibly the best-known, of Ben Sira’s pericopes on friendship; hence I will treat it first here. 3 Quem pode medir a altura do céu, a largura da terra ou a profundeza dos oceanos? 2 Material culture is a term from archaeology meaning the physical objects left by people of the past. İngilizce Ben Sira nasıl söylerim? Without the background story from 1 Kings 11, a reader of Ben Sira might think that Solomon’s transgression was perhaps adultery or a kind of sexual insatiability. The Catholic Encyclopedia. The author, Yeshua ben Sira, was a Jew who had been living in Jerusalem, who may in fact have established his school and written his work in Alexandria (Guillaume). Vol. Ben Sira 1 All wisdom is from the Lord, and with him it remains forever. If you desire wisdom, keep the commandments, and the Lord will lavish her upon you. It’s not that Ben Sira cannot imagine having a good wife. do not approach it with duplicity of heart. Kitab Yesus bin Sirakh (atau Kitab Kebijaksanaan Yesua ben Sira, Ben Sira, Kebijaksanaan Sirakh, Kitab Eklesiastikus), yang biasa disebut Putra Sirakh, Bin Sirakh, atau Sirakh saja, merupakan suatu karya yang berisikan ajaran-ajaran etika dari sekitar tahun 180-175 SM. ; also called Ecclesias-ticus and part of the Apocrypha); contains psalms as well as poems on daily life, conduct, and historical events. and remains with him forever.a. To fear the Lord is the root of wisdom, and her branches are long life. The rabbinical sources characterize this as a saying of Ben Sira, though it does not occur in Ecclesiasticus [it is a slight scribal variation of Ben Sira, vii. Ben Sira est un érudit juif qui écrivit au II e siècle avant J.-C., vers -180, un des livres poétiques de l'Ancien Testament, le Siracide, appelé aussi Ecclésiastique [1]. Hummus Ben Sira, Jerusalem: See 650 unbiased reviews of Hummus Ben Sira, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #37 of 802 restaurants in Jerusalem. 01 TOUTE SAGESSE vient du Seigneur, et demeure auprès de lui pour toujours.. 02 Le sable des mers, les gouttes de la pluie, et les jours de l’éternité, qui pourra en faire le compte ?. (F)29 Do not be a hypocrite before others;    over your lips keep watch.30 Do not exalt yourself lest you fall    and bring dishonor upon yourself; For then the Lord will reveal your secrets    and cast you down in the midst of the assembly.Because you did not approach the fear of the Lord,    and your heart was full of deceit. but godliness is an abomination to the sinner. Gain a concise, fundamental grasp of what the Bible is all about with our new. 0 (1) LA LOI, les Prophètes et les livres qui leur font suite nous ont transmis de nombreuses et grandes leçons, et il faut, à ce sujet, louer Israël pour son enseignement et sa sagesse. is from the Lord Is it not a sorrow like that for death itself when a companion and friend turns into an enemy? is from the Lord Though not included in the Jewish Bible after the first century A.D., nor, therefore, accepted by Protestants, the Wisdom of Ben Sira has been recognized by the Catholic Church as inspired and canonical. ), The Book of Ben Sira in Modern Research. 10. Jesus of Nazareth. They hold back their words until the right moment; then the lips of many tell of their good sense. To fear the Lord is fullness of wisdom; she inebriates mortals with her fruits; she fills their whole house with desirable goods, and their storehouses with her produce. In the treasuries of wisdom are wise sayings, but godliness is an abomination to a sinner. The Hebrew manuscripts of Ben Sira can be found in Pancratius C. Beentjes, The Book of Ben Sira in Hebrew: A Text Edition of All Extant Hebrew Manuscripts and a Synopsis of All Hebrew Ben Sira Texts (VTsupp 68; Leiden: Brill, 1997). I arrived in Egypt in the thirty-eighth year of the reign of King Euergetes, and while there, I had access to no little learning. It is a compilation of two lists of proverbs, 22 in Aramaic and 22 in Hebrew, both arranged as alphabetic acrostics. Jesus BARABBAS is a variant name for the criminal released by Pilate at the Passover festival (Matt 27:16–17). Two Ben Sira fragments found in the Dead Sea scrolls, and also dated to the 1st Century B.C., are likewise textually identical. 2 Quem pode contar os grãos da areia do mar, as gotas da chuva ou os dias da eternidade? She made among human beings an eternal foundation, and among their descendants she will abide faithfully. Ben Sira, perhaps the most misogynist of ancient Jewish writers, thus becomes the first to “blame Eve” for the sin and death that marks the human condition. 1 All wisdom # Wisdom: throughout the book Ben Sira describes in great detail just what wisdom is: sometimes divine (1:6, 8), sometimes a synonym for God’s law (24:22–23).Ben Sira makes clear that all wisdom comes from God. The rabbinical tradition that the Wisdom of Ben Sira was written by a sage of Jerusalem about 180 B.C. Uitspraak van Ben Sira met 1 audio-uitspraak, 3 synoniemen, 1 betekenis, 11 vertalingen, 2 zinnen en nog veel meer voor Ben Sira. 1. 3 Do not count on long life for them,a. This seems to be the earliest title of the book. and cast you down in the midst of the assembly. Ben Sirá, Ben Sirac (hebreo: בן סירא: בן סירא‬), también conocido como Shimon ben Yeshua ben Eliezer ben Sira; Jesús Ben Sirac; Jesús, hijo de Sirac; o Sirácides (c. siglo II a.C.), era un escriba judío helenístico, sabio y alegorista de Jerusalén.Es el autor del Libro de Sirácida o Eclesiástico, también conocido como Libro de la Sabiduría de Jesús Ben Sirá. Asmussen, "Eine jüdisch-persische Übersetzung des Ben-Sira Alphabets," in Ex orbe religionum 1 (1972) 144-55. Do not disobey the fear of the Lord; do not approach him with a divided mind. 25 Among wisdom’s treasures is the model for knowledge;    but godliness is an abomination to the sinner.26 If you desire wisdom, keep the commandments,    and the Lord will bestow her upon you;27 For the fear of the Lord is wisdom and discipline;    faithfulness and humility are his delight. The first page of the Hebrew original of Ben Sira to be identified in the modern era, by Solomon Schechter in 1896 – now located in Cambridge, bearing the shelfmark CUL Or. For the fear of the Lord is wisdom and discipline, fidelity and humility are his delight. then the lips of many will tell of their good sense. Kitab Yesus bin Sirakh (atau Kitab Kebijaksanaan Yesua ben Sira, Ben Sira, Kebijaksanaan Sirakh, Kitab Eklesiastikus), yang biasa disebut Putra Sirakh, Bin Sirakh, atau Sirakh saja, merupakan suatu karya yang berisikan ajaran-ajaran etika dari sekitar tahun 180-175 SM. The first 43 chapters of the Book provide moral instruction and common sense gained from experience, fitting of Wisdom literature. S. T. Lachs, "The Alphabet of Ben Sira: A Study in Folk Literature," Gratz 2. Ben Sira devotes his most extensive discussion of women to the topic of the bad wife. In this major unit of his work he considers a wide variety of negative domestic scenarios ranging from drunken wives to wives who are overly talkative, from wives hard to control to those who support their husbands financially, from suppression to divorce. The Foreword, though not properly part of the book, is always included with it because of its antiquity and importance. pp. Because you did not approach the fear of the Lord, This brief poem serves as an introduction to the book. Jesus Ben-Sira (son of Sira) was the author of the book of Sirach (2nd cent. The fear of the Lord delights the heart, and gives gladness and joy and long life. Ben Sira speaks in the first person, sometimes giving autobiographical details (34:11; 38-39). The rabbinical tradition that the Wisdom of Ben Sira was written by a sage of Jerusalem about 180 B.C. Hummus Ben Sira, Jerusalem: See 650 unbiased reviews of Hummus Ben Sira, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #37 of 802 restaurants in Jerusalem. The Alphabet of ben Sirach (Alphabetum Siracidis, Otijot ben Sira, Alpha Beta la-Ben Sira) is an anonymous text of the Middle Ages inspired by the Hellenistic work known as the Sirach.Its date of authorship is estimated to have been anywhere between 700 and 1000 CE. De Hebrew texts of Ben Sira are extant for about two-thirds of the book. and with their descendants she will keep faith. All rights reserved. Unjust anger cannot be justified, for anger tips the scale to one's ruin. Ben Sira - chapter 37 37: 1- 31 (translated by Edgar Goodspeed) Every friend will say, "I am your friend"; but sometimes a friend is a friend only in name. Ben Sira … 28 Do not disobey the fear of the Lord,[l]    do not approach it with duplicity of heart. All wisdom is from the Lord, and with him it remains forever. The sand of the sea, the drops of rain, and the days of eternity—who can count them? It is he who created her; he saw her and took her measure; he poured her out upon all his works.