He was rescued from despondency by an Algerian immigrant caregiver, Abdel Yasmin Sellou. Maybe someone whose native language is French can look though the French article and see what's usable. Abdel Sellou a quitté la délinquance pour s'improviser assistant médical d'un handicapé moteur. Don’t trust your teak to just anyone! Teak Master has been in business for more than 18 years and is the premier teak refinishing company in the Orange County area. $39.93: $8.08: Paperback, March 15, 2012: $8.63 — $4.44: Mass Market Paperback "Please retry" $6.49 . These movies were based on his memoir, A Second Wind. 1 Review. He learns the extent of Philippe's disability and then accompanies Philippe in every moment of his life, discovering with … The story of Philippe and his Algerian attendant, Abdel Sallou, was told in a 2003 documentary, A la vie, à la mort. Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images Teak Restoration by Teak Master. You Saved My Life tells the extraordinary true story of the charming Algerian con-man whose friendship with a disabled French aristocrat inspired the record-breaking hit film, The Intouchables (the American remake starring Kevin Hart and Bryan Cranston coming in 2018). "We saw an incredible story between two men who never should have met. Una historia sobre la amistad inspirada en la experiencia real del conde Philippe Pozzo di Borgo y su asistente Abdel Yasmin Sellou. When French filmmaker Eric Toledano first heard the story of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and his personal attendant Abdel Yasmin Sellou, he was blown away. Pozzo di Borgo published an autobiographic book, Le Second Souffle (The second wind) in 2001, in which he describes the drama of his life and his return into it, including the rediscovery of love. Alfabetisk oversigt over artikler; Kronologisk oversigt, nyeste øverst; Følg artikelimport på digitaliser.dk. Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and Abdel Yasmin Sellou attend 'Menschen 2012' Show Taping on December 2, 2012 in Munich, Germany. Assista. & abdel yasmin sellou The next day, Driss returns to Philippe's mansion and learns to his surprise that he is on a trial period for the live-in carer job. Abdel Yasmin Sellou, Self: Secret Story. Find the perfect Philippe Pozzo Di Borgo stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Get this from a library! Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and Abdel Yasmin Sellou attend 'Menschen 2012' Show Taping on December 2, 2012 in Munich, Germany. Price New from Used from Paperback "Please retry" $39.93 . Pozzi di Borgo has written a book called 'Le Second Souffle' ('The Second Breath', my translation) where he tells the story about his life with Yasmin Sellou and it's from this book the directors Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano made the adaptation for the screen. Celebrities Abdel Sellou Net Worth Abdel Sellou Net Worth 2020, Age, Height, Relationships, Married, Dating, Family, Wiki Biography Algerian caretaker Abdel Sellou steers Pozzo di Borgo's wheelchair. Their story was also adapted in the biographical movies The Intouchables (2011), and the Indian, Argentine, and American re-makes, respectvely, Oopiri (2016), Inseparables (2016), and The Upside (2019). The most important person in his life is Abdel Yasmin Sellou, his domiciliary care. L’histoire est inspirée de la vie de Philippe Pozzo di Borgo (auteur du livre Le Second Souffle), tétraplégique depuis 1993, et de sa relation avec Abdel Yasmin Sellou, son aide à domicile, dont les rôles sont tenus respectivement par les acteurs François Cluzet et Omar Sy. Abdel Sellou now lives in Algeria with his wife and three children, where he runs a chicken farm. The two are making an appearance at lit.Cologne (06.03-16.03), one of Europe's largest literature festivals. The ending of the film doesn’t match reality either. Una función que supone la segunda parte de su conocida como trilogía contra el abuso. Lifestylový magazín se zaměřením na svět celebrit, životní styl, zprávy z domova i ze světa, sport a zábavu. Aujourd'hui chef d'entreprise, il partage sa vie entre l'Algérie, la France et le Maroc, où habite désormais son ancien patron, ami et bienfaiteur, Philippe Pozzo di Borgo. Leur histoire incroyable a inspiré le film Intouchables. [Abdel Sellou; Philippe Pozzo di Borgo; Caroline Andrieu; Hester Tollenaar] -- Relaas van de Frans-Algerijnse voormalige probleemjongere die als verzorger en vriend van de verlamde Philippe Pozzo di Borgo een nieuw leven begon. He fell into a deep depression from which he was saved due to the help of his caretaker of Algerian origin, Abdel Yasmin Sellou. Finally, Abdel Yasmin Sellou, the ex-convict hired to take care of the aristocrat, is not originally from … Abdel Yasmin Sellou zog ins Palais Hôtel de Longueuil – und pflegte Philippe Pozzo di Borgo zehn Jahre lang. Philippe moved to Morocco where he found love again, a young Moroccan who was a single mother of 2 little girls. Tanttaka Teatroa - La Casa de la Llave La compañía Tanttaka Teatroa produce un espectáculo dramático que busca concienciar contra la violencia doméstica. Als Philippe Pozzo di Borgo nach dem Krebstod seiner Ehefrau 1996 in eine schwere Depression verfiel, half ihm Abdel Sellou darüber hinweg. On this IMDbrief, we break down our favorite panels and surprises from July 2020's Comic-Con@Home. The film ends with shots of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and Abdel Sellou, the people on whom the film is based, together on a hillside, reminiscent of the paragliding scene earlier in the film. Les rôles sont tenus respectivement par les acteurs François Cluzet et Omar Sy . Setting. The Upside pairs up Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart in this remake of French comedy drama “Intouchables”, based on the true story of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and Abdel Yasmin Sellou. Abdel Sellou contou como a tarefa de cuidar de um tetraplégico o fez repensar suas atitudes e transformou sua vida. Jij veranderde mijn leven. Abdel Sellou, Caroline Andrieu. He remains close to Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, who lives in Morocco with his second wife and two children. The film examines his relationship with Abdel Yasmin Sellou, his home help. Select from premium Philippe Pozzo Di Borgo of the highest quality. References. You Changed My Life tells the extraordinary true story of the charming Algerian con-man whose friendship with a disabled French aristocrat inspired the record-breaking hit film, The Intouchables . Hachette Books, Jul 10, 2012 - Biography & Autobiography - 204 pages. -- ( talk ) 21:55, 20 May 2012 (UTC) 57.9k Followers, 5,965 Following, 1,591 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from yassmin abdel-magied | ياسمين (@yassmin_a) by Abdel Sellou. This story is inspired by the life of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo (author of the book Le Second Souffle), a quadriplegic since 1993, and his relationship with Abdel Yasmin Sellou, his live-in caretaker, whose roles are played by François Cluzet et Omar Sy, respectively. Philippe Pozzo di Borgo. The roles are held respectively by the actors François Cluzet and Omar Sy. Product details. The closing caption states how the men remain close friends to this day. Le générique de fin indique que 5 % des bénéfices réalisés par le film sont reversés à une association pour les personnes paralysées. Abdel Sellou and Philippe Pozzo di Borgo were two people marginalized by society: Sellou a wisecracking, unemployed immigrant, just out on parole; Pozzo a man born to wealth and privilege, recently paralyzed from the neck down after a paragliding accident. Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and Abdel Sellou talk about their books 'Ziemlich beste Freunde' and 'Einfach Freunde' during the lit. by Abdel Yasmin Sellou (Author), Philippe Pozzo (Preface) 4.6 out of 5 stars 25 ratings. There is a French article about Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, the other man is Abdel Yasmin Sellou (he isn't black, by the way). See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. LifeInDenmark. That is, until the arrival of his “guardian devil,” an Algerian-born career criminal named Abdel Yasmin Sellou, who became the wealthy man’s caregiver.